North American Union Capital?

The only notoriety OK has is for people fleeing from it because it is a dusty wasteland. Also why would you put the capital in the middle of nowhere? Yeah it may be central geographically but it is still 1000 miles from anywhere important. Detroit is better because of it's proximity to pretty much every major canadian and eastern city. OKC would just make it an easy target for crazy southern militias and mexican cartels. The cartels another good reason to have the capital on the canadian us border. Real life isn't civ4, there's no distance maintenance from the capital. I can't thing of a single major capital in the world that is centrally located.

Singapore, Vatican, Monaco, etc... :lol:
The only notoriety OK has is for people fleeing from it because it is a dusty wasteland. Also why would you put the capital in the middle of nowhere? Yeah it may be central geographically but it is still 1000 miles from anywhere important. Detroit is better because of it's proximity to pretty much every major canadian and eastern city. OKC would just make it an easy target for crazy southern militias and mexican cartels. The cartels another good reason to have the capital on the canadian us border. Real life isn't civ4, there's no distance maintenance from the capital. I can't thing of a single major capital in the world that is centrally located.
Madrid is pretty central, Rome is about halfway up the Italian peninsula, and Tokyo is roughly halfway between the bottom of Kyushu and the top of Hokkaido.

Which isn't to say that you are wrong, of course, just that there are no absolutes one way or the other. ;)
In 1900, 62% of the U.S. population lived in the northeast and midwest and by 2000 58% lived in the south and west. If the mean center of gravity was measured then the U.S. population has moved 324 miles west and 101 miles south over that timeframe. If we add Mexico and Canada it would seem somewhere in Texas would make sense so I say Austin.
We have plenty of cities in the US that would be suitable. There is absolutely no reason to build a new one in the middle of nowhere.

Further, Washington D.C. was designed as the capital, it is entirely structured to suit that purpose. I shudder to think what would become of D.C. if the capital were ever moved.
In 1900, 62% of the U.S. population lived in the northeast and midwest and by 2000 58% lived in the south and west. If the mean center of gravity was measured then the U.S. population has moved 324 miles west and 101 miles south over that timeframe. If we add Mexico and Canada it would seem somewhere in Texas would make sense so I say Austin.

I don't think Harrisburg and Albany provide much support for the idea of moving a capital to the geographic center.
Washington D.C. The infrastructure and the ability to add additional governmental infrastructure is already there.

Plus, the freakin place was designed to be a capital city. Why shoehorn it in a place like NYC or San Francisco(Canadians and Mexicans, you have to be nuts to think that we will accept such a union capital being based in your countries)
DC is unimportant. If its a Union each nation would keep its capital
That depends on the nature of the Union. The assumption, I think, has been that each US state, Mexican state and Canadian province would became a state within a new nation, rather than simply introducing a slightly higher tier of government.

Plus, the freakin place was designed to be a capital city.
Making it one of a handful such cities. The rest seem to manage.
DC is unimportant. If its a Union each nation would keep its capital

No, you see, the Union already exists; you're just not a member of it yet.
Washington D.C. The infrastructure and the ability to add additional governmental infrastructure is already there.

Plus, the freakin place was designed to be a capital city. Why shoehorn it in a place like NYC or San Francisco(Canadians and Mexicans, you have to be nuts to think that we will accept such a union capital being based in your countries)

If an NAU were to happen, the natural place of a capital would be the US. I don't think anyone in Canada or Mexico would really deny it's the logical place to put it -- just that it's not where we would want it.

On the other hand, for an NAU to happen, it would really require concessions on the part of all three countries in regards to the other two. A split capital (South Africa) or a decentralized capital (internet? how novel!) would work, or something like a rotating head of government (EU) between the 3 countries.

One thing is certain though: the US wouldn't have the political power it proportionally would deserve. Unless, of course, the NAU came about by force.
Has anyone considered Las Vegas? If politicians are going to carry on the way they do, perhaps we should make it convenient for them.

One thing is certain though: the US wouldn't have the political power it proportionally would deserve. Unless, of course, the NAU came about by force.

Yeah, there's simply no way it would ever work, unless it came about by force.
That depends on the nature of the Union. The assumption, I think, has been that each US state, Mexican state and Canadian province would became a state within a new nation, rather than simply introducing a slightly higher tier of government.

Making it one of a handful such cities. The rest seem to manage.

True, but the difference between those cities and DC is that DC has more in the way of governmental infrastructure and the ability to house more.
Paris isn't centrally located. To get that you'd have to go with Bourges or something. And that's only counting the mainland départments.
KC is about the only section of Missouri I am okay with.

:p VRWC I don't hold it against anyone stuck there. I just really didn't like the place. Probably because it was there I heard the immortal phrase uttered by a Private taking a piss:

"Damn it! There's a tick on my d--k!" (Thankfully not me, but damn I laughed so hard when he tried the match trick to get rid of it :lol:).

I really shouldn't be laughing so much at such misfortune of another man, but dammit :lol:.
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