• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Open Spots in NES.

Due to game-start magpies and overextended players, there are four spots available in Varica: Children of the Sky. Join us in weaving a story of high adventure in a world trying to claw itself out of the dark ages.

Available nations include the following:

The Romadi, a confederation of passionate northerners known for their song, dance, and feuds. Lots of opportunity for adventure and storytelling.

The desert dwelling Nimosans. Great traders and builders, these unique people could become Varica's greatest allies, or their fiercest enemies. A great place for the player who wants to find new trading partners.

The Gibraly Empire, a powerful state known for its archery and loyalty. Central location between Varica and it's friends in the northern frontier states provides a secure location provides a secure set-up to build from.

The Rhenican Empire, a state poised to look outwards towards the alien Thune and the great ocean. The Rheni challenge the Nimosans for domination of coastal shipping lanes, but with the benefit of controlling the Dhun river delta, where all the rivers of Varica eventually lead.
Currently looking for more experienced players in me and Nuclear kid's NES, The Six-Months War; Take Two. The Entente seems to be pushed back a bit- the nations of the 3rd French Empire, and the Confederacy are still open, not to mention all the various smaller nations laying about (Mexico, Spain, Siam, Venezuela, Serbia, Greece etc..) any players welcome!!
Hello all! I am currently looking for two players to fill in the two open spots in my NutraNes. The NES puts the players in the role of Immortals, god-like beings who lord over the Arosan Republic (an amalgamation of ancient Greece and Rome). The Immortals are the last remnants of the Gamian peoples, Trojanesque people who were abandoned by their gods during the Gamian/Corian war.

As Immortals the players are free to do, well, pretty much anything they would like. One Immortal has set up a cult around the War Goddess Akyrosyne and placed himself as its head. Another Immortal has brought on the beginnings of a commercial revolution in Aros. Another Immortal has amassed himself a great amount of wealth via coastal raids. The possibilities really only limited by your imaginations!

Currently I have just posted Update two which saw the conclusion of the Lachykos Campaign.

One of the open spots is entirely vacant, which would allow for you to create your own Immortal as you see fit.

The other spot is Matiea (a woman) who is the Renaissance Man of the Immortals. She has her fingers in many pies and currently enjoys the love of the people more so than any other Immortal.
I am looking for two players to join me in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world game based on both the Earthdawn role-playing game and the Fall From Heaven mod for Civilization IV.

The positions are one of a group of northern trolls and one of a group of forest-dwelling amazon-like warrior women. Both positions are medium-strong vis-a-vis the rest.

Check out this linky:
I want to join something...
Am a newbie at this...
Welcome! You should probably look through the top 30 threads or so and find one that interests you, read the thread to see what's going on, and then join it if you want to.

The following mods are running functional NESes: lord_joakim, TheLizardKing, Agent89, Abaddon, JasonTheKing, Immaculate, spryllino, Disenfranchised, germanicus12, North King, Dachs, Fulton, Ninja Dude, Nutranurse, Lord_Iggy.
JulNES1 could use someone as the Ottoman Empire but other than that every major nation is taken. So it isn't "needed" but if the NES interest you, it would be welcome.
LONES: Dawn over a New World is looking into a new stats system, along with a several-hundred year BT. If you are willing to suffer my inane machinations and are inclined towards creating a world similar to ours, but just so different, then you may be interested.

Read all about the possible BT and upcoming stats-revision here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=9372885#post9372885

ADDITION: These players will be needed (if they are willing) to take the reigns of several nations which may appear after the BT. Anyone interested should see about that shortly.
I'm moderating NWolfNES I: The Greenskins, home edition and I think I can handle ~6 players in addition to what I already have.

NWolfNES I is Basically RPG mixed with Village management. Players start out as non skilled, not known, not respected immortal orcs, who have no knowledge of their past. This "immortality" does not mean one can not be killed in battle or poisoned and I'll not save anyone if their stupid actions lead them to their death. As they progress in world, player'll first gain control of followers, enough followers form a "family" (called "tribe" in game) after, what they can assume control of village(s) that could evolve into empires.

On update 0/opening post they just landed back home from parallel universe where they were hiding in for last 300 years. They have no idea what is around them or about what was around them in history.

During Update 1, immortals and other villagers built up new village (by building a trap line, half completing irrigation, builing common sleeping halls, cultivating field etc.). Besides all that they also met fleeing survivors of Tauren attack, learned about meremaids (more like rivermaids) and found out that for some reason elders who go out during night for "potty" reasons, disappear.

Update 2 will cover "summer" season and will cover time frame of 3 months.

NES is focused on personal adventures and diplo - but could eventually end up being empire management :p

EltNES: A First Attempt, starting soon!

A fresh start NES on a unique world map- players needed! Create your own culture and nation and forge your place in history!
I am moderating ImmacuNES IIB (see link in signature).

there is room for one player. First dibs to Matt0088 if he wants it but I think he is too busy.

Anyway, if anyone wants it: this is the spot. its pretty strong.

House Vanari (NPC)
Spoiler :

House Vanari

House Vanari can trace its lineage back to a great corporate industrial giant of the Diaspora known as Aries Corp. During the rush for planets and resources the corporate giant was particularly successful in claiming sole rights to a number of habitable worlds. As humanity spread throughout the stars the Aries corporation became a multi-planetary government in its own right with highly successful industries and technologies specializing in materials fabrication, industrial construction projects, mining, fossil fuel-based propulsion for both space travel and missiles, navigational and targeting electronics and later, cybernetics. As the Grand Republic formed, the Aries corporation made a bold attempt to reject the multinational government and soon found itself without access to a number of required resources including its far-flung oil fields and its lucrative corporate markets. Within months its changed its tune and its planets adopted membership to the Grand Republic. Under the grand republic, the Aries corporation steadily lost much of its influence and dominance in its markets as its worlds were subjected to outside law and republic competition.

Then came the fall of ‘the map’ and in the ensuing anarchy Aries corporation saw its opportunity to regain what it had once lost. Within a few years it was again the de-facto ruler of many worlds with trade and industrial monopolies to rival even the Republic itself.

Then came the symbiots. Many worlds were over-run though Aries technology was great enough and its soldiers trained and motivated enough to fight the enemy to a stalemate on several planets. Then, in desperation, the transcedentals closed the jumpgates and only the oifields and factories of Arrakis remained under Aries control (the fate of its fiefs outside the 'known worlds' remain a mystery and most probably a tragedy). As the worlds rebuilt themselves around the church’s influence, the league was not quick to forget the slights of the Aries corporation and quickly sought to end the middling of the now much weakened Aries holding. In desperation the Aires fiefs made an ally with the newly recognized and still infant-like church-aligned house Van. Though marriage they became house Vanari and together with their church connections and their industrial capacity were able not only to survive but to thrive in the new world order.

Today House Vanari continues a strong tradition of industry and trade and does everything it can to indirectly antagonize the League guilds by working, as much as possible, with other noble houses and the church and when it absolutely must cooperate with guilds, choosing those that are least liked by the central League hierarchy. Vanari holds fiefs on Arrakis and Errovus Secondus.

  • Economics:
    • Treasury: 31 MF
    • Income: +32 MF
  • Technology:
    • Physics: 3 (10/40, +13)
    • Biotech: 3 (12/40, +10)
    • Society: 3 (10/40, +5)
  • Military Quality
    • Army corps: 3
    • Air corps: 2
    • Navy corps: 0
    • Space corps: 0
    • Maggicks: 0
    • Intrigue: 2
  • Reputation:
    • Popularity: 5
    • Noblesse: 4
    • Piety: 5
    • Profitability: 3
  • Policy
    • Develop a policy
  • Fiefdoms
    • Automated Factories (industrial-commercial and industrial military) (Romeni, Arrakis)
    • Materials Engineering Research facility (small) (Romeni, Arrakis)
    • Specialized Ceramasteal industry(Romeni, Arrakis)
    • Petrochemical Engineering research faciltiy (Rykun, arrakis)
    • Oil Wells (arrakis)
  • Unit Groups
    • Phobos Yacht (Arrakis) (no orders)
      1 Republic Frog-class Yacht
    • Strike Team One (arrakis) (no orders)
      4 brigades Aries-class medium tanks, 6 brigades light armor
    • Desert Rats (arrakis) (guard fiefdoms)
      18 divisions infantry III, 14 brigades medium armor, 4 brigades heavy armor, 2 fighter squadrons
    • House Guard (E2) (guard fiefdoms)
      4 divisions infantry II, 1 brigade Aries-class medium tank, 1 fighter squadron
  • Action-Capable Characters:
    • Philipe Van Gar (sceptreholder): military-minded, industrialist, political, determined, stubborn, impolite (errovus secondus)
    • Heifel Aries: formal training in chemistry and petroleum engineering, pious

EDIT: Thank you- the spot is filled.
I've started up a NES called Lands of the Galaxy: Circuitria, here. It can be a high or low obligation NES depending on how you want to play. I'm setting a cap at eight players, so make your claims quick.

So far, eight open spots. Make your claims quick!
Well, a steady slew of players have been falling out of my NES, leaving several large, powerful nations wide open for grabs. (and smaller ones that could be 'fixed up' easily.

In LizNES, the United States of Europe, a theocratic Superpower, The Confederacy of Southern Europe, it's foil, Japan, a rising eastern nation and The New Empire of India, another rising power are all open, among dozens of others. I'm already typing up update 4, so come in now. I allow major customization to your nation, so you can make it what you want really.
Many worlds were over-run though Aries technology was great enough and its soldiers trained and motivated enough to fight the enemy to a stalemate on several planets. Then, in desperation, the transcedentals closed the jumpgates and only the oifields and factories of Arrakis remained under Aries control (the fate of its fiefs outside the 'known worlds' remain a mystery and most probably a tragedy).
That really sucks (winning but getting dumped). The Vanari story kinda gripped me early on too, but someone else wanted it.

Immaculate said:
  • Automated Factories (industrial-commercial and industrial military) (Romeni, Arrakis)
  • Materials Engineering Research facility (small) (Romeni, Arrakis)
  • Specialized Ceramasteel industry(Romeni, Arrakis)
  • Petrochemical Engineering research faciltiy (Rykun, arrakis)
  • Oil Wells (arrakis)

  • That's just disgusting. ; )
    Oh wait, the Materials Engineering Research facility was just built... and all these are linked in to the same industry branch basically. And I have a strong position on E2 of all places... but then again the Authority scares me.
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