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Random Rants 92 - Not Enough Snerk

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Why is my mouse so slow?!?!?
Is it laser or track ball? New laser based mouses allow one to set various movement parameters and acceleration etc. Track balls are slow. If your mouse has some kind of interface, check that.
If I had a nickel for every time someone randomly shared a crappy, kinda bigoted opinion with me today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Like, did I put on an invisible "I want to hear your crappy thoughts" hat that only racists can see, or something? Do they just think that because I'm a white dude I'll of course agree with them on how men have it soooooo hard on college campuses these days or think that Kanye's "White Lives Matter" shirt is actually super cool?
Too much to do in too little time!
"There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you're not there anymore." - Kenneth Moore as The Ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooge (1970) (which happens to be, my favourite version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol):D

One of absolute fav quotes from the movie.
"There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you're not there anymore." - Kenneth Moore as The Ghost of Christmas Present in Scrooge (1970) (which happens to be, my favourite version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol):D

One of absolute fav quotes from the movie.
That preview is a trip!

Now I also need to watch Kind Hearts and Coronets again.
If I had a nickel for every time someone randomly shared a crappy, kinda bigoted opinion with me today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Like, did I put on an invisible "I want to hear your crappy thoughts" hat that only racists can see, or something? Do they just think that because I'm a white dude I'll of course agree with them on how men have it soooooo hard on college campuses these days or think that Kanye's "White Lives Matter" shirt is actually super cool?
Only twice? The individual from Medicine Hat who constantly engages in cheerleading a racist education minister, bullying, and victim-mocking on my MLA's page on FB pulled out a lulu the other day.

September 30 was Orange Shirt Day, a holiday intended to commemorate the child victims of the residential schools. Children were abused horribly in those places, up to and including dying by various means. So this <unprintable lest infraction for inappropriate language occur> decided to laugh at and mock all posts referencing the children who were sexually assaulted in those places.

There are no circumstances in which it is EVER acceptable to laugh at child rape. Yet she did. I strongly suspect that if the children in question had been white, she wouldn't have laughed.
Yet she did. I strongly suspect that if the children in question had been white, she wouldn't have laughed.

Well of course she wouldn't have, if they weren't native victims of white cultural imperialism then making fun of their suffering wouldn't be owning the libs.
Cyber-snoops broke into US military contractor, stole data, hid for months

How on earth is the US military putting sensitive data on micro$oft exchange? We used it at my last job, but not for sensitive (read patient) data. I was not convinced the security was good enough for that, and it is a whole lot less important, valuable or well funded than the US army.

Spies for months hid inside a US military contractor's enterprise network and stole sensitive data, according to a joint alert from the US government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the FBI, and NSA.​
The intruders somehow broke into the defense org's Microsoft Exchange Server – the Feds still aren't sure how – and rummaged through mailboxes for hours and used a compromised admin account to query Exchange via its EWS API. The snoops also ran Windows commands to learn more about the IT setup and gathered up files into archives using WinRAR.​
Interestingly, the cyberattackers also used the open source network toolkit Impacket to remote-control machines on the network and move laterally. And after sneaking around some more, they used a custom data exfiltration tool called CovalentStealer to siphon off sensitive data, which included contract-related information from shared drives.​
The investigators also found that the intruders, after snooping around the network for a couple of months, exploited in March 2021 a handful of Microsoft bugs, CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26857, CVE-2021-26858, and CVE-2021-27065 to install 17 China Chopper webshells on the Exchange Server.​
Then between July and October 2021, the spies used the aforementioned CovalentStealer, which can identify file shares on a system, categorizes the documents, and then uploads them to a remote server.​
While the federal government didn't attribute the break-in to any particular gangs or nation states, a blue box at the top of CISA's security alert at one point told organizations what to do to "protect against Russian-state sponsored malicious cyber activity." That reference to Russia has since vanished.​
Samson, is this a rant that no one is handing you your 7 figure checks for your "I told you so's"?

At times I can't help but think there really isn't "a system" given its inability to bolster itself with the available and underutilized talent in its midst.
Samson, is this a rant that no one is handing you your 7 figure checks for your "I told you so's"?

At times I can't help but think there really isn't "a system" given its inability to bolster itself with the available and underutilized talent in its midst.
I suppose, a little bit :)

But it is really that people who are paid 7 figure salaries should be able to do proper risk assessments, and if they are saying Microsoft Exchange Server is military grade security then they really are not worth 7 figures.
so , ı decide ı should check my e-mails and whatnot . Nobody sends me e-mails , ı might have sent and received maybe less than 50 , certainly not more than 100 , and ı started surfing in 2005 or so . Open it up and oh my , spam this and spam that , spam here and spam over there and CFC has totally spammed me . Some real effort possibly more than 700 meesages sent to the garbage can . And their total deletion done with great relish . The old CFC , even in the previous edition of damned the Xenforo would not sent e-mails ! Am a good boy , here everyday already !

and the way it keeps pushing on me to let them push notifications . Said NO already , didn't ı ?

edit: Found boxes to tick ... Hopefully no more e-mails .
You'd have hated the situation where we didn't get email notifications for a whole year and a half. When that situation finally got fixed, suddenly all the old messages - notifications of replies, new threads, and old PM messages came flooding through, dozens at a time. I don't know how many hundreds of old notifications I got in a single day.
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