• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

pre-Forsaken Ruins - phase I 3/5


Stay safe
May 17, 2009

Half forgotten myth and legend speak of a birthplace of humankind, a Cradle known only as Earth. The tales are varied, some speak of a planet, a solar system, a star cluster, but no matter what it was, it's location has long been forgotten. What is known is that humankind eventually broke the bonds of gravity and spread through the stars.

Humanity expanded out to inhabit many worlds and explore an even greater number. During this long period mankind was ruled by an imperial government that the myths of countless worlds known only as the Old Empire.

The secrets of FTL were jealously guarded by the Old Empire. Old legends speak of the harshest retributions for any who dared make an attempt at the secrets of the gods. Thus, Earth maintained a stranglehold on all traffic and communication.

And then, at it’s most powerful and cruel, Earth vanished. No transmission, not even the faintest whisper.

Without the network of infrastructure and only the rarest FTL capable ship, most of which broke down as the knowledge to maintain them was lost, most colonies regressed into a millennia long dark age, from which most are only starting to claw their way out.​

Hello and welcome to Forsaken Ruins dev-thread. As you can imagine, this is a pre-thread as such it is an overview of what will be the main game and it minutiae. In this space I intend to enlighten the entire system and therefore is open to new conceits and will be updated as Forsaken Ruins is supplemented with finished ideas.

In advance I thank thomas.berubeg for helping me with the story and settings. Also a thanks to all those who helped directly and indirectly. I would also like to say that he (thomas.berubeg) is not a moderator of Forsaken Ruins.

This is a story-based game set after a period only known as Dark Age. In the remnants of the old world you control a family, the lineage of a noble House that once true to the Old Empire held control of the colony for so long or a visionarie, rebel with a cause, which came to power in this dark period. And no matter what, you are in the power of a whole planet and in that small place, lost in space, you can conquer the cosmos or fall in ruins. And in Forsaken Ruins interpretation is key for the development of the universe itself.

Moderator Notes
This is the first game that I will moderate and I hope that it can be enjoyable for both the players and myself. I may not have practical experience in NES or IOT but I always followed the community since I registered in 2009 and perhaps the language barrier was my greatest opponent for one significant interaction back that time.

The Universe
The map will be represented as follows in this link.

The political division used by me, for readability, will be this:

The smallest administrative unit. A collection of planets, moons and satellites in orbit around a star - the territorial extent of a system is considered to be the range from the star itself to the edge of its gravitational sphere.

A cluster of systems placed under the feudal control of a capital and overlord. Domains are generally either a County (ruled by a Count) or Duchy (ruled by a Duke), depending on their size and importance.

Sectors are the largest groupings usually ruled by empires, and can contain several domains.

System Generation and Characteristics
Systems have a number of characteristics that then define their statistics. These impact the three core variables that are tracked by each system. Those variables are:

Manpower: The total sum of military resources your system can produce for your army and fleet.
Manpower Regen: How fast your system can replenish military resources.
Income: The base number of Economics Points your system generates through tax each year.

While players are free to choose the type of planet, its size and productivity will be generated randomly in a D20 roll.

World Types
Garden: +10% manpower regen, -10% system income.
Terrestrial: +10% manpower.
Oceanic: +10% system income, -10% manpower.
Arctic: +2 to defence. -5% manpower, -5% manpower regen.
Desert: +15% system income, -5% manpower, -5% manpower regen.
Lava: +15% system income, -10% manpower regen.

Population Size
1-4 - Tiny: -15% manpower, -10% manpower regen, -10% system income.
5-8 - Small: -5% manpower, -5% manpower regen, -5% system income.
9-12 - Balanced: No modifier.
13-16 - Large: +5% manpower, +5% manpower regen, +5% system income.
17-20 - Massive: +15% manpower, +10% manpower regen, +10% system income.

Productivity and Wealth
1-4 - Impoverished: +10% system income, -10% trade income.
5-8 - Poor: +5% system income, -5% trade income.
8-12 - Solvent: No modifier.
13-16 - Wealthy: +5% trade income, -5% system income.
17-20 - Opulent: +10% trade income, -10% system income.

Other Characteristics
Capital: +10% manpower, manpower regen, base income.
Asteroid Field: Battleships, Cruisers and Supercarriers suffer a -25% penalty to attack and defence.
Mineral Rich Asteroid Field: +15% to system income. Battleships, Cruisers and Supercarriers suffer -25% penalty to attack and defence.
Nebula: -15 to detection rolls when ambushing.
Fuel Rich Nebula: +15% to system income. -15 to detection rolls when ambushing.
Gas Giant: +15% to system income.

Jump Gates
Stargates, also known as jump gates, are the primary means of interstellar travel in Forsaken Ruins and their are, without a doubt, the Backbone of the Known universe. No one knows about the origin of Jump Gates as many of them dates back to periods prior to the Old Empire.
Character Creation
The Fancy Sheet Is Here.
House Ordos
Status: Minor House (Yes, everyone is a minor house )
Sigil/Words: A cobra entangled in a book.
Colors: Silver, Green & White.
Lord: Lord Henry Ordos 32 (M)
Family: Family members (everyone must have traits :p \\ Kids don't have traits for now)
Spoiler :

House Ordos represented one of the most greedy and selfish Great Houses in the Imperium; their only goal was to generate revenue to sustain the pluto/technocratic elite of the House, who, to this end, have fine tuned the House to an inhumanly specific degree.

House Ordos were driven in all they endeavor to do by a calculated and single-minded mandate to destroy anything that stands between them and the most valuable substance in the known universe. They gained immense wealth that bought them incredibly powerful forbidden technologies and weapons mainly from the house of Ix. Aside from wealth, there was little military strength to House Ordos, relying mostly to mercenaries (who tended to desert with great frequency).

The House faced stiff competition for the spice in Arrakis. After the First Spice War they gained the technology to make ghola slave soldiers from the corpses of fallen enemies and hired a new Strategist.

During the war they intended to create a ghola of the deceased Emperor Frederick IV, who would serve as a puppet emperor subservient to them. For that end they were trying to manipulate many of the factions of the Second Spice War (Fremen, Sardaukar, Smugglers) into conflict with any of the major house.

Their strategy was using gholas and other forms of treachery to thwart any attempts at alliance among their enemies and secure alliances for them. http://dune.wikia.com/wiki/House_Ordos

Character Traits
After filling out your house template, you will have a certain number of points to spend on your characters. This is equivalent to 3 points per character with a number of bonus points equivalent to your family size. Positive *and* negative traits can be added in the NES through education, stories, roleplaying, and unforeseen circumstances.

Your characters will have a minimum number of points to spend, reflected in the following table. Or, you can follow the more detailed instructions below.
Family Size (Adults)|Positive Points|Negative Points
Characters have limitations in their number of traits which vary with age.
Age| |Traits
10 -14| |1 - 4
15 - 19| |1 - 5
20 - 24| |1 - 6
25 - 29| |1 - 7
30 - 34| |1 - 8
35 - 39| |1 - 9
40 - 44| |1 - 10
45 - 49 | |1 - 11
50+| |1 - 12
Note: Add 1 points to the positive and one to the negative column for each child 10-14. Add 2 points to the positive and one to the negative column for each child 15-19.
Trait Name|Value|Description
Paragon of His/Her Generation|+*|Special. Can only be added as a bonus through stories, experience, and popular recognition as a truly exceptional figure.
Admiral|+5|This character is a master commander of fleets.
Brilliant|+5|This character has an effortlessly perfect knowledge of the arts and sciences, truly a genius compared to his or her peers.
Beloved|+4|Through constant acts of nobility and self-sacrifice, and in possession of a regal figure, this character has gained the adoration of almost all around them.
Heroic|+4|This character is an extremely inspiring martial leader, both physically fit and skilled in a command role on the battlefield.
Dignified|+3|This character has achieved a decent amount of prestige, and is well-respected by their neighbors. Attacking them without good cause would seem amiss.
Innovative|+3|This character will occasionally come up with exciting and unexpected ideas; they’re not guaranteed to work, however.
Master|+3|Through a lifetime of study, this character has mastered the art of ____.
Smart|+2|This character has a solid overall knowledge of most things, and can pick up new information quickly.
Wise|+2|While lacking in academic knowledge, this character has an intuitive understanding of the ways of the world.
Hardy|+2|This character is strong, and can hold their own in battle.
Attractive|+2|This character is pleasing to the eye.
Kind|+2|It is obvious to any that know them that this character does good for goodness' sake.
Loyal|+2|This individual seeks to serve a greater cause with all their being, and will die defending it if necessary.
Trained|+2|Through years of training, this character has become quite good at ____.
Clever|+2|Not necessarily Smart, this character has a great understanding of social situations and dialogue. In an Amoral character, could be manipulative.
Handy|+1| This character enjoys making or fixing things; they have the natural abilities of a craftsman with no special training.
Just|+1|This character has a strong sense of right and wrong. This tends to improve subjects opinions of them, though it can also cause friction.
Friendly|+1|This character gets along well with people and has plenty of friends.
Friendly|+1|This character gets along well with people and has plenty of friends.
Diligent|+1|This character is a good planner and steadfast worker, and doesn’t usually make stupid mistakes.
Artistic/Musical/Literary|+1|This character is especially skilled at music, writing, or the visual arts. Not very helpful, but adds peace of mind.
Skilled|+1|This character is an above average ____.
Lucky|+1|Be it fate or fortune, the little things up to chance tend to fall this character’s way.
Friendly|+1|This character gets along well with people and has plenty of friends.
Diligent|+1| This character is a good planner and steadfast worker, and doesn’t usually make stupid mistakes.
Artistic/Musical/Literary|+1| This character is especially skilled at music, writing, or the visual arts. Not very helpful, but adds peace of mind.
Skilled|+1|This character is an above average ____.
Lucky|+1|Be it fate or fortune, the little things up to chance tend to fall this character’s way.
Moral|+0|Has a personal code of values they will not betray if possible.
Amoral|+0|Will do anything necessary to achieve their goals, reprehensible or not.
Patient|+0|Prefers to wait before acting.
Proactive|+0|Prefers to seize the initiative.
Idealist|+0|Prefers to believe that the world can be a better place.
Cynic|+0|Prefers to see individuals and the world as flawed and selfish.
Pious|+0|This character is a firm believer in the power of the gods.
Pregnant|+0| Only one female character can start with this trait; after that, THIS IS A RANDOM TRAIT.
Temperamental|-1|While not constantly boiling over with rage, this character has a tendency to get cross when crossed.
Distant|-1|This individual has trouble connecting emotionally with others, and comes across as cold.
Slow|-1|This character isn’t dumb, they just...like to take their time figuring things out.
Shy|-1|This character has trouble meeting new people, and lacks personal charisma.
Arrogant|-1|Justified or not, this character has extreme confidence in his or her abilities, to the point of belittling others at times.
Depraved|-1| This character has a slight overenthusiasm for certain unorthodox sexual practices. Not necessarily a problem unless word gets out.
Homosexua|-1|This character prefers the company of the same sex. In some cultures it can be a public embarrassment and a hindrance to procreation, but not crippling.
Vain|-1|This character cares a little too much about their personal appearance.
Dishonest|-1|This character isn’t afraid of bending the truth where necessary. But cheaters never prosper...usually.
Wroth|-2|Even unto violence, this character cannot control his boiling rage.
Rebellious|-2|This character dislikes authority, whether legitimate or illegitimate, and will constantly have conflicts with their superiors.
Obsessive|-2|This individual is fixated on an idea or a person; or they have obsessive behavior that repeatedly manifests with various subjects.
Cruel|-2|This character takes a certain amount of pleasure in the exaction of pain, or is simply used to inflicting it.
Cowardly|-2|This character flees at the sight of battle and conflict, or at the least is extremely ineffective when facing it.
Lazy|-2|This character is seriously lacking in motivation.
Ugly|-2|This character has not been blessed with a perfectly symmetrical face.
Stupid|-2|This character is seriously slow on the uptake.
Sickly|-3|This character suffers from a serious, incurable illness. Though they endure for now, they are very weak and could die anytime.
Crazed|-3|This character has a serious mental disability like schizophrenia or epilepsy that regularly impairs their ability to govern and may threaten their health.
Addicted|-3|This individual has developed a dependency on a chemical substance, most likely alcohol. This could prove extremely problematic.
Incompetent|-3|This character suffers from an overarching lack of ability that inspires pity in neighbors and terror in subordinates.
Diabolical|-4|This character is a vicious psychopath who lives to terrorize others, and will almost inevitably be hated and feared by all around them.
Incapacitated|-5|This character cannot speak coherently or otherwise act; for all intents and purposes they are a vegetable.
Scourge of His/Her Generation|-*|Special. Can only be added by particularly egregious acts of infamy leading to popular recognition as a universal menace.
Custom|+/- ?|Talk to me if you want to add a unique trait. This can be random too.
Instructions by Thlaily:

1. To determine your positive trait points, add up your adult (16+) family members and multiply by three. If you want to have 5 adult family members, you have 15 positive points to distribute amongst them. Then add two point per 10-14 year old, and three points per 15-19 year old.

So if you want a family of six, with two parents, one adult son, one 13 year old daughter, one 16 year old boy and one 8 year old daughter, you would receive 3+3+3+1+2+0 = 12 points. Then add 1 bonus point for each family member, an additional 6, to get your final total, 18.

Then, calculate your negative trait points; this is easy, just multiply your number of family members by 1.5 and round up.

2. Distribute your positive and negative traits as you see fit by “spending” them on the traits with their point costs listed next to them. You *are* allowed to add additional negative traits, the rules just set a minimum. You can distribute the traits among family members however you like.

3. Check to ensure you're following the rules and submit your template!


1. All adult individuals must have at least two positive or negative traits (or one of each); if you run out of points, you must assign negative traits. No assigning only neutral traits to leftover family members.

2. All children over the age of 10 must have at least one trait. You can redistribute their points later in childhood as they learn things.

3. Please keep your number of children to a reasonable limit. I can’t spend the entire game keeping track of dozens of children.

4. When new children are born, they have no traits. They receive one trait point at age 10, a second at 14, and their third at 16. You can add and remove children’s traits more easily; doing that to adults takes heavy effort. You can add and remove neutral and negative traits to and from children at any time after they turn 10.

5. If you pick a neutral trait, please choose one or at most two, since most are overlapping or conflicting.

Child Birth And Adoptions
As a rule each female character over the age of 20 may receive one childbirth roll per in game year. This roll is automatic and can not occur if the player wishes. 50/50 split between male and female children.
One per year
1-5: Complications
-Secondary roll
1-9: child dies
10-14: child and mother die
15-19: mother dies, child lives
20: Catastrophic failure (see below)
--Tertiary Roll
1-8: Child dies, mother barren
9-15: Mother dies, child has defect (dwarfism, useless limb, etc)
16-20: Child has defect, mother barren​
6-20: Successful birth
I support this effort. I am not sure if I have sufficient time to join, but I'll be honest, it looks great, and I might.

Also, I'm flattered you chose to use some of my character-building system. Can you launch a crosspost in the NES forum?
I support this effort. I am not sure if I have sufficient time to join, but I'll be honest, it looks great, and I might.

Also, I'm flattered you chose to use some of my character-building system. Can you launch a crosspost in the NES forum?

No problem1. :D And I intend to go slow on updates and game flow.

1 I had already posted in the WWW thread.
Consider me already playing this.
I am interested. May I have permission to play as a house of a space Venice? Consideration to have a floating city network in a gas giant (akin to Star War's Cloud City but with its own satellite settlements around like the isles around the main Venice center), a city on a very tiny moon serving as a satellite of a gas giant or a orbital man-made satellite city orbiting a gas giant.

The insignia of House Geeng

Status: Minor House

Colors: Blue

Spoiler :

Name: John Geeng
Age: 75
Positive Traits:
Genetically Modified - As is with all members of the House of Geeng, they are genetically modified, as that is what grants them their power and legitimacy over common peons.

Smart - John Geeng is a genetically modified genius, with his brain being denser in neuron synopses and consuming more energy than that of a simple - minded human.

Interested in the Sciences - John Geeng is interested in the sciences.

Negative Trait:
Schizophreniac - Unfortunately, John Geeng has recently become a mild schizophreniac because of a genetic mutation that occured while his organism was developing

Obsessive - This individual is fixated on an idea or a person; or they have obsessive behavior that repeatedly manifests with various subjects.

Spoiler :

Name: John Geeng
Age: 38
Positive Traits:
Genetically Modified - As is with all members of the House of Geeng, they are genetically modified, as that is what grants them their power and legitimacy over common peons.

Smart - John Geeng is a genetically modified genius, with his brain being denser in neuron synopses and consuming more energy than that of a simple - minded human.

Interested in the Sciences - John Geeng is interested in the sciences.

Negative Trait:
Schizophreniac - Unfortunately, John Geeng has recently become a mild schizophreniac because of a genetic mutation that occured while his organism was developing

Obsessive - This individual is fixated on an idea or a person; or they have obsessive behavior that repeatedly manifests with various subjects.

Spoiler :

Name: Amada Geeng
Age: 55
Positive Traits:
Genetically Modified - As is with all members of the House of Geeng, they are genetically modified, as that is what grants them their power and legitimacy over common peons.

Smart - Amada Geeng is a genetically modified genius, with his brain being denser in neuron synopses and consuming more energy than that of a simple - minded human.

Just - This character has a strong sense of right and wrong. This tends to improve subjects opinions of them, though it can also cause friction.

Negative Trait:
Rebellious - Unfortunately, Amade Geeng has developed a rebellious personality.

Temperamental - While not constantly boiling over with rage, this character has a tendency to get cross when crossed.

Pregnant - Amanda Geeng is pregnant with the child of King John Geeng, her husband

Depraved - This character has a slight overenthusiasm for certain unorthodox sexual practices. Not necessarily a problem unless word gets out.

Idealist - Prefers to believe that the world can be a better place.

Obsessive - This individual is fixated on the idea of cybernetic enchantments.

Religion: The religion of House Geeng is that of planet Nioutton. Earth was heaven, and humans fell from divine favour, as such leading to their current situation. Scientific findings of common ancestry of all humans indicates that such a place can not exist, so many people have adopted the idea that Earth is a symbolic place.

History: The ancestors of House Geeng are unknown. However, genetic analysis and scattered knowledge of religion and mythos indicates that they were not of much importance in the Old Empire. How unimportant peons could have led humanity's collective genetic evolution to the greatest humans known to be alive can be explained through just that; evolution.

When the Old Empire collapsed, the societies of planet Nioutton (also reffered to as Agnew in religious texts) were destroyed with it and the humans of the planet entered into a short period of anarchy (Year ??? - Year 0) and a subsquent age of rebuilding came after that. This led to the period known as "Time of Cities" (Year 0 - Year 65) during which numberous city - states dominated most of the planet, while some tribes remained. The most famous city - states of the time was oligarchic Aledon and monarchic Fenew. Eventually, after a long Cold War the city state of Aledon collapsed and Fenew extended its grip on new territories, even though it had entered a period of decline itself. By Year 101, humanity enters a new period under the Grand Hegemony of Grean (Year 66 - Year 300). This Hegemony managed to unite most of the landmass of planet Agnew under a single authority, the Hegemon, ruling from Thespido.

However, all must come to an end. It is the basic law of life. As such, the Hegemony collapsed. The reason for their eventual end is a mix of prevalent corruption, widespread autarky because of a loss of central authority and the following spread of revolutionary ideas like parliaments and guilds, things that were especially liked and adopted by the middle class, as it would give them more power over the aristocrats, who had been feuding since time eternal with the middle class for political power. This is known as the Revolutionary Period (Year 301 - Year 410). Many libertarian states spread across Nioutton and eventually defeated the rise of reactionary movements in the form of alliances. By the early 6th century though they had entered into a new technological period as machines started to appear in factories, leading to excessive industralisation and leading to the Industrial Period (Year 411 - Year 542). During this time period new ideologies appeared, including the ultra - reactionary and nationalist Reactionaries and also the demaguegic Progressivists, who later on divided to the Populists and Societists.

From the Year of 543 to 600 comes the Modern Period. It was during these times that the first weapons of mass destruction were created from uranium, but fortunately Nioutton was spared from destruction thanks to the principles of MAD. The two greatest rivals of this time period are the Populist Democratic State of Macharia and the Reactionary Empire of Aetheri. Eventually, the Populist Democratic State of Macharia collapsed and the Reactionary Empire of Aethen with its nationalistic and harsh policies attained global domination and influence. But not for long. In the Year 601 the Geonite coup happened and Emperor Veles was kicked out from power, leading to a liberalisation of the Aetherian Empire.

This increasing liberalisation of the Aetherian Empire led to the Digital Age (Year 601 - Year 720). Aetheri had managed to create digital technologies before and used them in order to co - ordinate military forces during the Modern Period, but the programs used were released for civilian use and refined. Nevertheless, monarchic and nationalist ideals were still held high and were something that would continue to plague the humans of Nioutton up to many centuries after. Monarchic tendecies continue to thrive and survive even today, as John Geeng is a Hegemon.

Nevertheless, the period from 721 to 825 is characterised as the Period of Turmoil, even though it's real name is Free Will Age. This period saw great technological and scientific advancement thanks to Aetheri competition with rival states and companies. It was during this time that automatic drone bases were established on the Niumi, a satellite of Nioutton, and it was also during this time that research on cloning and stem cell was advancing forwards in amazing heaps. Last but not least, an importance achievement of this era is the creation and the expansion of optical communications. It is also during this time that the first optical computers and the biological visual feedback sensors becomes mainstream, and many of the scientists began using them. However, this lead to the independent funding of research becoming easier, and it was during this time that biological studies proved that all humans from Nioutton are equal. While it was hard to teach this to the mass, shockwaves were spread all over the planet from the news, with many trying to discredit or even disclose the information. Nevertheless, this lead to the Technocratic age that lasts up to today. Many of the Aetheri scientists, seeing how politicians were unable to make the proper and logical decisions, moved against them with the support of a great segment of the populace and destroyed much of the digital infrastructure, proving the inability of the Aetheri government. This led to a series of subsequent crisis within and outside of Aetheri that would lead to the establishment of Technocracies all over Nioutton that eventually united.

However, what was logical was not good for the truly uneducated peons, who confused science and knowledge with wisdom, and as such they could not be trusted. Eventually, the technocrats and the scientsists mixed together, leading to the creation of a new scientific aristocracy that mantains its power and legitimacy over the common people through genetic modification and the ideals of science and logic. However, problems would occur and would lead to the division that allowed the House of Geeng to seize power in the Reactionary Technocracy of Fengi.
Level of Sci-fi-ness?
Intentions regarding time-managing this and your racing game?
House: Zhuge
Status: Minor House

Name: Zhuge Ke (Male)
Age: 20
Positive Traits:

Just (+1)
Beloved (+4)
Loyal (+2)

Negative Traits:

Shy (-1)
Distant (-1)


Name: Zhuge Ling (Female - Sister of Zhuge Ke)
Age: 18
Positive Traits:

Smart (+2)
Wise (+2)
Innovative (+3)

Negative Traits:

Vain (-1)
Arrogant (-1)

Name: Zhang Fei (Male - Sworn brother of Zhuge Ke)
Age: 32
Positive Traits:

Heroic (+4)
Friendly (+1)
Hardy (+2)

Negative Traits:

Wroth (-2)
Arrogant (-1)

History: Heirs of a long gone Empire, Zhuge Ke and his sister, Zhuge Ling, try to recreate their Empire by combating Warlords and usurpers while making sure that the people are living off well.
House Venetianer
Status: Minor House
Lord: Andreas Venetianer (61, m), Master Merchant, Wise, Digilant, Obessive, Patient
Heir: Alberto Venetianer (58, m, Andreas's cousin) Trained Merchent, Lucky, Friendly, Slow
Family: Udo Venetainer (39, m, Andreas's eldest son) Trained Merchant, Digilant, Lucky, Obessive, Pius
Petra Venetainer (35, f, Andreas's eldest daughter) Digilant, Smart, Literary, Shy, Pius
Alice Venetainer (32, f, Andreas's second eldest daughter) Skilled Historian, Literary, Just, Temperamental, Moral
Wilma Venetainer (28, f, Andreas's third eldest daughter) Trained Priestess, Smart, Moral, Pius
Axel Venetainer (25, m, Andreas's youngest son), Trained Architect, Digilant, Clever, Arrogant, Amoral
Tanja Venetainer (21, f, Andreas's youngest daughter) Trained Spy, Musical, Clever, Dishonest, Patient

Günther Venetainer (18, m, Udo's eldest son) Trained Merchant, Clever, Hardy, Rebellious, Bisexual
Jana Venetainer(16, m, Udo's eldest daughter, Dante's twin) Clever, Hardy, Loyal, Distant, Cynic
Dante Venetainer (16, m, Udo's second son, Jana's twin) Smart, Attractive, Literary, Arrogant, Cynic
Viktoria Venetainer (12, f, Udo's youngest daughter)
Leopold Venetainer (7, m, Udo's third son)
Oswald Venetainer (2, m, Udo's youngest son)

Veronika Venetainer (35, Alberto's eldest daughter) Trained Navy Strategist, Hardy, Clever, Arrogant, Pius
Ines Venetainer (31, Alberto's second daughter) Trained Spy, Cleaver, Artistic, Dishonest, Amoral
Otto Venetainer (27, Alberto's only son) Trained Diplomat, Musical, Loyal, Addicted, Proactive

Marriage Partners: Sandras Bach(60, F, Andreas's wife) Master Spy, Digilant, Musical, Distant, Patient

History: a merchant family from the cloud city of Opius within the gas giant Nubes.

Level of Sci-fi-ness?
Intentions regarding time-managing this and your racing game?

Let's start step by step.

First, about magic and psionic powers I have no statement about. I can only say that yes, it can be something applicable in the future. Technology is not something post apocalyptic with people trying to survive as their can, is something "stable" and technologically advanced. Culture and History will come in the second phase of the pre-thread.

The first phase of this pre-thread is about the character creation (I'll include more details right now). The second and third will be on the universe itself: planets, cultures, histories, nations.

And I truly believe that my racing game will not progress, as the little interest of the community.
My concern is that the planets, cultures, and their histories would have a huge influence on the characters and their histories, so I would prefer that those came first.
Edited my post.
I agree with shadowbound in that is it hard to build a faction that fits the setting when we do not know what the setting is. That said, I submit the Remillard.

House Remillard

based on the family by the same name from Julian May’s Galactic Milieu series and with material from my own Emperor of the Fading Suns game.


The Remillard dynasty are uniquely graced with the ‘Remillard gene’ the source of which remains a mystery to time and may be artificial or may be a happy coincidence, the boon of a benevolent celestium. Regardless, approximately 5 to 6 centuries ago many Remillards began to exhibit reduced signs of aging, greater health vitality, and greatly increased energy. They also exhibited slightly stunted growth, reduced capacity to heal from wounds or injury, and often, insomnia.

Today, there are thousands of Remillards, a consequence of a lifespans extending into to two or three centuries or longer and families with fifteen or more children.

The apparent youthfulness and energy of the Remillards, as well as a well-known reputation for playboy-like lifestyles (racing (ice-bikes especially), yachting, drinks, fashion, women, and especially ski- and après-ski), in conjunction with a true concern for their people, a sense of nobles oblige, has made them hugely popular with their subjects.

Home Planet:

Incillia is a land of beautiful coniferous forests and long winters with plenty of snow. It has a potent magnetosphere and is graced with bountiful ‘northern lights’. Geologically, the world is relatively young and its surface is rugged and covered in low sharp mountains. Snow-laden pine forests sprawl across its vast mountain ranges, only giving way to deciduous forests and agriculture in a wide belt around the equator.

The majority of the population lives around the equator where farming is concentrated. The soil is rich and harvests are bountiful. Away from the equator farming gives way to hunting and trapping, or more artificial forms of agriculture and the population density drops considerably. It is also away from the equator where the majority of Incellia’s vast mineral riches remain hidden. Mining this wealth, though often dangerous and cold work, is very profitable.


All Remillards share the following traits
-Remillard gene (pos): Remillards possess resistance to aging, longevity, extreme vitality and energy, fecundity, and are always slim and slightly shorter than average. They also heal more slowly than most and stay warm even when its cold outside.
-Charm and Noblesse (pos): The Remillards are almost universally charismatic and charming, and the vast majority are very good looking (perhaps again a function of the Remillard gene). Beyond that, they have embraced nobles oblige; the Remillards have a reputation for caring for their subjects and are beloved by them.
-Ski (neutral): The Remillards have a penchant for snowy places and not for blinding deserts. Remillard managed arctic planets suffer none of the penalties normally associated with those planets while remillard-managed desert planets suffer double the negatives.

Individual family members may have two additional traits (one good, one bad).

Family Members

Denis Remillard
The patriarch of the family, it is Denis’s huge intellect and ambition that can often be found responsible for the successes of the family. And yet, he is best known for his public persona, smiling from his yacht, an Old Fashion or Bourbon cradled in his hand, or laughing to a crowd of pretty young women on the ski slopes.
Intellectual and athletic paragon (Cab5 double grab? Goddamn is there nothing he can't do?)
Insomniac (Denis will often operate with minimal sleep for several days then suddenly crash and be effectively useless to the dynasty for a day or two as he recovers)

More to come…
My concern is that the planets, cultures, and their histories would have a huge influence on the characters and their histories, so I would prefer that those came first.

I believe that I make a mess in how the Forsaken Ruins works. In short, the Old Empire had colonies around the cosmos, therefore, each possessed its own cultural identity. Thus, when the Universe dove into the the Dark Ages, this cultural identity along with the myths, stories and religion remained as identity of each colony (now "free-nation").

Summarizing in a timeline, we would have Earth > the beginning of the Old Empire > Earth becomes a mythos > Decline of the Old Empire> Dark Ages > Now.

My intentions were about making a few cultures and only a single nation but after talking with thomas, we decided it would be more interesting as "separate nations".
Interest post. When are signups going to lock?

I'm planning on joining but I have to finish the CoE update.
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