
Proud to be an American

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Dionysius said:
jayzus, i wish i had a response to that.
oh... heres one:
well, its not really a big deal to me.
ever try learning gaelic? i was schooled in it since age five
and i know more latin than irish...
I knew some when I was little since my grandmother spoke it as a second language to me (songs and stuff like that) from what I've heard it wouldn't do me much good to speak it in ireland a side from a few small towns but if I ever go too europe I'll learn some phrases before I go. (I've got this 101 languages program ;) not as good as those 200 dollar programs but for 10 bucks it's Awesome :king: )
MjM said:
California is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world. Out of countries aswell. We beat almost all of Europe, as a state. :p
i was thinking of the Euro currency, which trumps dollar.
.Shane. said:
Proud? More like grateful, appreciative.

I think pride in anything you don't really have control over is meaningless, to say the least.
We all have conrol over our countrys government (okay thats a bit optimistic but
to a degree it's true) why grateful? we built this country all of us not one general not one president has ever been more important than any soldier or factory worker/farmer etc in keeping this country together. :spear:
MobBoss said:
Thats like saying why take pride in your house since you just "live there"...why mow the yard? Why water the grass, why take pride in it? Of course people should be proud of their country for many reasons.

1. how many people are patriotic about their domicile?
2. why mow the yard: the long grass trips you up when out in the yard.
3. why water the grass: so`s it`ll be soft when you are out in
your bare feet [like i so often am].
Dionysius said:
i was thinking of the Euro currency, which trumps dollar.
E.U. controls 17% of the worlds money
U.S. 17%
China + india = 17%
but the E.U. has 159 million mre people and india and china 2,100,000,000 billion more
I'm proud to be alive and to have a future ahead of me.

America is a cool place. Can't deny that. Has a lot of good stuff going for it. The first liberal government, the birthplace of Jazz and Hip Hop, home of some truly gifted, articulate passionate people, etc.

But its also just a country. Nations are nothing without people. I also tend to be wary of patriotism nowadays because it has been jacked by the militarists who would have their whole country burn for their "pride".

I don't think I have a negative view, or a rosy tinted positive one. Which suits me dandy.
I don't understand how you can be proud of something that you did 0 effort to accomplish. It's like saying "I am proud to have a nose" or "I am proud the earth orbits the sun".

Can some proud american explain to me how (s)he can be proud to be american?
Well, I think it's obvious that in this thread, someone mentions the name of a country and then people from that country post!

I agree with you, Rik. I don't think you could be proud of something you didn't choose or of something you didn't influence in any way.
Rik Meleet said:
I don't understand how you can be proud of something that you did 0 effort to accomplish. It's like saying "I am proud to have a nose" or "I am proud the earth orbits the sun".
Hey, growing a nose ain't easy! Not to mention the fact that the sperm that created me beat out millions of competitors! :smug:
I'm American not particularly proud though. It seems foolish to be to be proud of somehting you can't control, things like nationality, ethnicity, skin color etc....I didn't choose them why should I be proud of them?

At any rate I think America is a nice country, nice place to live and etc... but not the best, though better than many others. Still I'm not a very patriotic or nationalistic person. I don't partiular care too much of nationality. Besides I've been living in India for the past two years so at the momnet I'm a bit distant from US.
intresting data, where did you get that from?
also if it where true it may be becouse indians appreciate that it wasnt always a free independant country. has has until relativly recently been under the finger of the britian.
In agreement with so many others, I'm *happy* to be an American, but not proud of it, since it's not something I did.
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