Random Rants #XXIV - The Angry Mob

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Some people don't know about NES or CFC OT.


Well people on that board, before I split from it, didnt understand why I liked to argue and I jokingly suggested they spend a week on CFC OT. And several of them went along the lines of "Why the hell would I want to join a gaming board?"
And I went "Uhhh.... the OT isn't gaming."

By the way, this is all from memory, I cant be bothered to go back to that place and dig through all the nasty posts to find it.
If someone ever comes to this forum and does anything like you say they do, they'd probably be infracted for trolling.
The civ5 forums consistently have far more people viewing them these days than OT or anywhere else, but they all make boring threads on the same things over and over again, nothing like OT at all!
I've become a fanboy of this girl... I'm unsure whether it's a rave or a rant, but I'm putting it as a rant since I'm liking a girl I probably never will meet in my life.

Help me out Dachs! :cry:
Who the what now? Why would I be able to help you out? im confus
The civ5 forums consistently have far more people viewing them these days than OT or anywhere else, but they all make boring threads on the same things over and over again, nothing like OT at all!
I just discovered I have a 22-0 ratio of women turning me down vs. accepting my offer for a date

I come home after a long day at 31 degrees in the shade to find that we have no running water.

I hate communism.
Last year my friend begged me to audition for the center stage(year long class, mandatory involvement in every school production) drama class because they needed boys. I agreed because it'd be a nice extracurricular to show colleges.
BUT I was told I wouldn't have to sing.
This was a lie.
I despair of all political parties when the Australian Liberal party is less so than our Conservative party.
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