Observations from Potato’s video.

That's probably something the devs will fix sooner rather than later (the most simple fix would be that culture bombs only trigger when you place an improvement from growth, and not relocation), so better abuse it while it's there :D
For me this sonds like optimal play the devs should encourage and probably do.
I was surprised Potato dropped a video that was 20 minutes over the authorized 1 hour time limit and then excused it with a 'ops sorry' 😉 . . . after every other content provider honored the 2k/Firaxis agreement.

Rules don't apply to him? And he just gets away with that because he has a lot of subscribers? I'd be pissed if I was one of the other content creators.
I think he gets away with it because he moved a lot slower than all the other creators and didn’t do any cuts. He don’t reveal anything he wasn’t supposed to. Most of the other creators may have revealed or violated embargo material because of the format of their video.
That's probably something the devs will fix sooner rather than later (the most simple fix would be that culture bombs only trigger when you place an improvement from growth, and not relocation), so better abuse it while it's there :D
That reminds me how in the first few days (weeks?) of Civ VI we could chop outside of our own territory and the production would go to the nearest city, good times.
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