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New Revolution: An Imperium Offtopicum Game

Flag: Like Argentina's one, but with cross and sickle at the middle (crossed like in a USSR flag, cross substituting the hammer).

Wasn't quite sure what you wanted so I just picked the simplest possible arrangement because I'm lazy as hell.

267 traitors to the Republic and counting! :cool:
Beheading is lame, here in Arizona we kill undesirables by hanging or firing squad, for everyone to see as an example. Sometimes we tie people up and throw them in the sea, but we don't have many coastal areas.

My Goodness you people are cruel, besides everyone knows that the best form of execution is Crucifixion. :p

(OOC: this is not canon, its just for lols)
Tsar Vladimir IV stared down at his son and heir. Little Vladimir V was the third-born son, but his two eldest brothers had died; one shortly after birth, the other of disease during the Siege of Vladimirgrad.

He left his three year old son sleeping and went to his office. There was much work to be done. On his desk was an edict requiring his signature; it would extend the existing book ban to several new publications. Leaning against the desk was a copy of every book named in that edict. He picked up the first one, sat in his chair. and opened it to a random page.

July Criminals: The Tsar's Coup

...of which there is no doubt. However, it has to be wondered whether Lavrentiy Beria was really behind the bullet that felled the man of steel on that fateful day in July. After all, Beria maintained that he himself had been targeted by assassins the same day. Beria claimed that although it was irrefutable that agents NKVD were responsible, he had no knowledge of it. With that many of the Soviet Union's leaders dead, and with Beria (who as director of the NKVD was best positioned to seize power) facing heavy mistrust, the second phase of the Second Russian Revolution began.

The Tsar threw it away and grabbed the next one.

The True Account of the Great Patriotic Revolution

...upon which Vladimir had his "holy vision" of God himself ordering him to defect from the crumbling Soviet government. He fled Moscow, and in his capacity as second-in-command of the NKVD managed to convince a good number of his supporters to leave with him. From there, he linked up with the conservative and reactionary elements of the revolutionaries and eventually managed to supplant their leadership. However, recovered documents show that the future Tsar fled because Beria was growing increasingly suspicious of him, and according to at least one private account, was trying to pass the blame for the assassination of Stalin onto him.

With a sigh, he also threw it away, picking up the third book on the pile.

The Unholy Russian Empire​

...of the Patriarch of Moscow, the Tsar has proven that he spits in the face of the Church. His flag is decorated with pagan symbols, and he has repeatedly ignored the advice of the Russian Orthodox Church. Though the Church may not be persecuted as it was under the Soviet regime, the Tsar is actively attempting to infiltrate and weaken it. He has already made the Patriarchate subordinate to his Office of Holy Affairs, and it is clear that he aspires to do as Pyotr I did and abolish the Patriarchate entirely.

"Disgraceful, disgraceful" the Tsar muttered to himself.

"This font is atrocious."
The Reformed Kingdom of Prussia

Spoiler :

Leader: Claus Von Stauffenburg came into power after operation Valkyrie was a success but Germany fell apart into separate nations Claus took the greatest and chose to become the Prime Minister of Prussia even though that the state religion of Prussia was Protestant he remained Catholic.
Spoiler :

Flag (Stealing Prussia's flag ti'll i can make my own)
Spoiler :

Religion: Protestant

Capital: Berlin (sorry for not putting it on the map i'm not sure what province it is)

Brief History: The Reformed Kingdom of Prussia was one of the first nations to spring up after the revolution. What it lacks in naval strength it makes up for in it's ground forces we have one of the strongest military in the world and are unlikely to be beaten we will fight ti'll our last man so think twice before you attack us.

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy

Military: 3 Armies 1 Fleet 1 Wing
The Anarchic Republic of the Caribbean forms!

The myths of the grandiose the pirates of centuries' past has since attracted the attention of several fishermen in the lawless isles of the Caribbean, but never have any of these men acted to revitalize it. However, with news that the world is beginning to wake up again being heard throughout the planet, groups of people have banded together, forming crews in search of glory through piracy. This is the dawn of another Golden Age of Piracy.
Spoiler :

The Pirate Republic, as the ARC is informally known, prides itself as a Democracy. Any "pirate" crew has to be recognized by 3 or more other bands of pirates to be considered an actual pirate crew, as far as the pirate community concerned. Issues on the international scale are voted on by all recognized pirate crews. Voting power is distributed in correlation with the actual power of the pirate crew in question. A Captain over the command of several bands of pirates has more votes compared to the captain of a lowly band of pirates who just barely made the qualifications, for example.

Domestic issues on the other hand, are handled a lot differently. In times of "peace", it is generally a free-for-all in the seas and ports not recognized by the majority as "safe zones." It is against pirate code to attack anything in these safe zones. Sailing into one to flee from battle is considered just as grave. To this end, the most powerful pirate captains are in charge of keeping the peace in these areas -which usually means blowing up whoever violates the code. Besides this code, which is more of a matter of conscience than actual law, there is no regulations in the republic.

In times of war, however, a kind of martial law is put into effect by the most powerful pirate captains. All recognized pirate crews are conscripted to the navy. If they refuse, they are blown up. During this time, the entire sea and land area recognized as "Pirate land" is considered safe zone between pirates. All un-allied foreign vessels that are not permitted in any way to be in pirate seas are, however, subject to being blown up.
"Your Holiness, we have determined that the fears many scientists globally have on radiation are true. We have managed to link the deformalities of many childern to it. The rate of deformalities has stopped however. We will have to do tests on remote islands when we develop a nuclear weapon."

"Understood. Make sure the social support networks make supporting those affected by radiation a major priority. Have we determined yield?"

"50 Kilotons based on area destroyed."

"This is a weapon that would destroy humanity if something goes wrong. I should prepare a public announcement to the world about this."

The War for the Papacy!
The Franks have yet again created an Anti-Pope centered in Avignon, and it seems the Western Schism has happened yet again. His Holiness Pope Pius XII has this to say "Oh brother not again." For now this Schism has created an even greater divide between the Republic of Rome and the Frankish "Republic". All we can do now is wait for the nations and Catholics of the world to send in their support for the pope, and as such this newspaper will be keeping tallies.

The Holy See in Avignon, Anti-Pope Celestine VI.

The Holy See in Rome, Pope Pius XII
Second Republic of Rome

(OOC: 1-France please name your pope, for RP. 2-I will be updating this often as we get the official stance on the nations of the world. 3-This tally will be very much using Roman terms and be Roman centric (IE: Pope in Rome is considered the actual pope because it is a ROMAN news paper) but it will still be true and will have who each nation actually sides with.)
Wasn't quite sure what you wanted so I just picked the simplest possible arrangement because I'm lazy as hell.

Thank you a lot, that is exactly what I was thinking about
Hear me Argentina
people's voice in your house

Annoucement from archbishop Antonio Pasaduro, head of United Church of Merciful Lord Jesus
Spoiler :
We are worried about so-called nuclear weapons. They are a major threat against whole humanity and against whole Earth!
We condemn usage of those weapons for any reasons. I am happy that even heretical pope Pius sees danger associated with them.
May the blessing of Our Lord bring peace and prosperity to all who are following his humble ways

Announcement from Enrico Lamorettin, president of South American People Republic
Spoiler :
As a threat of nuclear war arises, we would like to propose globe-wide coalition against usage and proliferation of nuclear weapons. In the name of SAPR I solemnly swear, that we will never use any nuclear weapon. I also declare that any usage of said weapon would result in immediate war declaration from SAPR. I hope other countries will join us, for benefit of Earth, our shared home. I especially hope that enlightened Communist and Socialist states will understand what I am saying

Second announcement from Enrico Lamorettin, president of South American People Republic
Spoiler :
We unite with our Australian comerades in their struggle against British Imperialist Pigs! We offer you our full moral support, and soon we will join you in more substantial manner

Consolidation of former Argentina teritories continue!
Spoiler :
armies of SAPR are consolidating former Argentina teritories, with a help of Nature's Watch militia

This is the Collective Broadcasting Service, here with the ten o’clock radio news.

As the elections draw near the parties are campaigning much more instantly. Although it will be a close race between the Social Liberation League, the Collective Community Congress, the Abrahamic Democratic Alliance and the United Party of Marxism, the others parties are hard for the chance to gain enough seats to have a great say on the greater parties and to allow a build up for future political gaining, especially with the chance of a coalition extremely high. We will of course see the results of the 2nd of March election when the time comes.

In relative news continued industrial reforms have seen the increased development of industry within the C.U.S.S. The Alliance of Factory Worker Committees has welcomed the additional jobs provided from the new factories set up. Conakry has been one of the frontier cities to be set in new industry.

Emem Bello, the retiring premier of the C.U.S.S, is to set up a think tank in order to “enhance political research within the C.U.S.S. The think tank, to be known as the Bello Institution for Socialism, is to be set in Freetown.

A joint statement from senators and councillors today has been lunch against both the Australian and Argentinean governments for “oppressive acts whitewashed by the claimant of being socialist.” Senator Ife Danjuma of the United Party of Marxism, one of the first and of the three female political figures to sit in a elected reprehensive position within the C.U.S.S, has issued that “democracy is to socialism as oxygen is to the body” in quote of Trotsky. A majority vote in both houses agreed that any allaince pacts offered by the two nations disgraced will be rejected.

Our People's Republic and La république d'Arles are invited to sign a Treaty of Comradeship by the Collective Diplomacy Committee with the C.U.S.S as a way to express “our friendship as followers of the people’s will, the revolution ever strong” as the committee Chairman Yaw Jang stated before senators and councillors today. The committee also wishes to increase co-operation with the Egyptian Sultanate in order to help protect Africa from colonialism, while an offer of friendship is to be set to the Koregolian Khanate and the United Arab Nations for the sake of collective security.

In relative news...

Our People's News

La Bandera Blanca y Verde​
As of last week a the Republic has decided to take a new direction in administration. Though it has always fitted with our ideology to have a decentralised system of government increasing pressures from the outside world have required us to move towards more regional central administration. This move grieves all of us deeply however many issues have forced our hand - crop failures in Valencia and the economic downturn of the Madrid community have meant that a more structured method of economic planning is required by which resources are properly allocated to where they are needed. Also the issue of the French invasion of Morocco, an area that many of us still consider to be sovereign Spanish soil, the cities of Melilla and Ceuta still have a large Spanish presence as well as the surrounding areas.
The French invasion is destabilizing the area and potentially the entirety of Europe.
Due to all these factors for the protection and wellbeing of all the peoples of Spain the government is instituting new laws making Jaén the new capital of the Andalusia-Valencia autonomous community a political entity for the wellbeing and protection of the Southern Spanish people.

Official Government statement on the French invasion of Sovereign Spanish Soil

The French have now landed troops in Rif, as we, the people of Spain, expect Our People's Government of Spain has issued a statement demanding French withdrawal and asserting our wishes to bring these areas into stronger ties with the Republic. Though Our People's Government does not want war at this time and we have issued no official declaration it is evident that if the French states do not pull out of Rif then we will be forced to take action against them.

Statement Issued by Our People's Government said:
It has come to the attention of Our People's Republican Government that the armies of La République d'Arles have entered sovereign territory of the Spanish Republic of which Our Government now represents. Though this land may not currently be under the direct administration of Our Government we request that the sovereignty of the people of Rif be respected and all presence of the Arlésien Republic be recalled with all haste or further action will be necessary for the protection of Our Spanish Peoples.

Obviously it would be in the best interests of all if the French were to accept the requests of our leaders and it would be most unfortunate if bad blood were to exist between our two nations that have so much potential for peaceful coexistence. However so long as foreign Imperialists threaten the Spanish Our People's Republic will seek to protect them - as was sung at the gates of Jaén yesterday:

¡Andaluces, levantaos!
¡Pedid tierra y libertad!
¡Sea por Andalucía libre,
España y la Humanidad!

Spoiler :

Supreme Leader Robert Menzies is proud to announce the formation of the Fourth Communist International, abbreviated as Comintern IV. The founding members are the Democratic People's Republic of Australia and the South American People Republic. All Communist and Socialist States are welcome to join and invitations have been sent to the Spanish Republic and the Collective Union of Socialist Societies to join us to help defeat the Bourgeois and further the revolution!

Note that aggression against member states of the Fourth Communist International will be responded to by full force of other members of Comintern IV. You have been warned Imperialist Capitalist Despots!

The social group is located here.
President Enrico Lamorettin confirms SAPR membership in Comintern IV.
We are Orthodox, so we support neither of the two Popes.
The March 2nd election has passed and the results are in.

On behalf of the Collective Electoral Commission it is my humble duty, as set to me by appointment of the CEC’s election on the declarer of the electoral results, to do my duty.

I will remind that there are 110 seats in the Collective Council (the 22 provinces have 5 councillors each), while the senate has 100 seats in reflection of calculated results of the electorate. The Premier will be elected from the highest earner of votes from both houses combined.

I will now declare the results.

The Social Liberation League has earned 31 seats in the Collective Council and 23 seats in the Senate.

The Collective Community Congress has earned 21 seats in the Collective Council and 11 seats in the Senate.

The Abrahamic Democratic Alliance has earned 18 seats in the Collective Council and 12 seats in the Senate.

The Unity Party of Marxism has earned 12 seats in the Collective Council and 14 seats in the Senate.

The United Federalist Liberal Alliance has earned 6 seats in the Collective Council and 9 seats in the Senate.

The Party of Nations gained 2 seats in the Collective Council and 12 seats in the Senate.

The African Anarchist Alliance has earned three Collective Council seats and one senate seat.

The League for Democratic Socialism earned one Collective Council seat and its first two ever senate seats.

The Christian Unionist Party gained 5 seats in the Collective Council and 3 seats in the Senate.

The Islamic Socialist Party earned 4 seats in the Collective Council and 4 seats in the Senate.

The United Order Party has earn no seats in the Collective Council and 5 seats in the Senate.

The Peoples Revolution Guild has earned 2 seats in the Collective Council and 2 seats in the Senate.

The Free Party of the Person has 1 seat in the Collective Council and 1 in the Senate.

The Peoples Party Against Colonisation has earned its first 2 Collective Council seats and its first senate seat.

The Malian National Congress has earned its first Collective Council seat but it did not get a senate seat.

The Africans for the Colonisation of Europe has earned its first ever Collective Council seat and no senate seats.

Hence the Social Liberation League has earned the highest turnover of seats. By collective laws meetings will be held for the coalitions to form but by earning the Social Liberation League will have the virtue of the strongest party status. However has the party did not take an majority of combined seats there will be second round of voting on issue of selecting the next premier, although Nsia Jaja has the virtue of temporal acting premier till the election set for the 22nd of March, where he will compete to see if he can earn more than the fews days of temporal considerations as a premier of the Collective Union of Socialist Societies.

Have a good day!
Trotskyists, Trotskyists everywhere.
Even though the Reformed Kingdom of Prussia is Protestant our leader has remained Catholic and voices his opinion that the true Pope will always be in Rome and supports Pope Pius XII
While Christianity is a heretical and blaasphamous religion in Japan, Pius XII is the pope.

By electing their own pope, the people of France have declared they are no longer Roman Catholic, as according to records, Because the last time this occurred, only the College of Cardinals, which is appointed by the pope, may decide who the Pope is. as the College has not elected in the antipope as the pope, this antipope in France has no legitimacy unless a schism between France and Roman Catholicism occurs, and it's worthless if the people of France do not support the schism.

We take this stance merely because we find this blatant ignoring of the rules and traditions developed by the Roman Catholic Church by France insulting.
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