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New Revolution: An Imperium Offtopicum Game


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World News Report

Reality Unless Otherwise Stated. The world has emerged from the dark period between 1939 and January 1st, 1955 with over a dozen new nation-states. Factions have taken upon themselves to exert dominance on various national stages, leading to a variety of political system to compete for the hearts and minds of the Frontierlands.

The Credit is On Me: Life in CUSS. Timbuktu, Collective Union of Socialist Societies. CUSS bills itself as a West African federal democracy with a very regulated, socialist, economy. The political messages of democracy and economic opportunity and equality go hand-in-hand in encouraging the varied peoples of West Africa to join the Union. [+2 Provinces]

The Fabulous Ports of Egypt. Port Fuad, Great Arab Sultanate of Egypt. Political stability in Egypt has put to ease fears among merchants of political or sectarian violence. With Egypt holding onto the Suez Canal already, Egypt is poised to become a major economic center of the world. [+5% Trade Effectiveness]

Flooding Around Hangzhou Bay. Shanghai, Jung Dynasty. Heavy flooding has plagued the roads around Hangzhou Bay and the surrounding villages and towns. This, in turns, has disrupted internal commerce. While no infrastructure has been destroyed, trade has taken a setback. [-5% Trade Effectiveness, -1 Stability]

Mandate of Heaven. Shanghai, Jung Dynasty. In response to recent flooding, Emperor Jung Jiao-long I's charisma has maintained confidence in the fledgling dynasty that all is as it should. The people say that the Jung Dynasty's claim to the Mandate of Heaven is as sound as ever before. [+1 Stabiliy]

All's Quiet on the Eastern Seas. Uboncha Tinst, Koregolian Khanate. Little is known about the Koregolian Khanate. Who are they? Well, they're clearly styling themselves as a Khanate, so that doesn't leave a lot to the imagination. However, despite the seeming leaning towards war and conquest and death, pillage, and rape, it surprises people to know that the Korean portion of the Khanate has an emerging mercantile class. [+5% Trade Effectiveness]

Meteor Spotted in the UAN. Dubai, United Arab Nations. The people of the UAN crowd the streets wondering “what does it mean?” No one is really sure what these people are seeing, or why it is a destabilizing event, but we here at WNR do not question angry Arabs with assault rifles. [-2 Stability]

That’s No Meteor. Dubai, United Arab Nations. A few, tense weeks later, scientists have confirmed that the supposed meteor was really just a combination of swamp gas, hallucinogenic drugs, and western imperialists. This has put the minds of many to ease, but not all. [+1 Stability]

Gung-Ho Governor-Generals in America. Chicago, Empire of Chicago. Lots of things can be said about the Empire of Chicago, but no one can say that the politics are always simple. Governor-Generals, with support of the League of Free Cities and Merchant Coalition, marched forces east into the Ohio frontier to take Cleveland and Columbus, reestablishing control over a majority of Ohio. It is unknown how much influence the Emperor had in this decision, but many suspect his influence to be low in it. [-1 Stability, +2 Provinces]

PANAMA. PANAMA-MA-MA-MA. Panama City, United States of Central America. What’s the difference between your average populist dictator and the USCA? The USCA hosts the Panama Canal and is incredibly stable. [+5% Trade Effectiveness.]

God Save the Factory Queen. London, United Kingdom. The UK has seen better days and, more importantly, has seen larger control of the island. Despite this, the areas controlled by the United Kingdom are at least secure enough for industrialists to feel safe again. [+1 Factory]

Viva La Trade? Grenoble, La république d'Arles. For some reason, the French are overlooked as traders. Maybe because they competed with the Italians, English, and Dutch a little too long. However, with their historical competitors either gone, on even ground, or England, the Mediterranean-focused French merchants have a leg-up on the competition. [+5% Trade Effectiveness]

Between a Greek and a Hard Place. Athens, Kingdom of Greece. Constantinople, long a source of conflict over naming summarized greatly in the 1917 hit “Istanbul or Constantinople” (which was a protest song against the Armenian Genocide), is once again Greek. Or something like that. [+2 Provinces]

The People’s Factories. Es Castell, Our People’s Republic. Despite the small size of the island, Es Castell boasts to be one of the smallest, but more industrialized, islands in the world. Worker productivity high, but demand is higher, and the factories almost build themselves. [+1 Factory]

Sevastopol' Nights. Republic of the Crimea. The pubs are shady, but not nearly as shady as the harbor, where they speak a dozen languages in thrice as many accents. Despite the shady nature of the harbor, and the shadier nature of her denizens, trade couldn’t be better. [+10% Trade Effectiveness. -1 Stability]

The Rise of the Italian Cities. Again. Rome, Secunda Res Publicae Romae. Competition in the Mediterranean, while not at a fever pitch, is pretty tense. The Spaniards may have decided to be industrialists, but the Romans see trade to be their future. [+5% Trade Effectiveness]

Despite the British, Australia builds a factory! Democratic People’s Republic of Australia. Take that, British scum! Your tyranny in the north can not stop us from building glorious factory in the name of PROGRESS. Do you hear me, London? Do you feel me, London? I thought so. Glory to the Revolution! [+1 Factory, -1 Stability]
I need to update the front page and stuff but I can't be ass'd to do it tonight so will tomorrow. Have fun. Orders lock Thursday, 5 PM Eastern or so. Or 24 hours from whenever I get half orders.

Edit: Also, I forgot pictures for this update because pressed for time. Will be pictures next time.
Holy Russian Empire

The Church is mother, the Tsar is father

Ruler: Tsar Vladimir I
Capital: Vladimirgrad, formerly Leningrad, formerly Petrograd, formerly Saint Petersburg
Religion: Russian Orthodox Christianity
Currency: Ruble

Economic Policy: State capitalist
Religious Policy: Caesaropapist

History: to come
Despite the British, Australia builds a factory! Democratic People’s Republic of Australia. Take that, British scum! Your tyranny in the north can not stop us from building glorious factory in the name of PROGRESS. Do you hear me, London? Do you feel me, London? I thought so. Glory to the Revolution! [+1 Factory, -1 Stability]

:lol: Beautiful.

Just a quick question, is stability going to be publicly listed? Because I can't see a column for it.
:lol: Beautiful.

Just a quick question, is stability going to be publicly listed? Because I can't see a column for it.

I thought about. Decided against it. Every region does start at 10 though, and the events only affected core territories this turn.

The events will give some clue to how badly stability is though. If you start getting bombers, riots, and the like, it is probably very low.

Carthage brought back to Rome
As many of you know thousands of years ago the nation of Carthage was the Republic's mortal enemy, with the fall of the Empire and the invasion and establishment of barbarian kingdoms the city was lost to the Arabs. We all know the history of this however the we have taken it back. The City of Tunis the current name for Carthage has been liberated by the Legionaries have once again returned the city of Carthage into the Republic with all its former glory. The city of Carthage has been named as the capital of African Rome, once again Carthage will be returned to all her former glory and power, Long live the Republic.

Treviso Joins the Republic
The City of Treviso, long allied with the trade city of Venetia have rejoined the Republic. The rebellion in the city has finally stooped and the people have elected to join the Republic, with some help from the Legionaries the transition from rebel city to a part of the Republic has been a smooth and easy one, may they prosper.

War with Syracuse!
With the re-formation of the Republic in the north the Romans in the south decided to form their own nation centered on Syracuse calling them selves the Kingdom of Sicily. It has been decided that the Roman people must be united, the Legionaries have successively invaded and conquered Abruzzo and brought it under Republican control. May the Legion have more success next year, for now a new province has joined the Republic.

Consul Luigi Einaudi calls for Industry expansion
"The Future of the republic is dependent on our Industrial capabilities" stated the Consul of the Roman People last Friday. This call for industrial advancement has lead to the creation of many new industry jobs and factories being created leading to a 100% increase in production. This can mean nothing more than prosperity for Rome and her People.

Secret super weapon in production?
Don't ask us how we got this information but it seems that the Republic has found some documents and has started working on a weapon on a scale not seen by mankind ever before. Apparently these documents surfaced from revolution time period Germania, how the Roman's gained this knowledge is beyond us, but all we know is that the government is currently working on a top secret project of some kind. Neither Consul Luigi Einaudi nor Emperor Pietro Badoglio have been able to comment on this situation.

This has been the Mercury, the best news source for the Senate and People of Rome.
Long live the Republic!

TLDR/Quick Orders.

Territorial Expansion

Spend 25 EP on Industry
Spend 3 EP on upgrading Carthage to a Secondary Capital
Spend Final EP on "Weapon Programs" ;)
Sonereal! I am outraged! Es Castell is a town in the island, not the name of the island! The island is Menorca! :mad:

EDIT: As promised:
Spoiler Flagsies <3 :
Welcome to&#8230;

One Africa Radio

Reporting on matters of the Mother Continent!

Speaking to you now is Yaw Saro-Wiwa!

Good day listeners!

The socialist power known as the Collective Union of Socitist Societies is to have electons on Senate and Collective Council seats in light of the retirement of former premier of the C.U.S.S, Emem Bello, whose party the Social Liberation League is to select Nsia Jaja to stand as their primal candidate for premiership.

The three main rivals, the Collective Community Congress, the Abrahamic Democratic Alliance and the United Party of Marxism, have all too elected their candidates for the premiership. The CCC will have Obi Gowon, the ADA will have Baqi Olanrewaju and the UPM will have Udo Orji as their canidates to rival Nsia Jaja of the SLL.

The capitalist United Federalist Liberal Alliance has chosen Chinwe Balogun to stand as their candidate for election.

The Party for Nations, an anti-federal party that wishes to devolve the powers of the collective government, has chosen Nsonowa Anikulapo-Kuti as their candidate.

The Christain Unionist Party and the Islamic Socialist Party have chosen for their candidates Oluchi Diya and Ndidi Igwe respectively.

The authoritarian United Order Party has chosen Kwame Okeke as their candidate, while the militarist Peoples Revolution Guild has chosen Folami Chukwumereije for their candidate.

The objectivist Thomas Okar of the Free Party of the Person has decided to stand up for candidacy.

Two news setting up, the Peoples Party Against Colonialism and the Malian Nationalist Congress, have chosen their own canidates for the challenge of the elections. The canidates are respectfully Chidi Mbanefo of the PPAC and Mamadou Attah of the MNC.

The joke protest party known as Africans for the Colonisation of Europe has chosen Lekam Eze as their candidate.

Both the African Anarchist Allaince and the League for Democratic Socialism have both refused to appoint a candidate as usual in protest to the concept of a head of state.

Elections are to held on the 2nd of March.

In other news in the old nation of Egypt&#8230;

Claims are below.

Expand of the People.png
OOC: Is the Agean one province or each Island is one province?
Each island a province, and none is worth 1 EP. If I got the rules right.
Sonereal! I am outraged! Es Castell is a town in the island, not the name of the island! The island is Menorca! :mad:

EDIT: As promised:
Spoiler Flagsies <3 :

Sonereal doesn't know geography. :)

Each island a province, and none is worth 1 EP. If I got the rules right.

Correct. They're only important for military purposes.
Australian Comrade Daily!
News for the People, by the People!

New War Plans Unveiled, Victory is Immanent!

Supreme Leader Robert Menzies giving an inspring speech to the Peoples of Australia explaining that victory is immanent.

Supreme Leader Robert Menzies and Philip McBride, the High General of the Peoples' Liberation Army, announced that our glorious nation, which for many years has struggled against attacks from the British Imperialist Pigs, are going to be taking the offensive! Thanks to our Supreme Leader's perfect military tactics and godlike prowess of strategy, we are predicted to remove the British entirely from Australia by Revolution Day 1957! He said in a speech today that Australians suffering under British oppression must stay steadfast, for soon they will be free again. He also spoke to the Australian peoples, telling them how to improve the war effort. Due to our leader's brilliant oral skills, he was given a standing ovation by the workers who were crying from the happiness that his speech brought them. Also seventeen women fainted from happiness of having such a compassionate, wise and brilliant ruler.

British Plot to Sabotage New Factory Foiled!

The Peoples' Liberation Army arresting the British plotters

The British Imperialist Pigs were very outraged at us building a new factory. They are jealous because they do not have as many factories as we do. They sent a small group of British Spies disguised as a group of protestors about poor working conditions to try and stop the construction of the factory. However, they were stopped because loyal Australians knew that the working conditions at the factory was perfect, so they reported these lying British scum.

Initially the spies denied the claims, however after being sent to the Ministry of Love for some Advanced Interrogation in Room 101, they all confessed. Then they and their families were charged with being Anti-Australian and then they shipped off to a gulag in the Western Australian desert to produce ammunition for the loyal Australians that they had betrayed. This is a reminder to all Australians to report any and all suspicious activity to the Ministry of Peace, if we do not remain vigilant then British spies may destroy our glorious workers' paradise.
The official Greek newspaper

King Pavlos and Supreme Commander Papagos meet:

Today, his royal highness, King Pavlos, met with the Supreme Commander, Alexandros Papagos. Alexandros Papagos, leader of the Military Council, talked to the King about the decisions of the 12 members of the Military Council and talked with him about the new geopolitical situation in Southern Europe. He also talked about the new economic policies of the Government and that foreign investors are thinking of investing their money to Greece and open factories, which could provide work for un-employed Greeks.

Military Operation ''Poseidon'':

The Government is begining a Military operation to re-take the Agean and Ionian Islands, which had revolted during the Global Revolution. The Communist terrorists who rule the islands are soon going to face the full military might of Greece, as Operation ''Poseidon'' begins. The Government expects the Operation to take from 3 to 5 years.

Souvlaki becomes famous in Europe and America:

Souvlaki, Greece's national food, has become famous in Europe. In many countries all over the world, restaurants now serve Souvlaki and many foreigners prefer it from the traditional French gourmet dishes. Souvlaki has also attracted many tourists to Greece, as more and more foreigners come to Greece to eat Souvlaki rather than to see the Parthenon. A new study has shown that in Greece, every 3 to 4 Greeks eact Souvlaki 2 times every week.

Greece attarcts many tourists:

Every year more and more tourists visit Greece, as Greece has many ancient and medieval monuments and really beautiful places. Athens and Constantinople attarct the most visitors, while many tourists also go to coastal Greece and Mount Olympos.
Is it possible to build new units if, on the same turn, you build the factories needed to support them?
Similarly - the old "can I use units the turn I build them?" thing
Are you going to tell us how strong "barbarians" are?
I hope it is not too late, I had my internet connection down.

My claims are in the attachment. I want to change a name of my country.
Here goes a little update of information about it:

South American People Republic (SAPR)
For God, Party, and Nature.

Capital: New Buenos
Goverment: Single-party socialist theocracy
Leaders: president: Enrico Lamoretti; Party first secretary: Juan Manuel Roquiza; archbishop of the Church: Antonio Pasaduro
Economy: centrally planned, nationalized to the extreme. Central goverment has almost absolute control of economy. Private property is minimal. It is forbidden to own land, buildings, valuables, conveyances, etc. Hoarding possessions is punishable by death, as a crime against both nature and community.
Currency: Peso
Religion: official state religion is Merciful Lord Jesus Church. Other religions are persecuted.

Political elections are holded at 5-year intervals. Only party members have right to vote. If someone wants to candidate, he/she must have written opinion of leader of local party organization, and of local parson.

Country is divided into dioceses, subdivided into parishes. Central government consists of President and his ministers. Senate has legislative powers. But, in fact, National Party Council rules, and its Prime Secretary is the most important person in SAPR.

There are three important organizations within SAPR:
1. Communist Party. Everyone who wants to be recognized as a full-right citizen of SAPR has to be member of Communist Party
2. United Church of Merciful Lord Jesus. Nothing important happens without blessing of Church. Fortunately for stability of SAPR, Church fully supports party reign and doctrine. Archbishop of the Church is elected by National Party Council from bishops. Currently there are 17 dioceses in SAPR, and more than 50 bishops. Of course, all of them are members of Communist Party
3. Nature's Watch (NW). It is kind of citizen militia mixed with secret police. NW patrols have right to inspect every home, office, and factory. They are searching for signs of anti-ecological activities. What is anti-ecological activity is typically defined by NW patrol commander. Penalties for transgressions vary from fines to capital punishment. Only high party representatives can waive those penalties.

Ideology: Communism mixed with ecology and religious zeal. Core beliefs:
1. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has lead to the most just economic and political system: communism, which is a rule of the People through the hands of Communist Party
2. Ideal state of society is unity. Ideal state of nature is unity. We should care for our society, and we should care for the nature
3. Without religious guidance of our Church we would be blind and confused.
4. Enemies of Church, Party, or Nature should meet swift justice

Armies: If it is not too late, 1 wing, 1 navy, 3 armies


  • IOT Jaremas claims.png
    IOT Jaremas claims.png
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You didn't claim the islands? I am disappoint. What better way to honor Thatcher than by forming a communist Argentine government holding the islands?

EDIT: I have a cross and sickle somewhere in my files; I can make your flag when I get home if you want.
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