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NOTW XXXV: Life's A Bore (Game Thread)


3 Nictel (Earthling, landlubber, Ravus_Sol)
2 Lightfang (King Flevance, Romanichine)
1 King Flevance (Nictel)
6 not voting (Frozen in Ice, J-Man, Lightfang, link16, Seon, Zack)

How about one of the non voters cast a vote on Lightfang to make things interesting? :)
If you ask me, J-man's recent posts reek of scum. He's trying to sound like he's a top active innocent, but I'm not buying it.
Why, Roman? There is nothing against LightFang but a bad feeling from King Flevance, whom you just accused of being anti-town earlier. I don't like all of your vote switches and switching who you accuse and who you support so quickly.

Vote: Romanichine

My vote changes are to get people to vote, I think I've been clear on that. But if you think that makes me scum, by all means please vote to lynch me! That's exactly what I want!!

Have you been reading this thread Zack? :D I think you've missed some.
I think with our current tally we could use to get people to finally speak up more, and I haven't seen many solid defenses by any of these folks unfortunately.

But, out of all the votes that don't make sense here, this one is egregious:

If you ask me, J-man's recent posts reek of scum. He's trying to sound like he's a top active innocent, but I'm not buying it.

You do realize J-Man was a demonstrated vigilante? Missed that perhaps just like you maybe missed much of the discussion on Kennigit and cultists? If he has that ability again though it sounded one-time it almost might be worth taking out someone like *you*, but out of most of us left he's one of the few who has both demonstrated his ability and worked towards the Innocent cause.

One comment about LightFang - he got that magical orb a while back and the recent night updates have talked about him going "crazy" are the two out of the ordinary things regarding him. We could maybe use an explanation of that, I wouldn't prefer to lynch him as a first priority, but anyway, it would be best if we get those nonvoters to really take a stand.
Unvote LightFang Nictel

Vote: King Flevance Because he lurks rather than not paying any attention to the game, like myself. Sorry but there is little reason for me being here other than increasing innocent numbers. It's a bummer when you lose both people you need on day 2.

In any case his posts have been very elaborate and thought out. But he says little, it's a lot of maybe's and perhapses. He is weighing his words a little to careful. He is trying too hard to look innocent.
I first dismissed this whole accusation as I see it as nothing more than what my vote for lightfang was. Had there not been a minor bandwagon starting I probably would have overlooked it completely. However, I had time to go back through the thread again and investigate only Nictel's posts.
4 of your 9 posts, Nictel, are not relevant to the game. SO of your 5 game relevant posts, 3 are you claiming to not know what is going on. Even unaware of accusations against you by Takhisis. You talking about the fact that you hadn't read the whole thread. The other two are one-liners of you jumping on the bestrfcplayer bandwagon and the mayor's bandwagon.

I smell scum.
For that matter, about abilities and the like - Ravus' jail ability is obviously very useful, and I would encourage taking some lurker we don't lynch like Frozen I guess and locking him up today.

Thought he mentioned he could only do it once. I could be wrong.

Lightfang has sat unwell by me since day 4. I have no evidence to provide anyone other than say I have just had a feeling about Lightfang's posts since day 4. As for the Lightfang shouting to lynch lightfang and denying it (Day 7) I don't know what to make of it. Either a really placed ruse to throw anyone like myself off or someone trying to set him up as a red herring like Ravus suggested.

I guess take that for what it is worth. (not much) If anything better arises I will change my vote.

I assure you, it's a red herring. What man would yell out to lynch himself? I must have been possessed by a Shade or something!

Thanks for your vote landlubber. Next :D

landlubber vote: Lightfang


One comment about LightFang - he got that magical orb a while back and the recent night updates have talked about him going "crazy" are the two out of the ordinary things regarding him. We could maybe use an explanation of that, I wouldn't prefer to lynch him as a first priority, but anyway, it would be best if we get those nonvoters to really take a stand.

I don't have an explanation for going crazy, other than that I insist that it is the world turning crazy and I staying sane. ;)

Oh, seriously though, I really would like to know what that was all about.

Anyway, since you all insist that I consign someone to the flames--Nictel. Usually he plays a far more active role than he does now.
I think with our current tally we could use to get people to finally speak up more, and I haven't seen many solid defenses by any of these folks unfortunately.

But, out of all the votes that don't make sense here, this one is egregious:

You do realize J-Man was a demonstrated vigilante? Missed that perhaps just like you maybe missed much of the discussion on Kennigit and cultists? If he has that ability again though it sounded one-time it almost might be worth taking out someone like *you*, but out of most of us left he's one of the few who has both demonstrated his ability and worked towards the Innocent cause.

One comment about LightFang - he got that magical orb a while back and the recent night updates have talked about him going "crazy" are the two out of the ordinary things regarding him. We could maybe use an explanation of that, I wouldn't prefer to lynch him as a first priority, but anyway, it would be best if we get those nonvoters to really take a stand.
I believe in the fact that there's no such thing as a sure thing until the player in question is dead and their alliance revealed.
So... innocene in death only? That's kinda cynical but true.

You know... there should be more equipment then this. There was a forge out there, a cutlass the orb and probably other stuff as well yet none of it's turned up in awhile. Did Lightfang mention the orb in the end or still just kind of ignoring the question?

Oh well i'm probably dead next, going from the message. So i'll just say Nictel still rings scummy with his "the two guys important to me are dead", he was probably the one who stole the forge in the begining.

Frozen, link and landlubber continue to not say much, Frozen rings the worst because he was mentioned in suspicion before... i need to go back and re-read the thread.
Evening Day 8

Things picked up in the afternoon, as people took it in turns to try to get a response out of the stable boy, who had sunk into a deep depression, following the deaths of the Horse Trader and the Blacksmith. Failing to do that, they decided to make him fade.

As they laid their hands on him, he finally opened up crying out, "Not me, I'm too young to fade!"
They just glared at him, and he slowly began to fade.
Spoiler :
Nictel- 6- J-man, Lightfang, King Flevance, landlubber, Ravus_Sol, Earthling
Romanichine-1- Zack
J-man- 1- Frozen in Ice
Lightfang-1- Romanichine

Night has fallen
Day Dawns in 24 hours
Night Orders to me.
Morning, day 9
The much-depleted town awakes to the sound of the horses kicking down the doors to the stable and running off. As the citizens stumble about bleary-eyed, they notice a few of their colleagues aren't with them. First the go to J-man's where an unpleasant sight graces their eyes. J-man is lying on the ground with the shards of his bow driven into his chest. They find nothing else of note beyond a few books of poetry and come to the conclusion that
Spoiler :
J-man was a defender of National Integrity!

The sculptor is also missing, but when they get to his house, a somewhat different vision is before them. By his washbasin, the sculptor is in footie pajamas, with little buffalo on them. Awww, so cute. The fact that his head is floating in the wash-basin only somewhat detracts from the scene. They go through his place and find scrolls with titles like "How to be a Good Sidar" and "A Beginner's Guide to Fading". They also find the Orb.
Spoiler :
Lightfang, though a dwarf, was devoted to the National Integrity of the Sidar.

With two more dead, the people sat down to the hard business of determining who was killing them. There would be no breaks today.

Night falls in 49 hours
There will be no Midday Update
Votes for the Orb in Purple
Have some evidence on Frozen in Ice that could use discussion to open the day, but other thoughts are racing through my head too, I'm curious about a few things I'll probably bring up soon if everyone is here and talking. The killing is being way too dangerous, and this serial killer head guy has who knows what priorities.

However, to continue this post - I scanned Frozen as having a *Spear* - I would assume it is a weapon/strength-related in fact.

Now, this in itself does not make for any sure things, it does fit with his role as a Ranger, but then again, Frozen is in the category of "where have been and what have you been doing the whole time."

In particular, we already appeared to have other "high-strength" Innocents and they are now dead - J-man our vigilante or Kennigit, whatever he was, for instance. However, a Mafia simply having a weapon that helps them kill is an obvious, possible, explanation.

So I'm going to propose this: Frozen has to explain exactly why he has and would need to keep the spear. Or else he should reveal and put it up to public vote/ hand it over to a more proven Innocent for self-defense.

If anyone else has any evidence relating to if he could possibly be a killer or something that would also be nice to hear, again talk in public or in private if you must but at least share any evidence you have.

edit: the Orb - I don't know what this did, and if it did or did not have an adverse effect on Lightfang. No idea who should take it right now, maybe I'll vote on it later.
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