• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

New Revolution: An Imperium Offtopicum Game

You didn't claim the islands? I am disappoint. What better way to honor Thatcher than by forming a communist Argentine government holding the islands?

EDIT: I have a cross and sickle somewhere in my files; I can make your flag when I get home if you want.

Didnt think about it (I mean islands). But I can reveal that my nation wants to conquer them :lol:.
And thank you, surely getting flag from you would be nice
Yes, make his flag so I can paint whatever province-which-is-definitely-not-Buenos-Aires he chose as his capital with its colours. :D
The USCA claims the following territories* and invests its money in two factories to process local goods, especially agricultural ones to produce more food and condiments.

@Son: As I have six factories, shouldn't I have 31 EPs spendable this turn?
@Son: As I have six factories, shouldn't I have 31 EPs spendable this turn?

No. 20+6+4.2=30.2, which rounds down to 30.

I actually did this time. I meant if they had an army as the unit or an army as a collection of units.

One Conscript Army.
The Republic Post

President William Anderson to Run for Re-election

Current President Anderson announced today that he will run for a third term for the Presidency next year. The highly popular General and War Hero is expected to win by most political analysts. The 60 year old has been elected President twice in both 1948 and 1952 and is the leader of the Patriotic Party. The Freedom, Progressive, and Socialist Parties are expected to field opposition candidates as well.

Industrial Expansion in Northern Mexico

The Arizona Senate, with the President's approval, launched an industrialization program in Northern Mexico to help develop the regions economy. Senate Majority leader Robert Reed said that "the investment will undoubtedly pay for itself and more," to justify the billion-dollar project.

(Invest everything into factories)

Expanding the Republic, Integrating New Territory

The Republic of Arizona is expanding in California and Texas to bring it's benevolent rule to inhabitants of these places. President Anderson stated that expansion was justified because: "We come to these lands not as aggressors, but as liberators. We are saving them from the state of Anarchy and lawlessness which currently exists and giving them the opportunity to become citizens of our glorious Republic." Among the lands being annexed is the population center of Los Angeles and several other large cities.

2 armies to fight in California, 3 to push through Texas, Expansion in Grey
15 into Factories
10 into Armies
4 into Nuke Research

In light of the Japanese player joining, please move the Honshu claim to the southernmost Shikoku territory.

I might RP a bit sometime before the update.
25 into 5 factories
3 into making Oran (furthest west in Algeria) a secondary capital

Purple territories are claimed. Genoa is attacked by 2 armies, and Melilla/Morrocan coast by one (transported by the fleet).


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25 into 5 factories
3 into making Oran (furthest west in Algeria) a secondary capital

Purple territories are claimed. Genoa is attacked by 2 armies, and Melilla/Morrocan coast by one (transported by the fleet).

Im not sure that is Genoa, Im pretty sure I have Genoa, could we get someone else to take a look at the map, along with one of IRL Europe to define where the current Italy-French boarder is.
L'arlésien hebdomadaire
The Weekly Arlesian

The Triumphant Election

Jules Ferdinand

Jules Ferdinand, the most loved man in all of Provence*, has won the first election in Arles. Widespread reports of electoral fraud, extortion, bribing, and embezzlement of public funds are unfounded lies. Long live the Republic! :king:

*citation needed

Surrounded by Foes!

The Glorious Republic is threatened on one side by a bunch of non-mainstream Castillians, and on the other side by some Lombards who ousted the Pope and called themselves Emperors. A war plan, in the event of hostilities, is thus devised by Ferdinand:
Spoiler :

More worrisome, however, than our immediate neighbours, is the new Greek culinary threat. The state newspaper was quoted boasting, "In many countries all over the world, restaurants now serve Souvlaki and many foreigners prefer it from the traditional French gourmet dishes." This means war! Culinary war! All citizens of the republic are issued forks and butter knives (with a spare dessert fork, too). Five new factories are built in Provence to make gourmet French food more widely available. We shall never surrender!
The Holy Empire of Japan,
Color: Sakura pink.
Official Languages: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English
Government: Fascistic Theocracy.
Leader: The God Emperor.
Captial: Tokyo, but it's offical name is The Heavenly City of the God Emperor on Earth. Event the emperor usually calls it Tokyo, though.

Religion: Imperial Cult. All other are Heretical. very simialar to catholicism somehow. minus the god emperor part...
Foreign Policy: Pragmatic
Social Policy: Progressive...expect for religion
Fiscal Policy: pragmatic
Trade Policy: pragmatic
Monetary Policy: pragmatic
Currency: Imperial Yen
Military: 2 Armies, 2 Navies, 1 Air Wing
History: scroll down

During the event, the people of japan barely managed to mantain their nation to what it is. Somehow, they forgot that the Emperor* was in their mythology the desendent of
Amaterasu, and ended placing the Emperor as the only God, with command of all the spirits in Japan. Heretics are not tolerated. As a result of the event, Japan does not care about skin color so much. It cares if you worship the emperor and if you are a member of Japanese culture and society. The event did not move the occupation forces at all...

As a result, 2 former American** fleets which were in Japan at the time form the core of the new Empire's Naval forces. Seeing as we clearly are surrounded by one hell of a ruin because of a war we lost, and the US won, the occupation forces also left 2 army units for us to use. We have also found recently a wing of aircraft to us as well.

As a result of the occupation that clearly was occuring, we have ended up having to make Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English our main language.

*It is the same Emperor as during WW2. Speaking his name, which in RL is not something you do already is now a major heresy.
**We know they are amercian because they have flags.
I actually did something I usually don't do GMing.

I updated the front page again! If there are any wonky links, let me know.

The Franks invade Italia
The Territory of West Genoa has been invaded by the Franks! Claiming that their "Glorious Republic" is surrounded by enemies. Claiming they are "threatened on one side by a bunch of non-mainstream Castillians, and on the other side by some Lombards who ousted the Pope and called themselves Emperors." Consul Luigi Einaudi had this to say "I am appalled. We are Roman, and we are anything but an Empire, We are a Republic. In the TRUE ROMAN fashion unlike the Napoleonic hell hole they have. Please tell us how many people have you beheaded this year?" The aging Emperor Pietro Badoglio had this to say in response to this slander. "My Title may be Emperor, however I am nothing more than a servant of the Consul and the Senate. I am a General no more no less, that is who I am. While to recreate the Republic I invaded and took Rome, the Papacy is no less active than it was when it was created. The Pope and the Holy See still rule over an independent nation that we like to call "Vatican City". You however are Franks, the same people who invaded and conquered Rome not once but Twice. Your "Emperor" Napoleon Invaded and occupied the Papal States, and last I checked your "Republic" is based off of the Revolutionary Frankish nation, we however are a Roman Republic." Well the Frankish people have a lot on their plate to deal with. Tensions have been raised and everyone is on edge, lets hope this doesn't break into full out war.

This has been the Mercury, the best news source for the Senate and People of Rome.
Long live the Republic!

Something Something Pirates Placeholder - Tyo
Pirate Whorehouse of the Damned. More Info
Capital: IGNORE ME
Single best placeholder ever :D
"I demands a report on preparations for the Reunification."

"Your Holiness, we have moved the 1st Army and 2nd Army into position already to strike. The 1st and 2nd Fleet have been on station since the last report, and Our wings are training their hearts out in preparation. They want to know when we start. They are ready."

"We have began construction of the Factories in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Osaka. We have finished rebuilding downtown Hiroshima from what we now determine to have been a nuclear detonation. It appears the scientists were right. Nuclear weapons are possible. We have also to find a salvageable factory in Hiroshima and have begun rebuilding."

"We have made progress on nuclear weaponry. In order to achieve a detonation, we must first of all use either uranium or plutonium. We determine we could make a quarter kiloton weapon right now, but it would bankrupt the government for decades. We need more funding to achieve anything."

"You will receive the remaining budget to determine what must be done."

"Yes, your holiness."

"Meeting Adjourned."


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Encyclopædia Britannica
15th Edition

The Rebuilding of London

The Rebuilding of London is a name given to the time between October 1954 and [REDACTED] which involved the rebuilding of the British capital. London, being the capital of the United Kingdom, was a major target early on in the civil war by the revolutionary forces. After its capture in October 1946 the revolutionaries pursued a policy known as The Great Cleansing. This policy was primarily focused on breaking the Royalist morale and involved the destruction of many buildings, objects, and people associated with the Royal Family and the Royalist government. This event, known as The Burning of London by the Royalist forces, saw many historic places such as Westminster Abbey, Palace of Westminster, Buckingham Palace, and others put to the torch. Notable deaths include Prince Henry, Princess Margaret, and Winston Churchill, all of whom refused to leave the city.

The Great Fire of London, 17th century painting by an unknown artist.​

The occupation of London by revolutionary forces lasted five years and 3 months and ended in the Second Battle of London in January 1952. When the Royalist forces came back to the capital they were horrified by the systematic destruction of all Royalist related objects and the sharp decline of the population, at 15%. However, this wasn't the end of London's involvement in the war, as it was continuously bombed by revolutionary bombers until 1954. Only after these bombings stopped did the Rebuilding of London begin.

At the end of the bombings roughly 80% of the pre-revolution population remained. Due to the destruction of the former governmental centers the government operated out of Medway, a city in Kent, for the majority of the Rebuilding. The primary targets of the early Rebuilding were the boroughs of Westminster, Greenwich, and Croydon, the first two for their historical importance and Croydon for being the largest borough by population. This first phase of reconstruction lasted until 1957 when Buckingham Palace was rebuilt and the Royal Family moved back to London.

Photo of the damage caused by the Burning of London

OOC stuff
[Redacted] = stuff in the future usually
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