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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

Something like lord iggys old nes, or farows, or north kings!
I started one where players were supposed to PM me ideas for their nations (which can be almost whatever: I just tweak starting stats and birth rate). But everyone posted 'skeleton romans lol' in thread and got it banned.

Must be my attitude, huh? It was called CharlNES: Rise of the Central Valley and it was supposed to be a cradle to move out of, into the northern wastes and the southern jungles.
Heh... Skeleton Romans... That brings back memories.
I've been working out the plotline for the next DOOM Project. While doing so, I've thought a bit how the characters would function.

I wanted to have many diverse options for characters that were tangible; that is, each character would have attributes, chosen by the player, that would have an impact on the game. Additionally, I wanted the player to feel like their character was unique.

In that sense, I am thinking of developing a diverse character attribute setup that allows the player to fine tune their character in the way they envision.

There will be four main statistics: Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Intelligence. These are the only stats that the player will be forced to put "points" into, because they act as a foundation from which the rest of the attributes grow. Meanwhile, there will be many other, specific attributes that the player can indirectly grow through their character's backstory, career, prior experiences, etc. Keep in mind that the player isn't directly picking these attributes; instead, he is dictating how his character performs through the character's backstory. These attributes are merely a tangible source of uniqueness to each character.

For example, perhaps your character was a former CIA agent. That would give a bonus to your stealth and senses.

Another character may be "trigger happy", which will increase his reaction time when firing his weapon but decreasing his judgment capabilities while in certain combat situations.

These attributes would not be too powerful that they totally dictate the flow of the game; however, I hope they will be noticeable enough that the players will feel that their characters have a personality and skill set. Each of these attributes would affect the outcome of encounters and combat when run through the simulator (blackbox).

Here is a beta list of attributes that I have written down after brainstorming. Each character won't have a list like this; instead, signficant attributes can be listen in the character's stats. Keep in mind that these attributes do not have a number or point value per each.

Accuracy: Medium Range
Accuracy: Long Range
Judgment: Combat
Judgment: Decisions
Knowledge: Combat
Knowledge: Mission
Knowledge: Global
Reaction Time
Recoil Control
Sense: Hearing
Sense: Sight
Sense: Smell
Technical Skills
Magitek like Immac's fading heavens NES but with more magic, or something like the RPG Arcanum (steampunk with magic) or fresh-start bronze age where we choose to develop either magic or tech or both and which encompasses how long a timeline?
Magitek like Immac's fading heavens NES but with more magic, or something like the RPG Arcanum (steampunk with magic) or fresh-start bronze age where we choose to develop either magic or tech or both and which encompasses how long a timeline?

Well, my idea was one where you can actually mix magic and technology to make things. For example, you could make ship that are self-propelled thanks to Air Magic; better alloys thanks to Earth Magic; everlasting fires could impulse an Industrial revolution... that kind of things. Could work better with a steampunk-magitek mix. Whomever mods it would have to think about how nations would develop with that, if it doesn't start with a fresh start (though, a fresh start that starts with steampunk and magitek sounds interesting...)
Also, imagine this possibility:
In the middle of the 19th century, magic is discovered to not only exist, but also to be workable much like technology. Things go more or less OK, with magic being part of investigations by scientists, but when the Great War starts in 1914, things go very ugly very soon, as magic starts to get used against civilian objectives, and society collapses completely, with the idea of nations being blasted away due to government structure everywhere going to hell.

Fast forward 30 years, and humanity, while being around 1-2 billion people, has foregone the ideas that caused the Great War and live in anarchy (doesn't mean without order), with many farms peppering all of the world, some pieces of technology and magic still workable in distinct places... until a charismatic person (the player's first avatar) comes and manages to convince a couple of farms to band together and start the conquest of the world.

You would be able to re-discover technologies and/or use magic to make them as well. For example, imagine steamships that don't need coal, just a Mage of Fire to work on them; foundries that use Mages of Fire/Earth to develop great alloys for armors; Mages of Life working at farms and making plants bloom within days; flying fortresses held in air by Air magic... and everything would only be held back by your imagination and your economy.
@dreadnought and Milar

'tis both a lovely idea
I'd play that Milarqui (depending on game system)

What about the actual game design? Like traditional NESes with nation stats? What about units? Player-designed? What about leaders and governors, etc?
ooh, sounds fun Milarqui. I wouldn't mind joining
I'd play that Milarqui (depending on game system)

What about the actual game design? Like traditional NESes with nation stats? What about units? Player-designed? What about leaders and governors, etc?

Hm. Well, in regards to the map, it would be a battle between Missile map (regions drawn already) vs. Normal map. The first is easier in that it let's you go better at stat making, while the second is more realistic.

About units, a couple would be the same for everyone at the start (after all, many nations have had similar kinds of units, even if their strategies were vastly different), but then each nation would be able to make up their own units. It wouldn't go to the level of, say, Eltain recent's NES, which required about 10 EP (easily three-to-four times the starting money), but it would require some research and expense.

Leaders and governors? Don't know. Maybe I could include a system similar to EQ's Fallout NES.

Other things could be:
- Finding old technology and repair it. Given that the background has everything go to hell in the middle 1910s, then I guess you could even find some old tanks like the Mark I.
- Discovering magical sites. Ley lines would be places that would allow magicians to draw magic/mana. Ley points, where ley lines cross, would be places where some kind of magical factory could be built (Stonehenge comes to mind, for example).
- Developing new ideas. Magic would be able to allow development of some kind of television, for example.
Also, imagine this possibility:
In the middle of the 19th century, magic is discovered to not only exist, but also to be workable much like technology. Things go more or less OK, with magic being part of investigations by scientists, but when the Great War starts in 1914, things go very ugly very soon, as magic starts to get used against civilian objectives, and society collapses completely, with the idea of nations being blasted away due to government structure everywhere going to hell.

Fast forward 30 years, and humanity, while being around 1-2 billion people, has foregone the ideas that caused the Great War and live in anarchy (doesn't mean without order), with many farms peppering all of the world, some pieces of technology and magic still workable in distinct places... until a charismatic person (the player's first avatar) comes and manages to convince a couple of farms to band together and start the conquest of the world.

You would be able to re-discover technologies and/or use magic to make them as well. For example, imagine steamships that don't need coal, just a Mage of Fire to work on them; foundries that use Mages of Fire to develop great alloys for armors; Mages of Life working at farms and making plants bloom within days; flying fortresses held in air by Air magic... and everything would only be held back by your imagination and your economy.

Brings me back so fast. Much better way of descibing the system. I just put a gamma time freeze and trans-dimensional avatars. I would join If I can find time.

For the map, I advocate some changes due to use of magic: Cities bombed with water turn into rust-colored lakes. Fire bombed cities are fertile plains while earth attacked ones form large mounds of jagged rock. Air attacked areas would be very eerily flat.
how would economics work?
Terrance888's suggestion is quite good. The pity is that my ability at map-drawing is really bad.

Economics would depend on what kind of map would be used. A missile map would just give a province a certain money depending on development, while a normal map would have to have the cities and towns expand in order to make up more money.

Magic on a small level could just be powered up by special certain towers in towns, but bigger ones (such as research on magic) would require mana. Mana extraction buildings would have to be built, and cities could be placed around them. A mana extraction building on a ley point would be able to produce loads of mana.
Don't forget to coordinate major Ley Lines with climate! An Equatorial Fire Line? Wet water lines streaking over the Rainforests prevent burning? Air lines blow supermassive hurricanes?

Also, I hope we also get 'minor' ley lines, along with the general prevailent magic.
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