New Version - 3.3.1 (March 26, 2023)

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Is it intended I can't liberate a CS that Rome has tribute annexed? No options pop up when capturing, I just automatically annex it
I noticed something similar with CS which changed hands a lot. Sometimes I wouldn't get the liberate event.

I'll keep an eye on it next game and submit a bug report if it's weird.
Is it intended I can't liberate a CS that Rome has tribute annexed? No options pop up when capturing, I just automatically annex it
I get that bug lategame even before this version, I have to reload and turn off yields, hex etc.
Divine teachings: Holy City gains 20 Faith each time the owner expends a Great Person, scaling with Era.

Evidently I didnt read the text correct and got a bit surprised when I saw 60 faith on a gp expend.
Havent used this for ages, but is this supposed to be a flat number not scaled by holy city pop nor by number of cities?
The faith yields from this is really pitful.
Divine teachings: Holy City gains 20 Faith each time the owner expends a Great Person, scaling with Era.

Evidently I didnt read the text correct and got a bit surprised when I saw 60 faith on a gp expend.
Havent used this for ages, but is this supposed to be a flat number not scaled by holy city pop nor by number of cities?
The faith yields from this is really pitful.
Hahaha yeah that number is really low. Compared to other reformation belief I never even considered Divine Teachings for my pick . I have this idea of mine since maybe a year ago to switch the faith gain thing to the happiness thing of Faith of the Masses but have yet to apply it in my personal game. I think I will modify the game file to apply it my next game
Not sure if a bug or a game mechanics I'm not aware of.
I've noticed something I never saw before: city's cultural borders receding. As seen in the screenshot, previous border of Hungary included those two tiles where they'd built Eki. But at some point after I declared war on them I noticed that they lost a couple of tiles. One was taken by my city, another is now unclaimed.


EDIT: never mind. I didn't realize Eki could be built outside of native territory.
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Classic Era.
AI Gandhi lost 2 of his 4 cities to barbarians.
A bug or just rare bad AI luck?
Yes, and India seems to lose cities more than other civilizations to barbarians, not sure why..You can increase starting defense units to help them

The Sapper promotion of the siege tower is also broken, all units on the map enjoy the 20%/40% damage increase, not the 2 tiles only
Yes, and India seems to lose cities more than other civilizations to barbarians, not sure why..You can increase starting defense units to help them

The Sapper promotion of the siege tower is also broken, all units on the map enjoy the 20%/40% damage increase, not the 2 tiles only
I can't seem to replicate this as I'm playing with the Assyrians right now. Are you sure if you updated a mod mid-save that might've messed up with promotion database?
The Sapper promotion of the siege tower is also broken, all units on the map enjoy the 20%/40% damage increase, not the 2 tiles only
Are they? I suggest you report it as a bug to gitHub.
How to mod all planes to use horse resource? I'm tired of them being useless late game and the ai not having enough oil for planes. Also want to change battleships and later ships to just iron resource too. I tried editing the unit files but that didn't do anything.
experiencing the same. i usually struggle a bit but now i am just dominating like king or prince
I'm playing on Epic game speed and Emperor is an unfair nightmare where a 90% health pikeman can't defeat a 35% catapult, while King is so easy the AI just lets me conquer 3 civs before finally being aggro towards me.

Also there's a bug where you can declare war on a city state, damage their city, make peace, end turn, press "We will retreat" when an ai asks you to leave their protected city state alone; repeat until you got the city. No repercussions.
Not sure if a bug or a game mechanics I'm not aware of.
I've noticed something I never saw before: city's cultural borders receding. As seen in the screenshot, previous border of Hungary included those two tiles where they'd built Eki. But at some point after I declared war on them I noticed that they lost a couple of tiles. One was taken by my city, another is now unclaimed.

View attachment 659187
They can build Eki outside (adjacent) of their borders.
Version 3.0.4, but I haven't seen any changes.

About the possibility of donating units to city-states through manual delivery.
Now a very non-obvious, non-intuitive system of prohibitions. It is impossible to say in advance whether we will be allowed to make a donation.
I have no complaints about the fact that you cannot give injured units either with 0 movement points or if there is an enemy on an adjacent tile.

In this case, it was important for me to present this particular chariot archer on this particular turn in order to complete a combination of quests, when success in one CS leads to a successful quest in another CS. But we had to tinker, because the enemy skirmisher regularly interfered with us, which simply by its presence on the horizon blocks the donation option.

A skirmisher stands on a hill. He doesn't even see us. Base visibility +2, hill +1. But the donation option is not available to us.

It also doesn't look like a ban due to the range of movement and the attack of the skirmisher, because the skirmisher is able to run to the cell where we can perform the gift act. It has 5 movement points and the tile is also in a 5 radius. Either there is a mistake and calculations are made for vanilla skirmishers with 4 movement points.

I propose to simplify the rules of donation:
-- If our unit is completely healthy and located in the territory of the city-state and there is no enemy on the adjacent tile, then we can gift this unit.

I don't think there is a requirement for the unit to have movement points left. It's better to check if the unit used an attack this turn. If you attacked, you can’t give (this is because you can give skirmishers or ships after the attack, but other units can’t).

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Again 3.0.4. Spawn of barbarian camps. Perhaps this has already been changed.

The camp can spawn next to the caravan unit. An additional barbarian appeared on top of our caravan, but our brave camel managed to trick the enemy and escaped into the city at the beginning of our turn.

Spoiler :



I'm tired of them being useless late game and the ai not having enough oil for planes.
You can use "abundant resource" setting before you start a game. Or whatever it's called that puts more strategics on map.
Well turns out :
Theocratic rule + mausoleum + synagogues are really strong.
Probably one of the best combos in this iteration.
Its a no-brainer as china, played it as Indonesia with god of springtime and the supposed gold issue was just non existent, I was basically drowning in gold.
Again about version 3.0.4. Didn't see any changes about it.

Can barbarians buy units? It is the barbarians, not the camps.
A camp appeared and the barbarian was in the way of our caravan. The caravan was looted.

This is the first time I've seen a second barbarian appear nearby, which is in an inactive phase. This barbarian stands far from the camp, that is, the camp could not buy him.

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