Preturn: Well I have a strong intuition on what we are doing wrong. 37 turns since Math and I see no catapults. With 4 catapults in Tikal, I could ding 3 swords and have the retreat instead of attacking. The catapults would allow us to damage the units first so we DON'T lose units (I see 3 Javs lost vs swords for example)
The towns building Barrracks definitely shouldn't be. They can be on catpult builds. Likely we could have had 5-8 catapults and had the same number of Javalins because we didn't have to fight uninjured swords and spears.
I have noticed this as a consistent problem in recent games - not enough catapults. So everyone,
build more catapults. They are vital by this point of the game - how can one handle swords without them?
Since we also didn't connect the Iron, we have the problem of only attack 2 vs health units. If you are not building catapults you need the iron.
Note that one unit the Capults aren't great against is the Mounted Warriors which is why they are nasty. They can stop out of reach of the cats and then have an attack 3 vs the city without a chance to bombard. Knights are of course worse, but they are later in game.
In any case, all towns but Palenque and Copan are switched to cats. Lets see if I can get some in time.
Add another unit to Yax to make it very unlikely to fall.
IBT: Yax is bypassed. Tikal loses a Spear and wins vs 2 Swords.
730 BC: The rivers are very annoying I can't even move troop between towns because they would get caught in the open.
Each town is still trying to defend. Copan may be in risk next turn and I am pretty much forced to expose a unit to try to get a unit to Copan.. It could get ugly.
IBT: We lose all 3 fights at Tikal. That will probably spell the end.
710 BC: Jav loses vs a MW. RNG is not being kind.
IBT: We lose Tikal and Capitol riots. Another Jav loses to a Warrior!.
690 BC: Things are thin. We need decent RNG.
IBT: Which we don't get and Yax falls. This game is dead.
Well we didn't get the RNG we needed to survive the turn. This game would have been nearly impossible anyway with us surrounded. I think the lack of Cats simply killed us faster than otherwise. One would need an early army and a fight to find a wall to win.