OK I played. I will add screenies and replay later.
We won domination around 1820AD IIRC. Score is between 55k and 60k.
I instantly vassalized willem (didn't see the point in chasing free cities), and split up army (tough I focused too much on the stack which headed west, attacking ham and wang), traded for astro and whipped galleons/frigates. Once half-ready (6 units on 2 galleons (!) near ham's borders) I declared and captured (and liberated) 2 cities and took the capitulation. Sailed off towards wang ASAP (I really wished we had east indiamen. If you wage early intercontinental wars, they really rock) and captured another two cities while capturing the first of caesar's cities. I didn't think it would be enought, but after wang capitulated, we were at 64.2%/64% land or so.
I kicked off a GA at turn 2, revolting to free market, but mainly for the production boost. We got a GE. Trade for astro included DR. Selfresearched constitution (could've done it in 1 turn (!)) and democracy, hoping to finish SoL with the GE in time, but failing miserably... oh well
First off, thanks, rolo, for this game. I really wanted to play this variant but it turned out to be far too easy still. I believe I requested prince difficulty, which would've been much more of a challenge (if not too much). Especially lacking roads was terrible as our army took ages wandering around the countryside.
What's the status on RR3, did you get your answer, ricardo?
We won domination around 1820AD IIRC. Score is between 55k and 60k.
I instantly vassalized willem (didn't see the point in chasing free cities), and split up army (tough I focused too much on the stack which headed west, attacking ham and wang), traded for astro and whipped galleons/frigates. Once half-ready (6 units on 2 galleons (!) near ham's borders) I declared and captured (and liberated) 2 cities and took the capitulation. Sailed off towards wang ASAP (I really wished we had east indiamen. If you wage early intercontinental wars, they really rock) and captured another two cities while capturing the first of caesar's cities. I didn't think it would be enought, but after wang capitulated, we were at 64.2%/64% land or so.
I kicked off a GA at turn 2, revolting to free market, but mainly for the production boost. We got a GE. Trade for astro included DR. Selfresearched constitution (could've done it in 1 turn (!)) and democracy, hoping to finish SoL with the GE in time, but failing miserably... oh well
First off, thanks, rolo, for this game. I really wanted to play this variant but it turned out to be far too easy still. I believe I requested prince difficulty, which would've been much more of a challenge (if not too much). Especially lacking roads was terrible as our army took ages wandering around the countryside.
What's the status on RR3, did you get your answer, ricardo?