PHs: AW SG: Rise of the Queen Mother!

@pholky (somehow reminds me of porky...):

Fancy german logic ? If you'd know most people over here you'd have thought twice about this...
Recaptured Cuman.

I put the bum prophet to work making hammers in Antium. Cuts two turns off of its bank.

Revolt to mercantilism and add scientists to the cities that can "afford" them.

Founded Cantebury. Started SoD moving towards one of Biz's last cities. Moved our captured workers back so they could do some badly needed work. A settler is moving towards Delphi. Placement is up to the next player.

A gren should make it possible to take the barb city Zapotec.

Did a lot of newbie infra builds as our econ just sucks. I pillaged a few towns/villages just to keep our research up. We are now @ 30% and falling. I am wondering if our units out of our borders costs more than the maintenance of cities founded just to bust fog. The aztec city i captured was the holy city of Islam. FP is nearly finished in Delphi and this should help a good bit.

We have galleys about to enter the "lake".

Barbs are everywhere. :(

Lets finish off the Bizstacker!
Sounds good. Builder turns are probably necessary, though I wouldn't worry about the science. 30% of our economy still vastly outpaces 100% of anybody else's.
rex_tyranus said:
Sounds good. Builder turns are probably necessary, though I wouldn't worry about the science. 30% of our economy still vastly outpaces 100% of anybody else's.

For me that is one of the biggest surprises of the game: We were and are outperforming the AI on tech research. I feared the 8 civ tech trust but we got a sizeable tech lead from the very beginning on. Maybe the AI has researched towards the same goals so that trading was not that beneficial for them. Still I'm very surprised and pleased of our effort the whole game through.


The Roster:

Timon >> on deck
Talamane >> just played
Pholk >> >> UP NOW

Paul still on deck for more or less therapeutic smashy-smashy.
I tried to build some banks in my last turnset, banks are great with the type of research we are running right now..
good turns, Talamane. I will grab this tonight and play. At this point, seeing as how the action is slowing down more and more, I'm going to play 15 turns and i think we all should. I don't want the endgame of this to become a tedious hand-off fest that takes 2 weeks wehen we only have 50 turns left to play, eh? That is, if there are no objections, but this way, we can claim victory and focus on the SGOTM
pholkhero said:
good turns, Talamane. I will grab this tonight and play. At this point, seeing as how the action is slowing down more and more, I'm going to play 15 turns and i think we all should. I don't want the endgame of this to become a tedious hand-off fest that takes 2 weeks wehen we only have 50 turns left to play, eh? That is, if there are no objections, but this way, we can claim victory and focus on the SGOTM

Sure, im prefectly fine with this.

15 turns are quite fine. With our enemys being downcast now this equals 3 turns around 1000 AD when the smashing began...
Phew....the smashy was micro-management was back a bit so I only played 10. Report up soon, but there's only 6 enemy cities left or so.
Turn 0/1770:
This is the land we have left to conquer!

Move units east. Find tenoch!

Some cities are done their builds, a bank, a settler..some other stuff. I convert to all military at this point. W/the remaining few bit of land, we should just push at them hard and end this! I spy a German archer-pair w/settler ~ I take them out w/the knights in the northern stack. Also, a grennie in Berlin takes out a warrior. No pic needed. Fortify a grennie in the old Asian Southeast

Lose a worker to a german HA as he’s trying to abscond to Berlin! Also, we lose a severely wounded, healing grennie to a barb sword!! Aslo, a xbow loses to a barb longbow.

Our stack takes back the worker and lands next to Hamburg. Gen Zest takes care of the offending HA. Also, our knights have penetrated Japanese lands.

A cat and a mace take care of the barb sword and longbow respectively.
We land next to Tenoch!

I also sacrifice a german slave for some intelligence. I like this tactic.

Found Coventry on the western shore of the bay, on the old border of greece and germany.

Lose 2 workers to the germans. [I’ll get’em back!] A barb archer takes our cat. Islam spread to Coventry. Gen Zest is at Lvl7.
Tenoch is on an island!! How awesome is that!

Our cats reduce Hamburg to 6%. All go! A grenadier and an elepant and the city is gone.

Whip a forge in Berlin. Our grenadier is killed at Zapotec by the longbow. The 2 knights clean up and Zapotec is gone.


(If you check, this pic is named "ForPaul" not ForPal is i intended. who's paul?? I don't know. My first thoughts were paul mcartney. So this pic is dedicated to mr mccartney, in honor of his marriage to the one-legged model. [hey, it's 1:30 am]

We’re up to 40% Sci. Educ comes in and I selected Rifling so we’re 3 techs away. Whip forge in Ghangzhou. I also change a lot of builds from forges to libraries so we can get our border pops. We can swap back to Forges when the pop gets big enough or whip the libraries…whatever. I move the army back to just outside Berlin. When I realized that the Southern Army had no cats, I have foregone Tenoch, but am going to send settlers down that way to discourage our friend Monty from settling there for the now.

Aprapro(like my french :lol:) of that: Warwick is founded where Germany's northern city once stood.

And, Monty had a settler and longbow on a galley. I didn’t want it settling so I sac’d a galley and used a 2nd to wipe it out.

...bottom ten to come...
Took out a barb archer near Ghuangzhou. Upgrade a mace to a grenadier at
Warwick because it faces 3 barb threats. Most of our S army is moving north on 2 galleys. A mace and an xbow remain on Tenoch-island to have some fun.

1784: Discover Kyoto.

Also, Edo is founded on the ruins of Hamburg. Target number one once the Generals Ron-de-vu ;) Then eliminate the German menace. SoD up north onto japan and then all new units should go to the old Chinese subcontinent for an assault on Tenoch.

I momentarily lose Berlin :blush: I recapture it rightaway w/a gren and recall some nearby fogbusters. Also, our knights take out a city I longbow @ Edo. It will be ruins by next turn.

"We don’t need to wait for that glory-stealing General Beast," bellowed Gen. Zest!!

Down south, I’ve got the harbor blockaded at Tenoch!

I have, like, this thing…where, like, I lose workers and stuff. I heal outside Edo; the attack stalls.

New Castle is founded in olde China ~ there's also a barb city down there, 2 grenadiers trying to take it, w/one longbow still left. Also, with the gren's is a settler for another city down there to stop monty.

Gen Zest receives word that Gen Beast has landed. He pushes his tired men. Ahh, but scouts report that the enemy has brought up another division of longbowmen.


:mad: Gen Zest is now forced to wait until Gen Beast arrives to take Edo; his ego is not worth his men’s lives.

D’oh! I hit enter!

1792: Lose another one ™! in the interturn. I believe that the enemies of English freedom have only 6 cities remaining. And there’s a Japanese caravel off the west coast. I have not moved.

As I said (i've been using this phrase alot lately), there's not too much more to go. We should just push military and end this. Maybe even put every city on production for a turn and then whip some units out right quick. We will have a stack of about a dozen or so (perhaps a baker's :smoke: dozen even ~ oh, wait, this isn't RB18 :lol:) that being said, if victory is within a few turns after this next 15, feel free to end it. Before you win, please save it before the last city is conquered....i'd like to add this to my HoF here :D
Imhotep's Roster

Imhotep >> UP NOW
Qwack >> on deck
Rex >>
Talamane >>
Pholk >> just played

Paul still on deck for more or less therapeutic smashy-smashy.
Wow. 1:44AM. That's dedication, Pholk. Do yourself a favor and spend tonight trying to remember what your wife looks like.
rex_tyranus said:
Wow. 1:44AM. That's dedication, Pholk. Do yourself a favor and spend tonight trying to remember what your wife looks like.
Well, i didn't start the whoel thing until after 9, so i was with her before then. And, she walked past me a couple of times while i was playing/writing. We're going away this weekend to New England for a spell so i wanted to play before the games got stuck on me over the weekend.
First of all, I've played only ten turns - I did run out of time due to some unexpected happenings this afternoon. I had quite calm builder turns, there was some struggling with barbs, but nothing severe...

It was the warm summer of 1793. A breeze from the sea was in the air as the Queen ordered that the English Civilization should spread its wisdom and glory to wider lands. Therefore it came to be that some people decided to move from London to the cosy, sheltered coast near the ruins of Beijing to lieve there forever. When they came to the place they already had left some battle with barbarian nomads behind, and they found that the spot they wanted to settle in was already under watch by the cruel barbarian archery companies. The Queen had given them company of a Grenadier - to serve and to protect the sturdy folk of England on their way to new shores. After the battles the Grenadier was exhausted to the brink of death.

Seeing this, the people of London took refuge in the nearest english dwellings, hoping their Grenadier would survive. He did not, but did with the look in his face that all people have when they meet their end for a good thing. No help could be brought by anyone, not even by Gen Zest and his men - he was severely wounded after the taking and razing of a Japanese outpost.

However, the attraction of the place was so immense that the former London citizens couldn't resist to take their residence there. Thus they founded Oxford, city of marbled beauty.

Meanwhile Berlin, one of the cities liberated from German influence and decay, was in high alert. The ghastly mercenaries of Montezuma had allied with cruel barbarian soldiers to change the city into a place of decay and desolation.

But support came in time, and so only rumour came to the East of the dreadful wrath of England at Berlin. One of the chief foes of our beloved Queen still sits in his fortress at Kyoto and abides his time for an attack in strength. The city is garrisoned well - japanese spies seem to have stolen the secrets of gunpowder from the laboratories of the glorious english scientists.

To be continued...
This seems not to be the only theft that happened - the barbarians now come with maces...

The people of Ghangzhou have worked hard lately and mined the hills in the area. They now can bring Iron and Gold to the light of Earth.

Scouts of our Queen have reported that they have seen the last city of the vile Bizstacker. It is not over strongly guarded. Ehen this news reached our Capital the Queen immediately ordered the troops to advance in order to liberate the soil of Mother Gaia from bizstacking scum.

Mother Gaia loves her English children - and there are plenty of them...

And so it is only a matter of time if the Earth will only be inhabited by the true and faithful citizens of our Queen Mother...

Exclusive coverage of (Lord Imhotep)


I did some unit building, half a dozen Grenadiers are on the way to Frankfurt/Japan. Printing Press was in half of the way, Replaceable Parts due in 9, Rifling then in 18. I've set up the attack on Kyoto, defenses are down to 3%. The city should fall, but beware of the City Garrison II Musket in there.

Spoiler The Turnlog :

While attacking, Knight defeats (6.60/10): Japanese Longbowman
While attacking, Knight loses to: Japanese Longbowman (4.74/6)
While attacking, War Elephant defeats (0.80/8): Japanese Longbowman
Razed Edo
While attacking, Knight defeats (8.70/10): Barbarian Longbowman
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (8.88/12): Barbarian Longbowman
Razed Gepid
Cumae finishes: Knight
Canterbury grows: 2

While defending, Knight defeats (8.80/10): Barbarian Axeman
While defending, Grenadier loses to: Barbarian Archer (1.98/3)

Turn 413 (1794 AD)
Cumae begins: Grenadier
Berlin begins: Forge
While attacking, Knight defeats (8.80/10): Barbarian Archer
While attacking, Knight defeats (8.60/10): Barbarian Longbowman
While attacking, Knight defeats (7.70/10): Barbarian Archer
Grenadier promoted: Combat II
Oxford founded
Oxford begins: Forge
While attacking, Knight defeats (1.00/10): German Horse Archer
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (12.00/12): Barbarian Archer
Hastings grows: 10
Confucianism has spread: Canterbury
Coventry grows: 2

While defending, Knight defeats (9.10/10): Barbarian Warrior

Turn 414 (1796 AD)
While attacking, Knight defeats (6.40/10): Barbarian Warrior
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Shock
Horse Whisperer (to death (Knight) promoted: Combat III
London finishes: Grocer
York finishes: Courthouse
Rome grows: 12
Warwick grows: 2


Turn 415 (1798 AD)
London begins: Grenadier
York begins: University
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (7.32/12): Barbarian Archer
While attacking, Knight loses to: Barbarian Axeman (2.10/5)
While attacking, Knight defeats (7.40/10): Barbarian Horse Archer
Paris finishes: Market


Turn 416 (1800 AD)
Paris begins: Bank
While attacking, Knight defeats (9.10/10): Barbarian Axeman
While attacking, Knight defeats (7.40/10): Barbarian Horse Archer
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (6.60/12): Aztec Crossbowman
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (10.56/12): Barbarian Axeman
While attacking, Pikeman defeats (6.00/6): Barbarian Horse Archer

While defending, Knight defeats (7.40/10): Barbarian Swordsman

Turn 417 (1802 AD)
Knight promoted: Shock
While attacking, Knight defeats (6.40/10): Barbarian Axeman
Knight promoted: Formation
Rome finishes: Knight
Tianjin finishes: Knight

While defending, Knight defeats (10.00/10): Barbarian Horse Archer

Turn 418 (1804 AD)
Rome begins: Granary
Tianjin begins: Grenadier
While attacking, Knight defeats (8.80/10): Barbarian Axeman
While attacking, Knight defeats (3.00/10): Aztec Crossbowman
Cumae finishes: Grenadier
Hastings finishes: Grenadier


Turn 419 (1806 AD)
Cumae begins: Grenadier
Hastings begins: Grenadier
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (8.64/12): Barbarian Maceman
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (10.92/12): Barbarian Warrior
Rome finishes: Granary
Calixtlahuaca grows: 4

While defending, Grenadier defeats (11.76/12): Barbarian Maceman
While defending, Grenadier defeats (10.92/12): Barbarian Longbowman

Turn 420 (1808 AD)
Rome begins: Grenadier
While attacking, Knight defeats (10.00/10): Barbarian Longbowman
Tech learned: Printing Press
London finishes: Grenadier
Antium finishes: Grenadier
Paris grows: 14
Nottingham finishes: Grenadier
Berlin grows: 4

While defending, Knight defeats (6.60/10): Barbarian Maceman
While defending, Knight defeats (6.80/10): Barbarian Axeman

Turn 421 (1810 AD)
London begins: Grenadier
Antium begins: Grenadier
Nottingham begins: Grenadier
While attacking, Knight defeats (4.60/10): Barbarian Warrior
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Shock
While attacking, Knight defeats (8.30/10): Barbarian Warrior
London grows: 14
Tianjin grows: 7
Newcastle grows: 2
Oxford grows: 2


Turn 422 (1811 AD)
Knight promoted: Combat II
While attacking, Knight defeats (5.20/10): Japanese Horse Archer
Grenadier promoted: Combat I
Grenadier promoted: Pinch
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (10.08/12): Japanese Musketman
York grows: 11
Antium grows: 13
Delphi's borders expand
Delphi finishes: Bank
Guangzhou finishes: Library
Islam has spread: Oxford


Turn 423 (1812 AD)
Delphi begins: Market
Guangzhou begins: Market
While attacking, Grenadier defeats (6.60/12): Barbarian Swordsman
Grenadier promoted: Combat I
While attacking, Knight defeats (9.10/10): Barbarian Warrior
Knight promoted: Combat II
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