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Rbd19 Sg - Big Brother

Here's the save file. :)

Hopefully, most players won't need the whole ten days until later in the game. ;)
The love/hate realtionship between the RBD series and the French continues. Made even more interesting in this game by the fact that the Romans were historically the "big brother" culture that later gave birth to France. If I'm not playing in this game, I'll definitely be following it. :goodjob:
Sweet sister, sweet Joan. Oh, how glad I am my blessed sibling is not named “Shaka”, “Xerxes”, or “Otto”. This was a fairly weak turn, but no disasters. I played the 15, we are now to 1500 and ready for 10 turn turns.

Here is what I did besides hit the space bar.

Rebelliousness: On continuation I aborted the settler production for spears. We have wandering barbs. If I let them produce settlers, I would double the number of open cities. I also changed a green dot to purple. I wanted the site above the white dot, on a river, between a game and a cattle, with hills in city radius. So sue me 8-0.

Barbs/exploration. I keep our warriors wandering, and take out a few barbs, a couple of barb encampments, and two villages, both of whom produce angry warriors. Near Paris I can see across the water to America, where I meet a rather rude and backwards chap known by the appellation “Lincoln”. Despite him being uncouth, I introduce him to our sweet sister. Speaking of uncouth, in 1600 BC Barbs attack our 3 cities at once, and our trusty spearmen beat them back 8-).

Cities: I founded Athos as a symbol of brotherly love nearest our dear Joan, on the purple dot ssw of Rome. I snuck a second settler into Rome’s queue, which is on its way to the converted green dot with a spear to found Philo (my latin is so thin as to be transparent, so please correct any mistakes in my city names—Philios would be Greek, right? And Philo latin? I think Athos is ok). Antium and Veii will produce settlers in 1 and 4 turns, respectively to return to the master city founding plan and finish out the purples.

Weediness: A worker is busily building a mine on a grassy shield outside Veii, which would be a great thing to do, except Veii is not connected to our road net yet, so one of its citizens has to be an entertainer, because I just got myst, and no roads=no gems. Oops.

Odd but not weed: The worker linking up Rome and Antium is taking the long route, but Iron is now on it.

Dear Sister: Sweet Joan. I cut our research to zero to be able to afford sending her gifts in exchange for Mysticism. There is no nobler place for Roman money than with sweet Joan. Our research is at zero and the pact cuts us to +6gpt, but Joan now has a little pocket money, and that is what is important, right? We are on a tech par with France and America. For her birthday, we gifted Joan with 5 gold. I did not wish to give her a map, as she is still young and impetuous, and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. We need to secure our furs and good city sites in trust for the dear one so that she will not do something rash in her youth.

Warning Will Robinson: There are still wandering Barbs east of Rome.

Have fun,


Jaffa <<<<<UP
Charis<<on deck
Jester (cough, don’t forget summoning team, cough)
Carbon (??)
love = amo, amas, amat
brother = frater (aka fraternity, fraternal)
sister = soror

love = agape (unconditional unswerving love, agapetos = beloved)
philia (brotherly love,closeness, warmth)
storge (old shoe, high comfort love, often used of blood relatives)
eros (you know, THAT kind)
brother = adelphos
sister = adelphe

(Put the two together of course it's Philadelphia, city of brotherly love)

Charis (Grace)
Dear diary,

That man Lincoln was gloating again, pointing out how his 'America' was bigger than our land and the land of our darling sister combined. I have entered his name on the list.

One of our troops was caught disturbing our dear sister's citizens at Orleans. We apologised profusely, and had the man executed on the spot. How was this allowed to happen? Tomorrow, I must institute a full review of procedures, to be sure such a travesty does not occur again.


Celebrations today, as we founded our newest city, Philo (I do not understand the name, myself, but it was chosen by our honored predecessor, the great Cyrene). Stout men were chosen to guard our new town, as there are rumors of barbarian horsemen in the area.


A small farming community was established in our western lands. They requested to be named Wolf Nipple, in honor of the greatness of our Romulus and dear Remus, a choice to which I readily agreed.


We have established a silk farming community out in the jungles to the east. It is our dear sister's birthday, and I would love to send her new silk clothing as a gift, but our merchants say they cannot make the journey without a road. This disturbs me greatly. We must have a road to our sister's land, but the citizens are lazy and claim to be busy with other things.

I will think more on this. Meanwhile, I have sent my personal courier with ten gold pieces as a token of apology to darling Joan.
Charis <<<<<< UP NOW
Smegged <<< Needs to Review the Dotmap before playing. :p
Jester (cough, don’t forget summoning team, cough)
Carbon (?? Are you in or out of this one, CC ??)
Dotmap was posted with the first report. Did you not read the report? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH JOANIE IF YOU DON'T READ ALL OF THE REPORTS??? :)

If she catches you being inattentive... :queen: :spank:

Not that she would complain. OUR DARLING LITTLE SISTER IS THE MOST CULTURED OF LEADERS. But still... it is our duty to serve her.

Dotmap is on page 1 of the thread. :)

- Sirian
Meldor: Don't mistake devotion for stupidity. :) We must be STRONG if we are to protect little Joanie from the evils of Abe and other wicked men. France builds lots of cultural buildings as a tendency, but even if they didn't, it wouldn't matter. She doesn't have to win by culture. As long as they build space ship parts when the time comes, it's all good!

smegged: you're just laying the groundwork for your stellar feats to come. "Hey, remember back when I founded that city in the middle of nowhere without any food...?" Sort of like Charis's "Hey remember when I irrigated the desert instead of the cattle?" :p I'm sure that location was quite scenic, but the Moghul game is more focused on profits than idyllic mountain villages. At least you didn't whip a temple or anything REALLY weedy like that. :p

In light of your settlement choices there, you might not just want to adhere to dotmaps, but check into all the factors that weigh on what is, or is not, a good location for a city. Sometimes it depends on the game goals, but mostly it's just about four things: ultimate potential, security, best use of land, and growth curve. Point one is usually the most important, but fresh water or immediate access to wheat/cattle can override on early cities or distant colonies. Avoiding overlap is actually NOT a priority. Keeping it reasonable is important, but Civ3 is usually won or lost long before hospitals come available.

- Sirian
I'd agree, witness RBD12, the dotmap there actually has intentional overlap in it. :) The same holds in RBD 13, though for a different reason.
The purple dot south of Rome is prime real estate for a number of reasons.

1) CHIEF reason: It's Close to the Capital. Virtually no corruption. Great little site to build a barracks and crank out vet spears every four or five turns, freeing more fertile sites for settlers, workers, or earlier infrastructure.

2) Horses. There are several sites with horses around, but this one would be the fastest to bring online.

3) Not size 2! There's a grass on the north side of the hills, immediately in range. That would allow the grass and two hills or plains, for size 3. Size 3 is nothing grand, but it doesn't have to be grand to be monumentally useful. (See point 1).

4) Long term potential. Site will be a powerhouse producer in the long run. This is the main reason for that exact location, as opposed to a different tile in the area. The site to the east will be made stronger by its positioning, too. And it's a high priority site because getting that low corruption online soon will let it get earlier temples, etc, and serve some key early game roles (when its low size doesn't matter) by churning out some kind of support, likely military.

There could be other ways to do it, of course, and many would work out well. But I did choose that site with some care.

- Sirian
Yep, you're right, I WAS missing something. I didn't see the grassland. And yes, I did realise that it would be a good site for strategic reasons, and any city close to the capital is a good city. I didn't see the horsies either :eek: Had to get out the magnifying glass ;)

Hopefully there is a river/lake somewhere in the fog so that we can bring irrigation into it.

Oh and finally, has the goody hut to the north been claimed yet, because not claiming it would be a bit of :smoke: and it would be likely that it would turn into a barb camp sooner rather than later.

Smegged, waiting for Charis to have his turn ;) :scan: :lol:
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