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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

I am almost done preparing to Start my Second attempt at moderating. a week, maybe two at most.

so I though I'd toss out the Idea out first, and let it stir around.

I'm going to be running an alternate world Fresh start with a slight Sci-Fi twist.
the twist? it's a colonial world of a galactic civilization that fell. several remients of which remaining in orbit (including an orbital ring). there are also evidence on the planets surface of their former existence.
North King, you know one of the artifacts on the surface, since you helped with the map. please do not speak of it.

so, any thoughts on this?
Looking for an honest answer here: As someone who hasn't so much as posted in the NESing section before, what kind of a reaction should I expect if I start up a spacefaring sci-fi NES? I understand that it might be better to experience actually playing in a NES before I host one, but it seems like all of them are well underway at the moment.

Some of the people already here (Niklas, BananaLee, and LightFang off the top of my head) can hopefully vouch for my hosting abilities in the forum games section. I guess I'm just trying to feel out how the rest of the community tolerates newcomers. ;)
Welcome here Chand! :wavey:

You are indeed a great mod of forum games, and I would defitinely join a NES you host. :)
Hi Chandrasekhar. Welcome, welcome, welcome (three = holy trinity. You have to analyze these things in IB.)
I had an idea for a NES myself.

Fallen Empire
In 1926, the Gneral Strike was called across the British Isles. In our world, it passed and faded, but the workmen of Britain decided to blame the Government, and made thier own 'parliaments' across the country. Workers in London went wild and took nover the city. Scotland took a chance a got independence, but the Highlands revolted against thier Lowland leaders. Now you must unite the British Isles, by any means possible.
[wiki]Dominions 3: The Awakening[/wiki]

There has been some interest in this from people on MSN and AIM. It's NES-like in that all player actions resolve simultaneously in one turn. I'm pondering two things based on this.

1) Full Dom3 game played on the forum. Erez mentioned having it, I have it, Cleric surely has a bootlegged copy, and some other people may have it that I don't know of yet.

2) "Interfaced" game where I'm the only one with Dominions 3, and each turn I send empire summaries to you players, who then send orders back for me to input and resolve. Much easier, but less control for the players. Then again, normal NESes don't exactly allow a very high degree of fine control.

Would anyone play in either of these?
I am one of said persons who have shown interest over aim.

choice 2

AKA j_eps doesnt have it but wants to play.
I've been bouncing around the idea of dividing a nation's raw GDP or EP, and a nation's industrial capacity.

Say, Siam wants to build a dreadnaught. They have an IC of 1, while a dreadnaught costs 3 IC, but they have enough EP to pay for the dreadnaught. Instead of taking three turns to build a dreadnaught, they look for an industrial nation willing to build the dreadnaught for them. Britain and Germany are using up most of their IC already, and can't spare any. Siam instead goes to France, who at the time is building something that doesn't need IC. France wants Siam to pay the dreadnaughts cost, with 50% extra for France itself. Siam can't pay, and instead goes to Italy. Italy offers to do it with no extra cost, but wants a trade treaty.

I got off track there. But it seems to me like a good idea, with certain nations being able to raise large armies and navies under the rules, but lacking modern equipment (Hungary), while other nations wouldn't have so large an army or fleet, but could have a modern force thanks to its high IC (Belgium). It'd need refining, but I think it offers a different perspective to industrializing other than just having a bigger economy.
That's a pretty cool idea. Giving an additional good reason to build up a large industrial base in your country.
I've been bouncing around the idea of dividing a nation's raw GDP or EP, and a nation's industrial capacity.

Say, Siam wants to build a dreadnaught. They have an IC of 1, while a dreadnaught costs 3 IC, but they have enough EP to pay for the dreadnaught. Instead of taking three turns to build a dreadnaught, they look for an industrial nation willing to build the dreadnaught for them. Britain and Germany are using up most of their IC already, and can't spare any. Siam instead goes to France, who at the time is building something that doesn't need IC. France wants Siam to pay the dreadnaughts cost, with 50% extra for France itself. Siam can't pay, and instead goes to Italy. Italy offers to do it with no extra cost, but wants a trade treaty.

I got off track there. But it seems to me like a good idea, with certain nations being able to raise large armies and navies under the rules, but lacking modern equipment (Hungary), while other nations wouldn't have so large an army or fleet, but could have a modern force thanks to its high IC (Belgium). It'd need refining, but I think it offers a different perspective to industrializing other than just having a bigger economy.
Splitting the two could add a nice twist to producing things. I don't know how your nations currently generate EP, but you could have a system where once you get to some threshold level of EP, you can turn them (permanently) into IC. For example, once you have 7 EP then you can use four EP to create one IC. The next turn the nation would have 3 EP and 1 IC to spend. Once the nation got back up to 7 EP, it could add another IC by reducing its EP to 3 again. Something like this transforms "regular" production into "specialized" production at some rate so specific products can be built (say, battleships)
[wiki]Dominions 3: The Awakening[/wiki]

There has been some interest in this from people on MSN and AIM. It's NES-like in that all player actions resolve simultaneously in one turn. I'm pondering two things based on this.

1) Full Dom3 game played on the forum. Erez mentioned having it, I have it, Cleric surely has a bootlegged copy, and some other people may have it that I don't know of yet.

2) "Interfaced" game where I'm the only one with Dominions 3, and each turn I send empire summaries to you players, who then send orders back for me to input and resolve. Much easier, but less control for the players. Then again, normal NESes don't exactly allow a very high degree of fine control.

Would anyone play in either of these?

Numero secundo.
I'm somewhat new here, so the answer to my question is probably pretty obvious. Have there ever been regional NESes? Such as an NES of only Europe, or the ancient Mediterranean, or something like that? I know I heard somewhere about an NES idea focusing in on just the French revolution (forgot who's idea that was), and I think that an NES focusing in on a smaller area like that could be pretty cool.
How would you guys do a Crusader Kings type Dynastic NES?

Back when I was still relatively new, I started work on something for a CK style NES exclusively in the HRE, because it's too hard to manage over the entirety of Europe. I borrowed a lot of rules from Goober, so by today's standards it's probably quite obsolete, and I was more focused on letting players keep track of their family, though I did consider it important.

I can dig it up for you, if you want, though Panda never finished making me my map, the bastard.
Well, I've been thinking about it for a while, and I think I'd like to moderate an NES. I understand that my experience NESing is somewhat low, but I'll have more experience by the time I start the NES (in a month or two), and I think I'll do alright with it.

Now, here are a few ideas I've had for an NES. If other people could critique them, or come up with their own ideas, that'd be great.

1. The alternate history starts in 31 BC. The Battle of Actium results in a major victory for Mark Antony when a storm destroys most of Octavian's fleet before the battle. Mark Antony's soldiers receive much-needed supplies and are able to break through Octavian's fortifications one month later, destroying his army in a costly battle.

This results in a cease-fire between Mark Antony and Octavian, and the subsequent permanent division of the empire. A major revolt takes place in Numidia Superior, which soon spreads to Numidia Inferior, Africa, and Mauretania. The revolting territory was defended from attack by Octavian when Mark Antony used his large navy to, yet again, destroy the Roman navy and stop them from landing troops in Africa.

The Roman army in the north is heavily damaged by the battle of Teutoberger Forest. A major revolt is started in North Gallia/Belgica by the governor of Belgica, which with the help of the descendents of the Gauls defeated 50 years earlier, spreads to much of northern Gaul.

And Judea is able to defeat the local Roman leadership and form the new country of Judea.

The NES would start in 20 AD, and would focus on Europe, the Middle East/Western Asia, and North Africa.

Some of the major civilizations include: the Roman Empire, the Empire of Greater Aegyptus (whatever you want to call Mark Antony's empire), Imperial Numidia, Gallia-Belgica, the Romano-Britons, a couple of Germanic tribes (Cherusci, Marcomani, Gotones, Quadi, Cimbri), Dacia, Judea, Nubia, Scythia, Galatia, and Cappadocia.

2. I don't feel like going into too much depth, but the idea of this one is that Constantinople is captured by the Arabs in 718. The Byzantine empire is destroyed, but the Arabs are still stopped in the west at the battle of Tours.

Fast-forward a few centuries to the crusades.

This NES would begin in about 1220 AD.
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