In Brasil, the current minimum wage
(defined by law every year) is
R$ 1.412,00 (aka
US$ 257.68) -
yes, for numbers we use coma where you use point, and point where you use coma
Considering most imports here pay some hefty taxes, prices usually rise to values between 2x to 3x the base value it should cost in direct conversion
(US$ 279.99 = R$ 1.534,23)... so the price of US$ 279.99 will most definitely translate here to something between
R$ 3.068,46 (
US$ 559,98)

R$ 4.602,69 (
US$ 839,97)!
Even for a civil servant
(it can pay real good here, depending on position), those prices are absurdly high. I'm one of them, and my liquid income is of R$ 6.304,22 (
US$ 1.150,49). Unfortunately, I will have to wait for a drop in prices AND a kick ass sale on top of that.
I salute those who can pay just the US$ 279.99, and have income that allows for that without issues. Hope you have a blast playing Civ 7 early.