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ROTQM12: Re-enactment Of The Queen Mother

ok, will take a look tomorrow; will grab currency then head to guns? trebs?

and will :hammer:
sadly, not too much to report. I tried to clean out a bit over by Hastings, and worked on getting a road up to the north.

Sadly, I lost a handful of units doing both, as well as losing two workers who were ambushed by teh Aztecs (even though I had a unit on them; it got kilt).

Techwise, I did Med>Currency>Engineering>Feudalism (we're saving up for now).

I used our GG in Coventry:

We've got some units coming towards London:

Thinking maybe walls might be good investment, if only for the the peace of mind.

Here's a look at Hastings (mostly) free of danger:

notice i'm working on mining up those gems, maybe pushing the front out further in that direction to keep the city square clear

Here's our army moving west:

I didn[t feel confident enough splitting our army as of yet so i figured we could clear out the west a bit while we wait for more units.

Oh, and we're Colossal:

wondering if we should mostly just focus on cranking out units everywhere at this point. I q'ed up some buildings in our cities, but perhaps we should just spam army (sparmy?) and attack? idk, my cIV is still rusty . . .


  • The Queen Mother AD-0880.CivBeyondSwordSave
    217.9 KB · Views: 180
I have it. In fact, I have played a set. Pics and report to come.

Edit: I teched through to Guilds - at break even, that is 15 turns. I might have played one or two more than that because I burnt some $s on a few unit upgrades.

I started the set with 7 workers :(. That just isn't enough. So I built some more workers, stole one from Monty (Woodie III Maces are awesome) and also worked on our health. I feel that I have been banging on about our lack of food ... well ... lack of health certainly doesn't help on the food front.

The top F1 shot is from the start of my set (food / health challenged). Why? Because we haven't connected wheat, cows or fish. The wheat is understandable because we have a bunch of Frenchies looking at down at that tile.

Not anymore ...

I roaded red dots and then used the units from Hastings (including some of the archers) to clean our those french dudes. I also hit some incoming units on flat ground ... that is a great time to kill those units.

What else did I do ... fishing village ...

I also captured Sparta. And we got a Great Prophet ... Jewish Shrine ... good for 12g per turn. This city needs a market and grocer.

Spoiler :

Logging by BUFFY 3.19.003 (BtS 3.19)
Turn 233/750 (880 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:20:06]
Kyoto begins: War Elephant (7 turns)
Kyoto begins: Stable (6 turns)
York begins: Confucian Temple (5 turns)

Research begun: Feudalism (3 Turns)
Research begun: Guilds (3 Turns)
Research begun: Paper (4 Turns)
Research begun: Feudalism (5 Turns)
Research begun: Guilds (5 Turns)

Hastings begins: Catapult (8 turns)
Coventry begins: Jewish Temple (120 turns)
Coventry begins: Worker (15 turns)
Kyoto begins: Worker (7 turns)
York begins: Barracks (4 turns)
Coventry begins: Settler (25 turns)

0% Research: 21 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 121 per turn, 131 in the bank

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in Coventry
London finishes: Jewish Monastery
Coventry finishes: Granary

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Julius Caesar (Rome) towards Alexander (Greece), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'

Turn 234/750 (890 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:29:36]
London begins: Worker (3 turns)
York begins: Worker (5 turns)

0% Research: 25 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 122 per turn, 252 in the bank

After End Turn:
Kyoto finishes: Worker
A Village was built near Nottingham
A Village was built near Nottingham
A Village was built near Canterbury

Turn 235/750 (900 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:33:19]
Kyoto begins: Worker (7 turns)
Canterbury begins: Work Boat (4 turns)
Canterbury begins: Work Boat (4 turns)

0% Research: 25 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 129 per turn, 374 in the bank

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in York
The whip was applied in Coventry

London finishes: Worker
York grows to size 9
York finishes: Worker
Nottingham finishes: Library

A Village was built near Kyoto
Coventry finishes: Settler

Other Player Actions:
Civics Change: Alexander(Greece) from 'Barbarism' to 'Vassalage'

Turn 236/750 (910 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:35:20]
A Pasture was built near London
London begins: Maceman (3 turns)
Nottingham begins: Worker (9 turns)
Coventry begins: Worker (30 turns)

0% Research: 25 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 114 per turn, 503 in the bank

After End Turn:
A Village was built near Kyoto
York finishes: Barracks

Other Player Actions:
Civics Change: Napoleon(France) from 'Paganism' to 'Organized Religion'

Turn 237/750 (920 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:39:00]
Kyoto begins: Work Boat (3 turns)
Kyoto begins: Work Boat (3 turns)
York begins: Jewish Missionary (3 turns)

While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Axeman 8 (Nottingham) (2.30/5) defeats Roman Chariot (Prob Victory: 69.9%)
0% Research: 25 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 123 per turn, 617 in the bank

After End Turn:
York finishes: Jewish Missionary
Canterbury finishes: Library
Khoisan finishes: Granary

Turn 238/750 (930 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:46:31]
While attacking, Catapult 10 (York) escapes from German Swordsman (Prob Victory: 39.0%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Maceman 4 (London) (5.76/8) defeats German Catapult (Prob Victory: 99.0%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, War Elephant 12 (London) (3.92/8) defeats German Spearman (Prob Victory: 80.2%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Spearman 2 (Hastings) (2.96/4) defeats German Chariot (Prob Victory: 99.9%)

Heinz Guderian (Great General) born in London
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Horse Archer 2 (London) (5.04/6) defeats German Chariot (Prob Victory: 95.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Axeman 8 (Nottingham) (2.30/5) defeats Roman Chariot (Prob Victory: 69.9%)

0% Research: 25 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
100% Gold: 123 per turn, 617 in the bank

After End Turn:
York finishes: Jewish Missionary
Canterbury finishes: Library
Khoisan finishes: Granary

Turn 238/750 (930 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:48:57]
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Maceman 2 (Nottingham) (6.80/8) defeats German Catapult (Prob Victory: 95.6%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Maceman 4 (London) (6.96/8) defeats German Chariot (Prob Victory: 99.4%)

While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Catapult 10 (York) loses to German Swordsman (3.84/6) (Prob Victory: 39.0%)
Khoisan begins: Barracks (25 turns)
A Farm was built near Kyoto
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Spearman 2 (Hastings) (2.56/4) defeats German Spearman (Prob Victory: 74.3%)
While attacking, Catapult 15 (London) decimates German Chariot (Prob Victory: 85.2%)

While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Archer 8 (Nottingham) loses to German Swordsman (0.42/6) (Prob Victory: 70.5%)
Michiel de Ruyter (Great General) born in Kyoto
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Archer 11 (Kyoto) (3.00/3) defeats German Chariot (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Archer 9 (Nottingham) (3.00/3) defeats German Swordsman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)

A Mine was built near Khoisan
Warwick founded

Judaism has spread: Warwick
Catapult 11 (Kyoto) promoted: Barrage I

While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Catapult 1 (London) loses to Greek Longbowman (2.64/6) (Prob Victory: 2.5%)
While attacking, Catapult 3 (Kyoto) decimates Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 61.5%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Maceman 1 (Kyoto) (8.00/8) defeats Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 97.3%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, War Elephant 8 (London) (3.68/8) defeats Greek Spearman (Prob Victory: 88.8%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, War Elephant 1 (Canterbury) (6.64/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 99.1%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Isoroku Yamamoto (4.92/6) defeats Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 88.4%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Swordsman 4 (London) (2.40/6) defeats Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 99.2%)

Warwick begins: Granary (45 turns)
100% Research: 326 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
0% Gold: -132 per turn, 740 in the bank

After End Turn:
London finishes: Maceman
Hastings grows to size 11

Other Player Actions:
While defending in English territory near Hastings, War Elephant 12 (London) (5.60/8) defeats French Axeman (Prob Victory: 96.6%)
While defending in English territory near Hastings, Catapult 13 (Hastings) (5.00/5) defeats French Spearman (Prob Victory: 69.7%)

While defending in English territory near York, War Elephant 12 (London) loses to French Axeman (1.25/5) (Prob Victory: 77.5%)
While defending in English territory near Hastings, Catapult 13 (Hastings) (1.60/5) defeats French Spearman (Prob Victory: 74.9%)
While defending in English territory near York, Horse Archer 2 (London) loses to French Axeman (4.00/5) (Prob Victory: 67.4%)
While defending in English territory near Hastings, Catapult 14 (London) (3.20/5) defeats French Spearman (Prob Victory: 69.7%)
While defending in English territory near York, Archer 13 (Hastings) loses to French Axeman (3.60/5) (Prob Victory: 1.7%)
While defending in English territory near York, Archer 9 (Nottingham) loses to French Spearman (4.00/4) (Prob Victory: 13.4%)

Turn 239/750 (940 AD) [23-Jun-2018 05:55:29]
Catapult 13 (Hastings) promoted: Barrage I
Catapult 14 (London) promoted: Barrage I
Catapult 13 (Hastings) promoted: Barrage II
Catapult 14 (London) promoted: Barrage II

While attacking in English territory near York, Catapult 14 (London) loses to French Axeman (2.60/5) (Prob Victory: 22.2%)
While attacking in English territory near York, Catapult 13 (Hastings) loses to French Spearman (2.76/4) (Prob Victory: 25.6%)
While attacking in English territory near York, Maceman 4 (London) loses to French Axeman (0.40/5) (Prob Victory: 91.7%)

While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Maceman 2 (Nottingham) (3.60/8) defeats French Axeman (Prob Victory: 86.6%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, War Elephant 5 (Nottingham) (7.28/8) defeats French Spearman (Prob Victory: 69.4%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Archer 11 (Kyoto) (0.39/3) defeats French Axeman (Prob Victory: 90.6%)
While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Spearman 2 (Hastings) (2.56/4) defeats French Axeman (Prob Victory: 98.4%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Isoroku Yamamoto (4.02/6) defeats Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 90.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, Crossbowman 1 (Coventry) (6.00/6) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 78.3%)

War Elephant 8 (London) promoted: Shock
While attacking in Greek territory at Sparta, War Elephant 8 (London) (4.88/8) defeats Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
Buddhism has been removed: Sparta (Greek Empire)
Buddhism has spread: Sparta

Captured Sparta (Alexander)
Michiel de Ruyter (Chariot) promoted: Lead by Warlord
Michiel de Ruyter (Chariot) promoted: Medic II
Michiel de Ruyter (Chariot) promoted: Medic III

London begins: Maceman (3 turns)
York begins: Worker (4 turns)
London begins: Worker (3 turns)
London begins: Crossbowman (3 turns)

While attacking in English territory near Hastings, Maceman 6 (London) (6.72/8) defeats German Chariot (Prob Victory: 97.9%)
100% Research: 328 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
0% Gold: -130 per turn, 704 in the bank

After End Turn:
Kyoto finishes: Worker
A Hamlet was built near Coventry
Khoisan grows to size 3

Tenochtitlan finishes: Archer

Other Player Actions:
Montezuma revolts and is no longer a Vassal State of Alexander
Attitude Change: Genghis Khan (Mongolia) towards Alexander (Greece), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Attitude Change: Napoleon (France) towards Alexander (Greece), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Civics Change: Genghis Khan(Mongolia) from 'Barbarism' to 'Vassalage'
Civics Change: Genghis Khan(Mongolia) from 'Paganism' to 'Theocracy'

Turn 240/750 (950 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:01:52]
Spearman 2 (Hastings) promoted: Combat III
Archer 11 (Kyoto) promoted: City Garrison II
War Elephant 5 (Nottingham) promoted: Combat III
Maceman 2 (Nottingham) promoted: Woodsman III

While attacking in English territory at Hastings, Maceman 2 (Nottingham) (4.56/8) defeats German Swordsman (Prob Victory: 97.4%)
Maceman 6 (London) promoted: Combat II
Crossbowman 1 (Coventry) promoted: City Garrison I
Crossbowman 1 (Coventry) promoted: City Garrison II

Tenochtitlan begins: Walls (8 turns)
London begins: Jewish Missionary (2 turns)
York begins: Jewish Missionary (3 turns)

100% Research: 327 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
0% Gold: -133 per turn, 574 in the bank

After End Turn:
Tech research finished: Feudalism
Canterbury finishes: Work Boat

Other Player Actions:
State Religion Change: Montezuma (Aztec) from 'Buddhism' to 'Hinduism'
Attitude Change: Julius Caesar (Rome) towards Montezuma (Aztec), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Genghis Khan (Mongolia), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Bismarck (Germany), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Napoleon (France), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 241/750 (960 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:05:13]
A Farm was built near Hastings
Canterbury begins: Barracks (5 turns)
100% Research: 322 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
0% Gold: -134 per turn, 262 in the bank

After End Turn:
London finishes: Jewish Missionary
Kyoto finishes: Work Boat
Nottingham finishes: Worker
Hastings finishes: Catapult

Canterbury grows to size 12
Khoisan finishes: Barracks

Other Player Actions:
While defending in Greek territory at Sparta, Crossbowman 1 (Coventry) loses to Greek War Elephant (3.44/8) (Prob Victory: 37.5%)
While defending in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 1 (Kyoto) (6.64/8) defeats Roman Catapult (Prob Victory: 67.0%)
While defending in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 1 (Kyoto) (2.56/8) defeats Roman Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 58.6%)
While defending in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 8 (Nottingham) (7.36/8) defeats Roman Spearman (Prob Victory: 99.7%)
While defending in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 8 (Nottingham) (5.44/8) defeats Roman Spearman (Prob Victory: 99.7%)

Turn 242/750 (970 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:09:11]
Maceman 8 (Nottingham) promoted: Woodsman III
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 8 (Nottingham) (5.60/8) defeats Roman Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, Maceman 1 (Kyoto) (5.28/8) defeats Roman Catapult (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, Isoroku Yamamoto (8.00/8) defeats Roman Chariot (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, Arminius (4.00/4) defeats Roman Chariot (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, War Elephant 8 (London) (4.16/8) defeats Greek War Elephant (Prob Victory: 84.7%)

London begins: Longbowman (2 turns)
Kyoto begins: Longbowman (4 turns)
Nottingham begins: Longbowman (8 turns)
Hastings begins: Longbowman (7 turns)
Hastings begins: Crossbowman (9 turns)
Khoisan begins: Longbowman (15 turns)

A Pasture was built near Warwick
Judaism has spread: Khoisan
100% Research: 356 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
0% Gold: -137 per turn, 167 in the bank

After End Turn:
London finishes: Longbowman
A Town was built near Hastings

Other Player Actions:
While defending in Greek territory at Athens, War Elephant 8 (London) loses to Greek Swordsman (4.80/6) (Prob Victory: 0.9%)

Turn 243/750 (980 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:12:47]
Maceman 1 (Kyoto) promoted: Cover
While attacking in English territory at Sparta, War Elephant 1 (Canterbury) (1.20/8) defeats Greek Crossbowman (Prob Victory: 73.6%)
50% Research: 192 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
50% Gold: 1 per turn, 30 in the bank

After End Turn:
London finishes: Crossbowman
A Town was built near Kyoto
York grows to size 10

York finishes: Jewish Missionary

Other Player Actions:
While defending in English territory at Sparta, Isoroku Yamamoto (3.68/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 62.4%)
Civics Change: Mao Zedong(China) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary Rule'
Civics Change: Mao Zedong(China) from 'Barbarism' to 'Vassalage'
Civics Change: Mao Zedong(China) from 'Organized Religion' to 'Theocracy'

Turn 244/750 (990 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:15:36]
While attacking in the wild near Hastings, Maceman 2 (Nottingham) (8.00/8) defeats Chinese Swordsman (Prob Victory: 99.7%)
London begins: Longbowman (2 turns)
50% Research: 199 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
50% Gold: -8 per turn, 31 in the bank

After End Turn:
London finishes: Longbowman
Narak (Great Prophet) born in London
Nottingham grows to size 13
Nottingham finishes: Longbowman

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Julius Caesar (Rome), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Civics Change: Bismarck(Germany) from 'Despotism' to 'Hereditary Rule'

Turn 245/750 (1000 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:17:11]
York finishes: The Temple of Solomon
London begins: Crossbowman (3 turns)
Nottingham begins: Stable (7 turns)

50% Research: 204 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
50% Gold: 5 per turn, 23 in the bank

After End Turn:
Kyoto finishes: Longbowman
A Village was built near Nottingham
Canterbury finishes: Barracks

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Julius Caesar (Rome), from 'Friendly' to 'Pleased'

Turn 246/750 (1010 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:21:55]
While attacking in Aztec territory near Tlatelolco, Maceman 2 (Nottingham) (8.00/8) defeats Aztec Worker (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
Judaism has spread: Tenochtitlan
Kyoto begins: Stable (4 turns)
York begins: Horse Archer (1 turns)
Canterbury begins: Stable (6 turns)
Sparta begins: Longbowman (15 turns)
London begins: Horse Archer (2 turns)

While attacking in Aztec territory at Tlatelolco, Maceman 6 (London) (2.56/8) defeats Aztec Axeman (Prob Victory: 74.7%)
York begins: Market (10 turns)
20% Research: 93 per turn
0% Espionage: 20 per turn
80% Gold: 69 per turn, 28 in the bank

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in Coventry
Tech research finished: Guilds
London finishes: Crossbowman
Nottingham finishes: Stable

Hastings grows to size 12
Coventry finishes: Worker
Tenochtitlan finishes: Walls

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Montezuma (Aztec) towards Julius Caesar (Rome), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'

Turn 247/750 (1020 AD) [23-Jun-2018 06:26:50]
A Mine was built near Hastings
Research begun: Aesthetics (5 Turns)
Research begun: Literature (5 Turns)

Nottingham begins: Knight (13 turns)
Coventry begins: Jewish Temple (120 turns)
Tenochtitlan begins: Crossbowman (23 turns)
York begins: Grocer (10 turns)
Khoisan begins: Trireme (15 turns)

I don't feel that I had much military luck. While attacking (43 times), I was victorious 34 times, lost 6 times and withdrew (once) or decimated the opponent (twice). While defending, I lost 6 out of 15 battles ... some at pretty horrible odds.

Some examples ...
While defending in English territory near York, War Elephant 12 (London) loses to French Axeman (1.25/5) (Prob Victory: 77.5%)
While defending in English territory near York, Horse Archer 2 (London) loses to French Axeman (4.00/5) (Prob Victory: 67.4%)

End of set ... we have 14 workers - feeling better now :).
Last edited:
oh ... save


  • The Queen Mother AD-1020.CivBeyondSwordSave
    239.7 KB · Views: 182
i lost a worker or 3 due to gettin kilt by 'teccies in teh Jungle north of us, trying to connect the city up there.
A picture-less report today.

Research went through Aesthetics and Alphabet with Gunpowder 4 turns away.

I resettled the ex-Aztec city and captured another Aztec city as well as Athens (Great Library and Parthenon) and Sparta. Think Alex only has one city left, which we should raze.

Our first spy should hit Aztecia next turn, I've switched our EP to him. If we could steal Philosophy would help towards Military Tradition.

Need more trebuchets and knights at the front.

Wheat at Hastings got razed and there are a few units hanging around.

pholk is UP.


  • The Queen Mother AD-1160.CivBeyondSwordSave
    247.2 KB · Views: 206
So, I played about ten turns. I forget how much different this AI is compared to 5 and esp. 6. It definitely finds and exploits your weaknesses.

Merged this GG:

Romans capitalize on a lightly defended city:

(this is the 2nd time they took it)

And the Mongols as well:

I was able to clear out Hastings again:

There's a 4 stack coming in now from the east. I put up a sign for maybe a new city to the east to take the pressure off Hastings a bit, and push the frontier out more.

Took the city back:

I'm thinking that we should take out Rome first before we finish off Greece and the Aztecs just b/c they have the ability to hurt us more.

Guns came in:

I started on Chemistry next.

We're the Pontifex Maximus:

I refounded the torched city:

Here's the small stack we have in Rome:

I moved the stack not realizing that we had one Knight w no MPs left. The Roman city has about 8 or 10 units there.

England! England!



  • The Queen Mother AD-1255.CivBeyondSwordSave
    258.6 KB · Views: 210
Ruff>> UP
Nolition - ???

I should be able to play tomorrow night. Or Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday?
Or ... I could play tonight.

BTW ... The Roman Civ has been destroyed.
Tech ...

Turn 272/750 (1260 AD) [01-Jul-2018 21:50:47]
Tech research finished: Literature

Turn 278/750 (1290 AD) [01-Jul-2018 22:52:44]
Tech research finished: Music <--- for building drama and border expansions :)

Turn 279/750 (1295 AD) [01-Jul-2018 22:57:03]
Tech research finished: Drama

I knocked off Literature so that ...

Turn 276/750 (1280 AD) [01-Jul-2018 22:42:37]
London finishes: Heroic Epic

I decided that London should get the Heroic Epic as ... you know ... London has hammers. It is pointless putting something in a city to advantage the production of units if it can't actually produce the units. I whipped this city as often as I could (note the whip anger :)) ...

And this poor city ... it is going to starve ... we can't have that.

Lots of fighting around this city ...

While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, Longbowman 4 (Kyoto) (5.16/6) defeats French Catapult (Prob Victory: 96.8%)
While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, Longbowman 4 (Kyoto) (5.16/6) defeats French Catapult (Prob Victory: 89.9%)
While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, War Elephant 5 (Nottingham) (4.48/8) defeats French Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 94.3%)

While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, Longbowman 4 (Kyoto) loses to French Horse Archer (0.48/6) (Prob Victory: 76.5%)
While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, War Elephant 5 (Nottingham) (0.64/8) defeats French Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 42.6%)

While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, Longbowman 9 (Tlatelolco) (1.92/6) defeats Chinese Catapult (Prob Victory: 72.6%)
While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, War Elephant 5 (Nottingham) loses to Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (3.54/6) (Prob Victory: 2.7%)
While defending in English territory at Tlatelolco, Longbowman 9 (Tlatelolco) loses to French Horse Archer (0.96/6) (Prob Victory: 16.8%)

While attacking in English territory at Tlatelolco, War Elephant 13 (Khoisan) (8.00/8) defeats French Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 100.0%)

While attacking in English territory at Tlatelolco, Musketman 3 (Nottingham) loses to Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (5.04/6) (Prob Victory: 59.0%)
While attacking in English territory at Tlatelolco, Musketman 2 (Sparta) (2.88/9) defeats Chinese Cho-Ko-Nu (Prob Victory: 52.4%)
While attacking in English territory at Tlatelolco, War Elephant 13 (Khoisan) (3.92/8) defeats French Swordsman (Prob Victory: 78.3%)

Second last Roman city to fall ... nice stuff here

Finally ... now our workers might actually get something done ...

Turn 276/750 (1280 AD) [01-Jul-2018 22:42:37]
Tenochtitlan finishes: The Hagia Sophia

Next target ...

And my new fav unit is woodie III maces ... this guy stole three workers and killed a fortified archer on a hill :)



  • The Queen Mother AD-1315z.CivBeyondSwordSave
    264.9 KB · Views: 153
And onwards we go...

We research Banking, think about going Mercantilism but the 2 turns of anarchy is no good.

Merge this GG for 11xp Knights.

Philosophy done.

Exec decision time. Golden Age :dance:

Civics swap, thought about Vassalage but went against in the end.

Greeks are dead

Nationalism done.

Aztecs gone.

We should be able to steam roll it home now, especially with Curassiers.

pholk is UP.


  • The Queen Mother AD-1385.CivBeyondSwordSave
    273.5 KB · Views: 126
egads! hopefully i'll finally get to the smashy-smashy bits and not lose any cities.

(that's a got it)
rubbing hands!
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