New NESes, ideas, development, etc

What is the average lifespan of elves? I would recommend something around 150 years.

Roughly 150 and 120 would be the very upward limit of elven and human lifespans, respectively.

Was that a Battlestar Galactica reference?

I understand that it's from that, but I've never seen the either the remake or the 1970's(?) original. I just like the sound of it :shifty:
BTW LoE, an idea I had. What if I were to make a "Meta Culture", but with Meta style secrets handed down through the generations. Would that work for you?
Basically, the idea was a culture which doesn't break the Fourth Wall but which comes close in many ways and breaks the wall implicitly even when it doesn't explicitly.
No meta.
Basically, the idea was a culture which doesn't break the Fourth Wall but which comes close in many ways and breaks the wall implicitly even when it doesn't explicitly.

Still not sure what it means, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit the tone.

(sorry for dogpiling, I just wanted to provide a more nuanced 'I don't think it's a good idea')
Luckily we need not delve too deeply into this madness lest we desire to awake a horror of shadow and flame.
I'll move onto trying to find a new idea then.

Stars are beautiful tonight. My father told me that they were the only things not created by the Creator Goddess: that they were souls of our ancestors stubbornly hanging on to the edges of space to watch over and protect us. These were the souls of heroes, father told me: souls of the bravest and the most willful who could resist the call of the Nether.

Still, they would not resist the pull of the Nether forever. I was there when a star died. I saw a soul of an unnamed man fall from heaven, striking the earth with a tremendous blow. I bore witness as the soul's crumpled form cooled and stopped its glow. This is why we must never stop naming the stars we find in the night sky. The souls will not be able to resist without a name.

Names are far more important than you may realize, my friend. Do you not know that the world was created with a single word? The Goddess created herself. She inscribed the word, Mal, God, into a place where an endless cliff met the rising seas and arose gasping from the calm waters.

She was a Goddess, but also the first Wordsmith. She looked down at the name she had given herself: Mal, and felt something stir within her. She looked outwards, upon an endless stone field that this world once used to be and decided to convert it into a canvas for her art.

She carved the word, Wind, into the very edge of where the falling stones met the rising waters. The water responded with the very first roar of the waves. Dirt, she carved upon a stone, and the stone softened. Life, she carved upon the softened earth, and all manners of creatures sprung out to greet her.

And so she went. The angels were the first living things that could think on their own. They devoted their lives to serve the Goddess, and followed her words with worship and adoration. Eventually, they began to carve as well. While the Goddess created new words into being, they created alphabets, literature, tales. Soon, there was not a single surface left upon the world where the Goddess and the angels had not touched. Still, the Goddess was not satisfied.

The angels finally thought her mad. They had written into being heavens and hells with their literature. They had brought life and bounty to all the places upon the world and filled them with the sentient races. They crafted souls with poetry and forged an afterlife with a prose. Surely there was enough words in the universe now?

But the Goddess simply looked up into the sky. The sky remained untouched from the Goddess's carvings. Even as the angels beseeched her to be content, she carved upon her chest a word: Sun.

The entire angelic race burned away in an instant. Rock gave way to void. The skies burned black and descended to feast. Millions died by fire and fear and hate, and their prose died with them. The Goddess ascended into the skies to look down upon the great desert that she created, and wept bitterly. Her ambitions to reach the sky made her unable to ever walk upon the world that she had given birth from stone ever again. She carved another word, Warmth, into her stomach so that her presence would bring comfort to those who survived. She could have destroyed the world. Simply stepped back and rendered all back to stone so that she could begin from a blank canvas once more. She sacrificed herself so that we may live.

We are named Malichi, of God, so that we may remember this sacrifice and so that we may always know the Goddess's True Name. When we die, we hope to make the same sacrifices that she has made and cling desperately on to this life to safeguard the next generation.

This isn't exactly done done; particularly I need to add more rivers and mountains in the central east and southeast, as well as an additional layer of polish. But this will serve as a decent preview for the fully final draft which will be drafted in a matter of days.

I have sent the .xcf to NK so he can work on the coasts now. [Which he can do and just incorporate my future mountain changes by overwriting the layer.] If he works faster than I do (he does) LoE could possibly launch this weekend.

Spoiler :

Northwest lowlands are my probable zone, pending the moderator's approval. Oh yes, the occasional mountain outlined in red (I think there are 4 or 5) signifies an active volcano.

This isn't exactly done done; particularly I need to add more rivers and mountains in the central east and southeast, as well as an additional layer of polish. But this will serve as a decent preview for the fully final draft which will be drafted in a matter of days.

I have sent the .xcf to NK so he can work on the coasts now. If he works faster than I do (he does) LoE could possibly launch this weekend.

Spoiler :

Northwest lowlands are my probable zone, pending the moderator's approval. Oh yes, the occasional mountain outlined in red (I think there are 4 or 5) signifies an active volcano.

Volcano placement. That plate tectonics. Mmmm.
The Dwerim shall be ensconced near the lake contained by the north-centralish mountain chain. Probably.
Volcano placement? That's what the red mountain is?

Very sexy Thlayli. I'm not sure what coastwork will be done. Is the map being drawn in EoE-style?
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