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Really Advanced Setup Lite 2017-02-15

Finally gotten tired of "FallOut 4" and "Mass Effect: Andromeda" and am ready for a go at a slightly modded Civ6.

Grabberized "Yet (Not) Another Maps Pack" and "Really Advanced Set-Up" for starters.

The latter works like a charm, too. My thanks for that :)
Mod could use an update to work like it should with Gedemon's latest Civ add-ons. I can't play with Belgium as long as I keep the RASL mod active. Start-up goes into a loop after having changed settings in the "Advanced Set-Up" and every time jumps to the "Start Game" screen instead of starting a game...

The conflict seems to be a load order, which sadly can't be altered except maybe when a more recent version of RASL would be made available and the mod would hopefully be loaded after the Belgium civ mod.
Mod could use an update to work like it should with Gedemon's latest Civ add-ons. I can't play with Belgium as long as I keep the RASL mod active. Start-up goes into a loop after having changed settings in the "Advanced Set-Up" and every time jumps to the "Start Game" screen instead of starting a game...

The conflict seems to be a load order, which sadly can't be altered except maybe when a more recent version of RASL would be made available and the mod would hopefully be loaded after the Belgium civ mod.

Lee's post above of 9 June fixed this issue. Sets load order way high. Has worked perfectly for me. Right now is about the only mod working for me since the patch.
Lee's post above of 9 June fixed this issue. Sets load order way high. Has worked perfectly for me. Right now is about the only mod working for me since the patch.

Gedemon's Belgium civ was added a couple of days ago, so, no 9 June update can make a mid August mod work properly ;)

With most games I play I use the Nexus Mod Manager; with Civ6 I don't know in which order the mods are loaded. Could be according to date or as they are sorted in the mods/DLC list. In any case, both the Belgium and Canada mods are sitting above LeeS' mod in the game's add-on list...
LoadOrder of an action determines when an action and it's files is loaded into the game's database relative to all other mods with a smaller numerical LoadOrder number. Mods whose actions do not have a LoadOrder setting default to a LoadOrder behavior as if the action has a <LoadOrder>0</LoadOrder> setting.

Enable date and Enable order of mods is over-ridden by <LoadOrder> of a Mod's Actions, and the order mod files from an action without a <LoadOrder> setting greater than 0 are added to the game will not be the same when starting a new game as when loading a saved game relative to other mod files and DLC files.

I am aware of a JFD Belgium mod led by Leopold II (and it works just fine with the Patch for this mod to which you have been referenced) but I am not aware of a Gedemon Belgium mod.


Gedemon's Yneamp system is another matter which I have not yet figured out where to apply a fix within RASL because Gedemon code is like six pay-grade-levels above mine, usually.


Dependancies and References within mods mean next to nothing (and in the case of References mean nothing) in terms of the order in which a mod's files load into the game database.

Since the Summer 17 Patch by Firaxis it seems that Dependancies also do not assert a file loading order, only that the mod listed as a dependancy also has to be enabled. (nor am I sure Dependancies ever did force file loading order).


If you do this, for example
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_SCOUT" NumberExtraUnits="1" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_SCOUT" NumberExtraUnits="2" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL"/>
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_BUILDER" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_ROME" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_MUSKETMAN" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_NUBIA" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_MUSKETMAN" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_JFD_BELGIUM" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
All will be well if you apply the patch I have provided so long as you have the Nubia DLC and JFD's Belgium enabled. If one or the other is not enabled, even though you have them available in the mod content menu, you will get shunted back to the game's main menu.
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LoadOrder of an action determines when an action and it's files is loaded into the game's database relative to all other mods with a smaller numerical LoadOrder number. Mods whose actions do not have a LoadOrder setting default to a LoadOrder behavior as if the action has a <LoadOrder>0</LoadOrder> setting.

Enable date and Enable order of mods is over-ridden by <LoadOrder> of a Mod's Actions, and the order mod files from an action without a <LoadOrder> setting greater than 0 are added to the game will not be the same when starting a new game as when loading a saved game relative to other mod files and DLC files.

I am aware of a JFD Belgium mod led by Leopold II (and it works just fine with the Patch for this mod to which you have been referenced) but I am not aware of a Gedemon Belgium mod.


Gedemon's Yneamp system is another matter which I have not yet figured out where to apply a fix within RASL because Gedemon code is like six pay-grade-levels above mine, usually.


Dependancies and References within mods mean next to nothing (and in the case of References mean nothing) in terms of the order in which a mod's files load into the game database.

Since the Summer 17 Patch by Firaxis it seems that Dependancies also do not assert a file loading order, only that the mod listed as a dependancy also has to be enabled. (nor am I sure Dependancies ever did force file loading order).


If you do this, for example
        <Row UnitType="UNIT_SCOUT" NumberExtraUnits="1" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
        <Row UnitType="UNIT_SCOUT" NumberExtraUnits="2" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_CLASSICAL"/>
        <Row UnitType="UNIT_BUILDER" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_ROME" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
        <Row UnitType="UNIT_MUSKETMAN" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_NUBIA" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
        <Row UnitType="UNIT_MUSKETMAN" NumberExtraUnits="1" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_JFD_BELGIUM" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
All will be well if you apply the patch I have provided so long as you have the Nubia DLC and JFD's Belgium enabled. If one or the other is not enabled, even though you have them available in the mod content menu, you will get shunted back to the game's main menu.

Your patch worked flawlessly for me until a few days ago. Now I can't get it to work for any non-Firaxis civilization or leader, even though I made the load order higher. It has become quite exasperating that I spend more time trying to get the game to work the way I want than I do playing it. But thank you for your work and your responsiveness to the people who use RASL.
Sure you don't have a typo in the RASL_GameSet-Up.xml file ?

CIVILIZATION_BELGIUM would not work, for example. It would have to be CIVILIZATION_JFD_BELGIUM for JFD's Leopold II Belgium
Sure you don't have a typo in the RASL_GameSet-Up.xml file ?

CIVILIZATION_BELGIUM would not work, for example. It would have to be CIVILIZATION_JFD_BELGIUM for JFD's Leopold II Belgium

Ah! I overlooked inserting JFD. I'll have to try it. Thanks.

So, for something like Toussaint's Skyrim, would I specify CIVILIZATION_TOUSSAINT'S_SKYRIM?
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You have to look in the code of the mod to see how they specified the name of the civ but as I recall the game would not like the ' in the name of the civ even if the mod-maker specified it that way. Oddities would probably ensue.

But if you just set
		<Row UnitType="UNIT_SCOUT" NumberExtraUnits="1" AIMajPlayer="false" EraType="ERA_ANCIENT"/>
You as the human player would get an extra scout when starting a game in the Ancient Era regardless of which civilization you play as. AI major players would not get the extra scout because AIMajPlayer="false" in this example.
I am aware of a JFD Belgium mod led by Leopold II (and it works just fine with the Patch for this mod to which you have been referenced) but I am not aware of a Gedemon Belgium mod.

I indeed meant JFD.


Gedemon's Yneamp system is another matter which I have not yet figured out where to apply a fix within RASL because Gedemon code is like six pay-grade-levels above mine, usually.

I'm playing on Gedemon's largest map of the YNAMP mod. No flaws or glitches, not even longer load times.

Here's what I'm using for the moment:

- 8 Ages Of Pace
- Better National Parks
- Daughter Of Seth (only on The Nexus site, I believe)
- R.E.D. Modpack
- Really Advanced Setup Lite
- Road Builder
- Settlers Build Roads (activated, but doesn't work)
- TCS Buffed Resources
- TCS Customizable Warmonger Penalties
- TCS More Barbarian XP
- TCS More Theming Bonuses
- Unit Report Screen (activated, but doesn't work)
- Yet (not) Another Maps Pack
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Ran into an odd bug earlier today. For some reason, my interface disappears after first contact with another civilization. I'm playing with Egypt; true start locations. As such I run into Arabia with my first scout in the very first turn.

Now, because I play on Gedemon's YNAMP Largest Earth/Ludicrous Size, my first settler is sitting left of the Nile, which means I can't start a city in the first turn because I have to get to the right of the Nile in order to be in between the Nile and the Gulf.

No problem at all, except that, to get my interface back, I need to make a save of the game before having founded a city and reload that save. The annoying thing is that, for some reason, the Really Advanced SetUp mod re-creates everything.

I'm playing with RASL set to have one warrior, four scouts, 1.5 million in gold and around a hundred-thousand in faith. Playing on Marathon elevates the gold to around four million (going higher than 1.5 million will make the game start with five million in Marathon, but the game adds a "-" sign which means I'm broke on the next turn).

But -and this is the oddity- like I said, when reloading a save where no city has been founded yet, the RASL mod seems to think this is a new game and I end up with eight scouts (no extra warrior or settler) and with gold seven million in the negative...

Am gonna restart the game for the umpteenth time (fun-fun-fun as I play on this huge map with 22 civs and 34 City States, which means I can walk the dog before the game has loaded) and avoid meeting Arabia before I have founded my first city.
Ran into an odd bug earlier today. For some reason, my interface disappears after first contact with another civilization. I'm playing with Egypt; true start locations. As such I run into Arabia with my first scout in the very first turn.

Now, because I play on Gedemon's YNAMP Largest Earth/Ludicrous Size, my first settler is sitting left of the Nile, which means I can't start a city in the first turn because I have to get to the right of the Nile in order to be in between the Nile and the Gulf.

No problem at all, except that, to get my interface back, I need to make a save of the game before having founded a city and reload that save. The annoying thing is that, for some reason, the Really Advanced SetUp mod re-creates everything.

I'm playing with RASL set to have one warrior, four scouts, 1.5 million in gold and around a hundred-thousand in faith. Playing on Marathon elevates the gold to around four million (going higher than 1.5 million will make the game start with five million in Marathon, but the game adds a "-" sign which means I'm broke on the next turn).

But -and this is the oddity- like I said, when reloading a save where no city has been founded yet, the RASL mod seems to think this is a new game and I end up with eight scouts (no extra warrior or settler) and with gold seven million in the negative...

Am gonna restart the game for the umpteenth time (fun-fun-fun as I play on this huge map with 22 civs and 34 City States, which means I can walk the dog before the game has loaded) and avoid meeting Arabia before I have founded my first city.

Okay, so, no duplication when reloading a save made after having founded the first city ;)

Off to see which mod causes my interface to disappear whenever I meet a civ or click on a civ's icon, top right...
Yeah. If you save and then reload on the starting turn without founding a city you'd get a second set of units. You will probably get a second set of gold and faith as well regardless of whether you found your first city.

It's not something I am unaware of. I just chose when originally writing the code to not worry too much about this rather corner-case issue as it seemed the amount of code to not allow this was more code-logic and coding-time required than I thought the issue merited. I felt if someone was really trying to "game" the RASL mod in such a way people would figure out it was far more streamlined to just add more stuff to the starting benefits in the xml file.

Too much gold or faith wraps around and gives - values because apparently Firaxis made "allocation" assumptions about the largest numbers these two player "scores" would ever be.
Yeah. If you save and then reload on the starting turn without founding a city you'd get a second set of units. You will probably get a second set of gold and faith as well regardless of whether you found your first city.

It's not something I am unaware of. I just chose when originally writing the code to not worry too much about this rather corner-case issue as it seemed the amount of code to not allow this was more code-logic and coding-time required than I thought the issue merited. I felt if someone was really trying to "game" the RASL mod in such a way people would figure out it was far more streamlined to just add more stuff to the starting benefits in the xml file.

Too much gold or faith wraps around and gives - values because apparently Firaxis made "allocation" assumptions about the largest numbers these two player "scores" would ever be.

No problem LeeS. Just wanted to point it out in case you weren't aware. It's not like there's this legion of gamers who like to reload their freshly started game before having founded a city. Using the "Restart" button when not happy with a location could prove troublesome (not in my case since I use TSL) but the restart works still after having founded a first city...
I love RASL and have used it for over a year now. But with the latest Fall patch clobbering NQEUI, I have resorted to using CQUI instead. Only now I find this to be incompatible with RASL. I don't know why that should be the case. I'm using the same xml script file that works perfectly fine with the vanilla game without CQUI. If you could look into this and sort a fix, I'd be really thankful.
Arjuna, r u a MAC user? I was also using this mod and faced some problem in startup especially when using with Gedemon giant earth map. Since then, I switched to ‘More Player Starting Unit’ mod and its working fine. Both mod are almost similar. I re-edited that mod with my personnel preferences. Bye
It’s in this website, not in steam. Download and place it in the civ 6 mod folder
Unfortunately, this mod does not work with PAPAL STATES mod by JFD and Janboruta... :(
Once I click "play", the game returns to the main screen.
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