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Same results here through 100 turns as Lizzie. The first spy was sent to a CS accomplishing several rigs with no level, but the spy leveled up immediately after rigging a different CS. I wasn't watching the exp bar, so I'm unable to relay any clues at the moment.
Maybe they're given enough XP to level at the beginning of the game, but an "am I ready to level" check isn't run at that point?
I don`t know how about you, but i really tired from this non stop sphere of influence bullfeathers every congress session. 80% of all resolutions are SoI, every time i need to remove 1 SoI while i get 2 other SoI in the same session, this is stupid and clearly broken IMO.
I don`t know how about you, but i really tired from this non stop sphere of influence bullfeathers every congress session. 80% of all resolutions are SoI, every time i need to remove 1 SoI while i get 2 other SoI in the same session, this is stupid and clearly broken IMO.
Any suggestions on what to change about it? This is what a diplomatically focused human player does as well, so the AI is acting correctly within the scope of the game.

Thinking about this further, I think the AI is proposing this so often because only one/two other AI states are actually trying to compete with the proposer over said City State, so it doesn't lose any opinion with the majority of the players in proposing it. Hence, it's a very safe proposal right now.
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I agree that the AI seems to be acting more like the human going for SoI and this is often my default option if i have nothing else i particulary want at that point in time. Usually picking a CS that will only annoy civs who already hate me or i don't care about. If it passes it passes, if it doesn't then i don't mind unless i am actully going for diplomatic victory and then i will be choosing it for that reason anyway.
Maybe if possible create a barrier with necessity of 1000 relation points with given city state to invoke SoI vote. AI always try to throw SoI for CS on my continent near me, not in their "natural" SoI. If not me personally vote to remove this option, cause a lot of other stuff in congress not used cause of this.
Maybe if possible create a barrier with necessity of 1000 relation points with given city state to invoke SoI vote. AI always try to throw SoI for CS on my continent near me, not in their "natural" SoI. If not me personally vote to remove this option, cause a lot of other stuff in congress not used cause of this.

I agree, there needs to be some kind of threshold before it becomes available.
Maybe if possible create a barrier with necessity of 1000 relation points with given city state to invoke SoI vote. AI always try to throw SoI for CS on my continent near me, not in their "natural" SoI. If not me personally vote to remove this option, cause a lot of other stuff in congress not used cause of this.

If it's possible that would be a good idea I think. Perhaps require that you are allied with them or have a set amount of influence points with them before it is viable as an option. That said there might be a back side, there might not be a lot of options available then for things to do. As it might remove a lot of options, instead we'll probably just see (again) endless bans on luxuries or sanctions etc.
Personally i much prefer the spamming of SoI over spamming endless bans on luxuries or sanctions which just seemed to be picked previously as the AI had nothing else of interest to pick and had to pick something. At least they now seem to only pick those options intelligently.

While it would be good to add some sort of threshold/barrier i do think that currently the constant SoI choice is the lesser of two evils.

Having obvious thresholds like proximity or minimum influence or minimum percentage influence would counter what i see as the main use of the proposal which is to more easily control or wrest control of a CS you can't easily influence.e.g. i tend to use diplomats on nearby CS's or CS's i have easy access to while proposing SoI on CS's i am either fighting the AI for or they alrady have an insurmountable amount of influence.
is the bug where conquering a holy city doesnt properly transfer the ownership of the religion fixed in this version?
AI always try to throw SoI for CS on my continent near me, not in their "natural" SoI.
Totally the opposite feeling here. What's the point of a SoI in your immediate reach of diplomats? I personally always try to get SoI on far away and disputed CS.
Also when I play for diplomatic victory, SoI are often my picks in the first 2-3 congress sessions before switching gears. I was happily surprised in this version that AI was following my strategy. Needed to think a bit more about how to arrange my votes to stop some SoI to happen.
But yeah, maybe all 3 propositions being SoI should not be allowed like 1 or 2 per congress session maximum to push for more diversity?
Needed to think a bit more about how to arrange my votes

This is the goal of the AI improvements, so on that front it's doing a good job. :)
Maybe if possible create a barrier with necessity of 1000 relation points with given city state to invoke SoI vote. AI always try to throw SoI for CS on my continent near me, not in their "natural" SoI. If not me personally vote to remove this option, cause a lot of other stuff in congress not used cause of this.

Its a neat idea, probably not 1000 but it does make some sense to have SOME skin in the game before you flip a CS, instead of just being able to grab ones that have never heard of you. I don't know how much difference it will make, but its a reasonable concept.

The problem with SOL is its really needed for human players on higher difficulties. Humans just can't compete with teh influence spam of high level AIs....its an area where the AI holds all the cards, they have way more production and gold than you can ever dream of, and there is not a lot of tactics the human can use to counter this advantage. Their one trick are SOLs which can completely negate the AIs power. So SOLs need to remain strong to allow humans to really compete diplomatically at high levels, but at the same time you don't want them to be overbearing.

The idea above is a neat way to curb it a bit.
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I had an idea, Vox Populi is such an extensive mod, would it be possible to publish it on Steam as an official game mod? (Meaning outside of the Steam Workshop, kinda like a game. For example for Portal 2 there's Aperture Tag and Thinking with Time Machine)
Recent patches I've been doing ok science wise on emperor, now back again to 10 techs behind.
Getting hammered by knights, heavy skirmishers, trebs and longswordsmen while slowly trying to tech up to longswordsmen myself, yikes.
Figured I'd renew patch version, but all I get is font failed to load errors, and the civilopedia icons are just black bars, (in other words, corrupted). Might be because of mods, but idk
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