Prices are insane

I agree, it is quite expensive. Also now the Chilean prices are only a few euros less than the European ones on Steam.

Having said that, I am a Civ fanatic, been playing for over 30 years and will still get the Founders Edition, which I will definetely play for the whole launch weekend non-stop, and I will spend less money than going out partying and drinking in that same period :crazyeye:
In Brasil, the current minimum wage (defined by law every year) is R$ 1.412,00 (aka US$ 257.68) - yes, for numbers we use coma where you use point, and point where you use coma :)

Considering most imports here pay some hefty taxes, prices usually rise to values between 2x to 3x the base value it should cost in direct conversion (US$ 279.99 = R$ 1.534,23)... so the price of US$ 279.99 will most definitely translate here to something between R$ 3.068,46 (US$ 559,98) :wow: and R$ 4.602,69 (US$ 839,97)! :eek:

Even for a civil servant (it can pay real good here, depending on position), those prices are absurdly high. I'm one of them, and my liquid income is of R$ 6.304,22 (US$ 1.150,49). Unfortunately, I will have to wait for a drop in prices AND a kick ass sale on top of that. :sad:

I salute those who can pay just the US$ 279.99, and have income that allows for that without issues. Hope you have a blast playing Civ 7 early. :goodjob:
Would, "imports," count if you just downloaded it online? I was of the impression that would only be physical goods.
As I already pointed out, once you compensate for inflation, Civ VII's Deluxe Edition is cheaper than Civ VI's Deluxe Edition was.
I also do not think this is a relevant reply to the conversation, but tell me, have you checked the percent % of the wages and salaries that have been adjusted for inflation? Maybe you live in a nice bubble, in which case good for you, but see the big picture here, inflation only works when the powerless pay for it. If everything was automatically adjusted for inflation instantaneously, it would not serve its purpose. Call me what you want, this is not an economical forum, but your reply sounds like from a very young person.
The base game is $79. The 'complete at this time' game is $99.
You're right, it's 70 euros which is why I got it wrong.

Curiously, it's 70 euros for the base game where I'm from but still 100 euros for the deluxe edition. I guess it makes sense to only have variable rates for the base game.

Anyway, the Deluxe edition's price already includes DLC with 2 leaders and 4 civilizations. These will not be available at release.

So there's no reason to pay $99.
I will point out that the "Founders Edition" contains post-launch content that will be included in future DLCs, which they promise will drop by Sept. of 2025. So the cost includes DLC costs that you would otherwise have to pay for if you start with the Standard or Deluxe editions. And, while they don't make that point explicitly regarding the "Deluxe" edition, it does say that the Deluxe edition has post-launch content; presumably the benefit of the extra cost is getting that free when you have to pay for it otherwise, or getting it ahead of when it can be bought. In either case, the value of such benefits has to be factored in to the decision to purchase; as always, YMMV.
Assuming the game isnt a flop, i will easily get my moneys worth. Over the course of the games life, i will have most likely bought every DLC civ/leader/expansion assuming they arent flops either. So buying stuff now to save money later somewhat makes sense. With that being said, its a big upfront cost. Idk if i will like the DLCs they are adding in. Waiting means the game/dlcs will be cheaper and more polished. Im not interested in minor cosmetics. I wont decide what to buy(most likely standard version) until close to release.

Regional pricing is tough. Ill give my view from my experience as an indy dev. Ideally you try to find a good comparable price for all the different regions/currencies.This is fair to your consumers and increases your playerbase globally. This has the downside that a lot of people will try to circumvent their home region and buy it instead at a super cheap price in another currency. As an example, Argentina was 3rd in sale #s behind US and China, not because the game was popular in that country, but it was the cheapest place to buy it. While we were happy with the increased player numbers, it did cost us a lot of revenue. This is why many companies will make their game be the same price globally, no matter the currency. Steam cracked down on pricing in the last year, limiting how low you can make it in other currencies.
Now, this is wild....

This is the ONLY Physical release of the game apparently???

What is about physical release that despise them so much???
Nintendo Switch I guess will have to be in a cartridge form...
But PC and Mac users will only get to choose from either Digital or... digital...??

I mean, I would like to have a poster of Civ 7, given I didn't get one for civ 6....
and that was the first time since civ 1 that I didn't get the boxy release for PC...
The reality is that the cost of excellent software development is expensive; especially for such an expansive game as this. If the game is great, then $60, or $100, or even $130 for getting literally thousands of hours of gameplay is extremely good value.
Yes, but a PDF to poster in colors, magazine quality, should not exceeds 20 to 50 cents a copy....
a full Manual with say 300 pages... 5-6$... a DVD 2$... boxed etc another 2$ makes it less than 10$ total....

I would expect a bare minimum of Physical content for a 60-70$ AAA game... not counting RESELL value...
Dude has a point...
Firaxis is very optimistic that we can play it 5 days earlier :) There is always 0 day patch and/or another issue with starting game after release. So bonus to be beta tester earlier is not worth extra money for me.
Now, this is wild....

This is the ONLY Physical release of the game apparently???

What is about physical release that despise them so much???
Nintendo Switch I guess will have to be in a cartridge form...
But PC and Mac users will only get to choose from either Digital or... digital...??

I mean, I would like to have a poster of Civ 7, given I didn't get one for civ 6....
and that was the first time since civ 1 that I didn't get the boxy release for PC...
Switch doesn't have to be cartridge. My Civ 6 Is digital.
I think Ima wait for the official launch date on February 11. I don't play civ too often to pay to play it 5 days earlier. It actually depends on how busy I am with stuff. I would probably get the deluxe edition either way so that I can get the Shawnee and the Tecumseh packs.
The DLC model is pretty aggressive. 😮

Counting for Inflation, the base price isn't out of line, though.

If they created an incredibly detailed game with great gameplay and hundreds of civs, I would pay $300-$400 for it, for sure. Consider it a weekend at the lake staying in a hotel.
Now, this is wild....

This is the ONLY Physical release of the game apparently???

What is about physical release that despise them so much???
Nintendo Switch I guess will have to be in a cartridge form...
But PC and Mac users will only get to choose from either Digital or... digital...??

I mean, I would like to have a poster of Civ 7, given I didn't get one for civ 6....
and that was the first time since civ 1 that I didn't get the boxy release for PC...

IIRC, this doesn't actually come with the game.
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