PHAW 1.5: Rise of the Queen Mother Reprise (WL)

There's some good news and some bad news.

First, the bad news: our southern army was virtually wiped out. I moved them into Viking territory, and Ragnar's knights ate up everybody but Barca, and had to defend against MULTIPLE landings, if you can imagine.

The good news is the northern army took York.

Turn 306/660 (1490 AD) [30-Apr-2007 20:47:32]
I MMed a little bit w/the gov's all around. all told, i knocked 6gpt off (i thnk) but ruff or ozzie should dbl check me. AFter Priesthood came in, I went for Gunpowder as we need better units.

Turn 307/660 (1496 AD) [30-Apr-2007 20:53:52]
I don't think we've got the stuff for taking any Viking cities right now, w/o losses. I'm going to heal a bit, wait for a treb to show up, and then move in. [ed. note: Hah!]
Ragnar also has Gunpowder b/c he's got Muskets gaurding uppsala; this'll get fun!

Turn 308/660 (1502 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:00:50]
Ragnar sent out a settler pair, and we lost a mace stopping them :(

Turn 309/660 (1508 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:05:10]
we lost 2 more units to viking knights on the interturn

Turn 310/660 (1514 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:10:43]
Ragnar made short work of our small stack!
Okay, maybe I can tkae York and have SOMETHING to show for this set!
I sent in the 2 cats first; lost one.
one more treb to the mix, and I *think* we may get lucky
The last two trebs won at questionable odds, so in goes the rest!
Okay, Gen Beastovsky took the city,

I decided to keep it as it was the home of Judaism and most of the world is Jewish! Turns out it's only +10 gpt, but . . .

Turn 311/660 (1520 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:19:13]

Turn 312/660 (1523 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:22:34]

Turn 313/660 (1526 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:24:08]

Turn 314/660 (1529 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:26:14]
it's getting hairy at Antium, but it's not TOO much of a much ~ only about a handful of units total, but I moved some units out to try and help out our southern stack:

Turn 315/660 (1532 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:29:30]

Turn 316/660 (1535 AD) [30-Apr-2007 21:31:57]
I finally rid Antium of enemies, but Shaka just landed two cats up north. We already lost one xbow to one!!
Phew ~ i've never been more relieved to hand off a game. My luck, it seems, is just SUCKING like rex on ecstasy. We've got a sizeable force in Antium for defense and the makings of a new army, but we've got a smaller force stuck out at York, w/a lot of fog btwn the two points.

1. Pholkhero >> just played
2. Frankcor >> swapped
3. Ozbenno >> UP NOW
4. Ruff Hi >> on deck
5. Zophos
6. Cabledawg


  • Queen Mother AD-1535.CivWarlordsSave
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that's sure the way it felt, Frank ~ if we could be sure that Ragnar would go after York and not Antium, I would say transfer most of the garrison there, and then send out a mid-sized stack to finish off Shaka, Biz, and Hannibal. If we could hold off the Vikings (and occasional English) attack and take care of this, we'd be a-okay, i think :goodjob:
Very quiet set of turns

Firstly, York is hugely unhappy and starving so the whip comes out.

We pop a GE first turn, he can build Hagia Sophia or buld Gunpowder (which is due in 1), lets see what he can bulb next.

Gunpowder in, I'm going to go with Alphabet to see what the AI have we don't.

And this is it.

GE will give about half of Chemistry, seems better than Hagia Sophia so pop.

Strike one against Ragnar.

[imagine if you will a picture of the Viking settlement of Jelling being razed to the ground]

Small force incoming. They are easily dealt with by a couple of knights.

This one cost a mace at a terrible RNG roll (91%) and our last treb to a bad one (68%).

Haithabu should be ready to fall in a couple of turns.

Hopefully the northern forces can take down Shaka for good this time (and Bismark) (and Hannibal)

There are a couple of barbs in old Germany and a pike from Ragnar has just shown up (well a pike and a treb but the treb is dead) near Antium.
nice ~ my set seemed like we'd never win, but I hope I set up a nice little army to make up for what I lost. It still seems a bit much (at least for me) to go to 15 turns yet; there's just too many units still, but if anybody feels like their set flies by, feel free to play 15 ~

Frankcor >>
Ozbenno >> just played
Ruff Hi >> UP NOW
Zophos >> on deck
Cabledawg >>
Pholkhero >>
All righto - I'm up in another SG but that is a vanilla game while this is warlords ... 1 sec while I check which disk I have with me at the moment ... click ... pull out drive tray ... :banana: its warlords!

I *should* be able to play this on the train tonight. Expect lots of stupid suicide attacks as I mouse over to get the battle odds and the rough riding train causes my units to attack!

This game isn't totally in mop up status. The three little AIs up north are fairly hard to kill, but one properly equiped (ie cats!) army should be able to take out all three and then move onto Bismark (or is it England). I spent most of my time building cats but also built a few graniadiratriasr (how do you spell that word ... goes to log and ...) Grenadier! We also got a GG which was used to turn a CRIII Combat I, Anti-archer Sword (47/55) into a blah blah blah Grenadier!

General Mucky muck muck

1) Bismark has renouced the protection of Churchill and is once again a free state. I wonder how the logger handled that! Digs around and finds ...

Team 3 revolts and is no longer a Vassal State of Team 4

What a worthless comment that is! Who wrote this piece of shiit?

2) We also have some MACEMAN barb action, coming from that silly little barb nation state that has copper! Can someone please go and sit on them!

3) I had some (to my way of thinking) rotten luck with Mr RNG. However, an attack (pike v knight) at 74% was good and the pikeman came out without a scratch! Got to like that.

4) A small :gripe: (nothing like the 'no cats' gripe from above), we had a stack of 5 workers just sitting next to some fog. What were they doing? Having a picnic and waiting to join the other side. I sent them chopping non-city wood.

5) Cope a load of this ... select a unit and then if you click and hold the little guy in the bottom left, you can spin him round, make him face backwards, lie down, zoom in, etc. There is a good 5 minutes entertainment in that alone!

In Game Junk
I took and raized Haithbul ... no more great lighthouse for this game.

Our Almost Ready Help (CATS!) is on the way Wipe out the Northern Silly AIs Army ...

Our Anti-Viking, Wish we had some CATs Too, and some heavy duty city crunchers ... but wait, some Grenadier help is on the WAY Army (hopefully sitting on the only source of Viking Horse

Spoiler log :

Logging by Ruff's Cobbled Mod Pack v2.0.4 (Warlords v2.08) - New Log Entries
Turn 325/660 (1565 AD) [02-May-2007 16:47:45]
Pikeman promoted: Combat I
Pikeman promoted: Cover
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Combat II
Moscow finishes: Knight
A Town was built near Moscow
Antium finishes: Catapult
Gold Horse grows: 6

While defending in Russian territory near Antium, Pikeman II of Masihero (Pikeman) loses to: Viking Pikeman (3.90/6) (Prob Victory: 0.3%)

Turn 326/660 (1568 AD) [02-May-2007 17:00:17]
While attacking in Russian territory at Antium, 2nd Archer of Jumbo (Longbowman) loses to: Viking Pikeman (0.66/6) (Prob Victory: 73.7%)
While attacking in Russian territory at Antium, Catapult defeats (5.00/5): Viking Pikeman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Antium begins: Longbowman (75 turns)
While attacking in the wild near Jumbo, Knight defeats (4.40/10): Barbarian Axeman (Prob Victory: 93.8%)
A Camp near Frankfurt was destroyed by Russian Hamilcar Barca (Knight)
While attacking in Viking territory at Haithabu, 3rd Swordsman of Moscow (Maceman) defeats (0.32/8): Viking Longbowman (Prob Victory: 85.9%)
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Combat II
Moscow begins: Catapult (3 turns)
Tech learned: Chemistry
Masihero finishes: Musketman
A Hamlet was built near Masihero

While defending in Zulu territory near kwaDukuza, Knight defeats (4.80/10): Zulu Catapult (Prob Victory: 99.4%)

Turn 327/660 (1571 AD) [02-May-2007 17:08:55]
Research begun: Steel (22 Turns)
Research begun: Literature (1 Turns)
Knight promoted: Shock
Gaius Marius (Great General) born in Moscow
While attacking in Viking territory at Haithabu, Trebuchet defeats (2.48/4): Viking Knight (Prob Victory: 68.3%)
While attacking in Viking territory at Haithabu, Knight defeats (6.60/10): Viking Longbowman (Prob Victory: 88.2%)
While attacking in Viking territory at Haithabu, 1st Maceman of Jumbo (Maceman) defeats (0.32/8): Viking Longbowman (Prob Victory: 94.8%)
While attacking in Viking territory at Haithabu, War Elephant defeats (8.00/8): Viking Berserker (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
Judaism has spread: Haithabu
Buddhism has spread: Haithabu
Captured Haithabu (Ragnar)
Razed Haithabu
Haithabu lost
A Village near kwaDukuza was destroyed by Russian Knight
Moscow begins: Grenadier (8 turns)
Moscow begins: Maceman (5 turns)
Athens begins: Grenadier (15 turns)
Masihero begins: Grenadier (8 turns)
Tech learned: Literature
Novgorod finishes: Knight
Yaroslavl' finishes: Grocer
Antium grows: 4
York grows: 2
A Hamlet was built near Gold Horse


Turn 328/660 (1574 AD) [02-May-2007 17:17:51]
Research begun: Steel (22 Turns)
While attacking in Viking territory at Frankfurt, Hamilcar Barca (Knight) defeats (6.60/10): Viking Longbowman (Prob Victory: 79.1%)
A Mine near Harappan was destroyed by Russian Chariot
Novgorod begins: Grenadier (7 turns)
Yaroslavl' begins: Catapult (10 turns)

Team 3 revolts and is no longer a Vassal State of Team 4
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards Churchill(England), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 329/660 (1577 AD) [02-May-2007 17:23:00]
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Combat II
While attacking in Zulu territory near Harappan, War Elephant loses to: Zulu Longbowman (0.24/6) (Prob Victory: 75.5%)
While attacking in Zulu territory near Harappan, Pikeman defeats (5.46/6): Zulu Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Zulu territory near kwaDukuza, Knight defeats (2.80/10): Zulu Longbowman (Prob Victory: 70.3%)
A Hamlet was destroyed by Russian 4th War Elephant of Moscow (War Elephant)
A Cottage was destroyed by Russian 1st Maceman of Masihero (Maceman)
Moscow finishes: Maceman
Antium finishes: Longbowman

A Plantation was destroyed near York
A Plantation near York was destroyed by Viking Knight
While defending in the wild near Antium, Musketman defeats (6.48/9): Barbarian Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 99.0%)

Turn 330/660 (1580 AD) [02-May-2007 17:26:12]
While attacking in Russian territory near York, Pikeman I of Ruffsville (Pikeman) loses to: Viking Knight (1.20/10) (Prob Victory: 76.9%)
While attacking in Russian territory at York, Longbowman I of Antium (Longbowman) defeats (6.00/6): Viking Knight (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Viking territory near York, Knight loses to: Viking Berserker (1.28/8) (Prob Victory: 68.7%)
Antium begins: Catapult (12 turns)
Moscow finishes: Catapult


Turn 331/660 (1583 AD) [02-May-2007 17:31:44]
While attacking in Viking territory near York, War Elephant defeats (8.00/8): Viking Berserker (Prob Victory: 89.8%)
Moscow begins: Heroic Epic (5 turns)
A Town was built near Novgorod
Yaroslavl' grows: 9
Gold Horse's borders expand


Turn 332/660 (1586 AD) [02-May-2007 17:33:46]
A Pasture near Birka was destroyed by Russian War Elephant
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
Masihero finishes: Grenadier
Jumbo finishes: Knight

A Plantation was destroyed near York
A Plantation near York was destroyed by Viking Knight

Turn 333/660 (1589 AD) [02-May-2007 17:36:01] - oops, this is my stop. Have to get off the train.

Logging by Ruff's Cobbled Mod Pack v2.0.4 (Warlords v2.08) - New Log Entries
Turn 333/660 (1589 AD) [02-May-2007 19:00:08]
Gold Horse begins: Grenadier (15 turns)
Knight promoted: Combat I
Knight promoted: Combat II
While attacking in Russian territory at York, Pikeman I of Antium (Pikeman) defeats (6.00/6): Viking Knight (Prob Victory: 74.1%)
Masihero begins: Catapult (3 turns)
Jumbo begins: Catapult (4 turns)
A Town was built near Ruffsville


Turn 334/660 (1592 AD) [02-May-2007 19:04:52]
Gaius Marius (Swordsman) promoted: Lead by Warlord
Gaius Marius (Swordsman) promoted: Leadership
Musketman promoted: Combat I
While attacking in Russian territory near Gold Horse, 1st Axeman of Athens (Axeman) defeats (3.40/5): Barbarian Swordsman (Prob Victory: 91.0%)
Musketman promoted: Combat I
Musketman promoted: Combat II
Moscow finishes: Heroic Epic
Novgorod finishes: Grenadier
A Town was built near Novgorod
Jumbo finishes: Catapult
Yaroslavl' finishes: Catapult
A Town was built near Antium


Turn 335/660 (1595 AD) [02-May-2007 19:11:12]
While attacking in Russian territory near York, Knight defeats (6.00/10): Viking Knight (Prob Victory: 50.0%)
While attacking in Russian territory near York, Knight loses to: Viking Knight (6.00/10) (Prob Victory: 50.0%)
Moscow begins: Trebuchet (2 turns)
Novgorod begins: Grenadier (7 turns)
Jumbo begins: Catapult (4 turns)
Yaroslavl' begins: Catapult (6 turns)
The sign that says city??? a great location and fills in the gap between Antium and Jumbo. Itll have 2 pigs, gold, horse, incense, wheat, corn and 2 mineable hills not counting the gold......very nice.

The knight and maceman near shaka on the copper could go pillaging...theres alot of that to do.
oh - forgot to mention that we finally teched lit and build the heroic epic. Does anyone want to work out how many units we could have build if we had done that earlier?

Or did I just break a variant?
The sign that says city??? a great location and fills in the gap between Antium and Jumbo. Itll have 2 pigs, gold, horse, incense, wheat, corn and 2 mineable hills not counting the gold......very nice.

The knight and maceman near shaka on the copper could go pillaging...theres alot of that to do.
I think it lost some of its trees during my round. :heehee:
we finally teched lit and build the heroic epic. Does anyone want to work out how many units we could have build if we had done that earlier?

This is like a jelly bean jar guess......ill guess 12. Its either 12 or 763 units.
Guess that means I'm up. Got the save, will try to play tonight.
aieee, you built a Heroic Epic?!?! :run: well, thanks for blowing it Ruff ;)

nice playing, but I hope we don't lose our general to that Viking knight.

I *think* i threw in that city sign during my turns, and yes, it would make a GREAT city for us up at the front there.
... I hope we don't lose our general to that Viking knight.
That sucker is half strength so if he beats a full str super hero, I vote we resign the game as it hates us.
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