Science Discussion 1: Dr StrangeSaaM


Aptenodytes forsteri
Apr 4, 2002
or how I learned to stop worrying and love queueing

Okay. What are we going to do now? The IA is over within the next TC and we need to decide what we want after that.

Striders last thread moved in the direction of doing Fission for the UN. Do we still want that?

Do we want to nuke things? Procede to take everything over?
Heaven help us... Histograph

Great humor Dr Strangesaam (No love lost there? ) :D
May Dr Opportunity-heimer use this chance in order to say:

"Welcome to the nuclear family"
get fission first, so we can get the un, even if we dont want a diplo win we need this to stop anyone from getting it
Get Fission, and go for a diplo victory. While were waiting for the UN efforts to work, just research Nuclear Power, Ecology, and Mass Transportation.
I see the consensus here seems to be doing Fission.


I like Striders plan of trying to better ourselves while we wait for it to work (but dont you get your first election the turn you build it?)

Any plans for worsening ourselves or just do that?


Whats the point of a doomsday device if you dont let people know you have it?
I would propose:

Fission First, as all agree

Computers next, to get Mech Infantry, to defend ourselves if necessary

Ecology-Recycling to help against Pollution

And then... let chips fall.


I'm thinking you guys may be confusing Recycling with Mass Transport.
I like SDIII's idea.
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