New NESes, ideas, development, etc

An idea partly inspired by some recent dreams. I've typed this up and am sharing this for fun, with no plans to run such a NES in the near future, so if anyone wants to do anything with this please feel free :)

Link to video.

Doomsday '86

In the year 1986 AD, human civilization was struck by a catastrophe. A massive array of objects, apparently originating from outside of our solar system, struck the surface of the planet Earth over a period of several days. Some were massive kinetic impactors, triggering earthquakes and tsunamis. Some carried medium-yield nuclear warheads, indiscriminately destroying a third of the world's major cities. Some exploded in the atmosphere causing massive EMP effects, disrupting the Earth's magnetosphere and permanently damaging electronics. Some carried deadly biological agents to the surface, which had an even greater death toll over the coming years. Some carried spores of a strange plant-like organism which began to colonise parts of the planet...

And more was to come. Still more projectiles carried soft-landing capsules, deploying diabolical 6-limbed alien beings which began to roam the surface, killing and capturing human beings - using only projectile weapons and explosives little more sophisticated than human forces, but being possessed of much greater physical strength, senses, and agility.

All this coming at a time of high tensions between East and West, exchanges between human forces also occurred, including the use of nukes. But a full-scale nuclear exchange was averted, ironically as command and control was disrupted, and both spheres grappled to come to terms with what was actually happening.

Over the coming years a trickle of extra-terrestrial missiles followed up the initial attack, with random nuclear strikes on surviving cities and massive EMP attacks setting back reconstruction. And for some time, the alien plague raged across the world, killing up to half of the worlds population before mysteriously dying down (perhaps a pre-programmed termination), with only sporadic outbreaks of mutated plague from then on. Up to another quarter of the population was eventually killed by the nukes and their aftermath. And many coastal cities untouched by nukes were struck with devastating tsunamis. Many of the survivors had become refugees, and starvation and desperation took hold. The chaos, the panic, the disruption, the nuclear fallout, and the overall effect on human civilization was profound, with massive social upheaval across the world. The catastrophe came to be referred to simply as... '86.

But humanity regrouped; the alien plant-forms failed to gain a foothold in the terrestrial biosphere, except for certain semi-arid regions, and their exact purpose remains unclear (though inedible to terrestrial life, they are not especially toxic). As for the alien beings, they were too few in number to pose a serious threat to human societies; some were taken prisoner, where they were found to posses only dog-like intelligence - pre-programmed with certain complex behaviours, but otherwise unable to communicate with their human captors. But bands of these aliens still roam wilderness areas with great tenacity, being adept at stealth and ambush tactics. Rumours abound of continued abduction of human beings to remote alien hide-outs for sinister purposes.

The are rumours that secret military satellites tracked a series of planetoid-sized objects passing through the solar system at the time of the attacks, but exact records have either been lost or hidden away. Who can say if the 'motherships' will make another pass... Some speculate that '86 was a pre-emptive strike from another civilization, designed only to set back human development for some time - using deliberately low-tech weapons so no reverse engineering would be possible; or perhaps the goal was to soften us up in advance of a more sinister, and much larger invasion... Or perhaps, it was the actions of insane alien overlords drifting through space, their original goals long lost to madness, lashing out with no logical purpose.

By 1999 AD, such an invasion has not yet come to pass, but the world remains divided. Although political structures have proved surprisingly resilient, and the superpowers of the USA and USSR still exist in name, surviving cities and industrialised areas have emerged as largely-independent entities, leading to a fractured world scene. Global trade in basic commodities such as oil and foodstuffs is still recovering. Though the planet is scarred by fallout zones, and some level of nuclear contamination is the norm, nature has proved tenacious; moving swiftly to reclaim areas abandoned by humanity. The world still has cold-war era technology lagging somewhat behind OTL, but the survivors have placed greater priorities on research and development, leading to surprise advances in a few areas - aerospace, microbiology, and electronics - especially the internet - being among them. Rumours abound that some, few pieces of advanced alien technology have also been found, but remain hidden away. Conversely, fanatical religious fundamentalism has also risen to power across the world, with many convinced that the End Times have come.

Will you be a Religious Fundamentalist state? A Military-Industrial enclave? One of the surviving centres of Capitalist ambition? A warband of Doomsday Cutists? Or perhaps a society seeking a new age through Advanced Technology? Perhaps some mix of the above?

Will nations be rebuilt, or will the world move further into warlordism? What of the roaming aliens, the xeno-plants and the remnants of the plague? What happens if more evil falls from the skies?


EDIT: for fun, lets have the alien attack start on February 19th, 1986 - the day the Mir Space Station was launched :)
So in tha sh1t
I would totally join daftpanzer's game.
I would also play Daftpanzer's thing

but where is NK and what has he done with my map
Few people will be interested in this, probably, but I wanted to share. If there is enough interest, I'll start it.

VG Force NES
Game backstory:
The Video Game Universe has been in peace ever since Captain N defeated Mother Brain. All the characters have now retired to their own worlds, but they are not isolated: Nexus City, built a few years after Kevin's victory, has become a community where characters can meet and talk, and in many cases they actually live there, for one reason or another. With the new generations adding more worlds to the universe, commerce between them adds more richness and cosmopolitanism to the universe.

However, all is not well. Several worlds have become riddled with crime, needing heroes to fight the villains on a daily basis. In Nexus City itself there are conflicts due to the cultural shock between characters of different worlds.

And the worse is yet to come.

When communication is lost with a few worlds, there is great shock, because never has this happened. And when communication is restored, only a few survivors have been left, with none of them able to say what, exactly, happened to their worlds. The only thing that is known is that one of the survivors heard clues about an alliance of villains being behind the attacks, with some nefarious reason behind this. Some believe these villains want to succeed where Mother Brain could not, and others think there must be worse reasons for this.

A new Gamemaster is needed, that is clear. But trying to find him or her (fortunately, there are many more female Players since Captain N) will take a long time, and someone must protect the Video Game Universe from this dark alliance of villains, while trying to ascertain how they manage to lay waste to the worlds so brutally, and with what purpose.

The VG Force is formed, and every videogame character with the ability to fight, whether with their weapons, their wits or their magic, is called to help before the entire Universe falls!

Are you ready?

Player stats:
Character (World) / Player (The World means which videogame it comes from)
BMS: Body / Mind / Soul (Body rules all physical abilities, Mind all mental abilities, Soul all magical abilities)
HP: HP/Max-HP (Max-HP depends on the Body stat)
MP: MP/Max-MP (Max-MP depends on the Soul stat)
EXP: (As EXP increases by defeating enemies or solving problems, the character can use this to improve their stats or get new abilities)
Weapons: (Unless there is an acceptable explanation, a character can only use the weapons s/he can use in their videogames)
Inventory: (Objects that are personal or that only the character can use)
Abilities: (Unless there is an acceptable explanation, a character can only use abilities they use in their videogames)
Problems: (These will hinder the character in certain circumstances)
Character Backstory

VG Force stats:
Cash: (in GP, used to buy objects and weapons)
Inventory: (all objects that have been bought or found by the players, accessible to everyone)

Weapons: the available weapons will depend on who joins the VG Force
- Phoenix Down: resurrects at 50% HP
- 1-UP: resurrects at 100% HP
- Potion: restores 10 HP
- Hi-Potion: restores 50 HP
- X-Potion: restores all HP
- Ether: restores 10 MP
- Hi-Ether: restores 30 MP
- X-Ether: restores all MP
- Elixir: restores all HP/MP
- Megaelixir: restores everyone's HP/MP
- Remedy: eliminates any status ailments

- Hardener: +1 to Body
- Sharpener: +1 to Mind
- Relaxer: +1 to Soul

Candidates for VG Force must fill this:
Character (World) / Player
Spoiler List of acceptable and non-acceptable characters :
Acceptable characters:
- Video Game heroes.
- Video Game villains (give a good reason for why the good guys would believe they'd help)
- Wreck-It Ralph characters (and other films directly related to a video game, same restrictions as with VG heroes and villains)
Non-acceptable characters:
- Characters from video games based on comics/films/books/animation/manga/whatever (if the comic/film/book/animation/manga/whatever is based on a videogame, or if it is Wreck-It Ralph, then it is OK).
- Characters that are not in a video game.
Body / Mind / Soul (You have 10 points to assign to each of these, at least 1 point must be assigned)
Initial Weapon (may be subjected to modification if I consider it is too much)
Initial Abilities (same as with weapons)
Problems (if I find these are not enough, or that they don't fit the character, then I might add or change)
Backstory (optional)
Are characters from fictional video games acceptable?
Are characters from fictional video games acceptable? Aka games and characters we made up for this?
Are characters from fictional video games acceptable? Aka games and characters we made up for this?

Ugh... That's a trick question.

I'd prefer for those videogame characters to be from actual videogames, because they are actually character people know, but, if push comes to shove, then I'd be amenable to letting players to make up their own characters. Of course, the same restrictions in terms of weapons, abilities and problems are in there.

Also, one thing I forgot to mention: characters from the same videogame get to make special moves based on their in-game relationship. For example, if someone picks Mario and other someone picks Luigi, they could be doing special moves, just like they do in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.
That is an amazing drawing of the Reapers :wow: Did you draw that yourself?
Ugh... That's a trick question.

I'd prefer for those videogame characters to be from actual videogames, because they are actually character people know, but, if push comes to shove, then I'd be amenable to letting players to make up their own characters. Of course, the same restrictions in terms of weapons, abilities and problems are in there.

Also, one thing I forgot to mention: characters from the same videogame get to make special moves based on their in-game relationship. For example, if someone picks Mario and other someone picks Luigi, they could be doing special moves, just like they do in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.

I think that NESers are, on the whole, more interested in a NES where they create their own characters, but hey it is your NES you don't have to listen to me. :)
Since NK is too busy with DnD and EoE and other alliterative acronyms, I'm going to take over touching up the coastlines of LoE's map and hopefully I'll have it finished for him by Sunday so he can launch his NES for real then. I guess I'll do climates too. It won't be as good as NK's work, but at least it will be something.
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