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Science & Technology Quiz 2: The one with the catchy title.

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I should have been more specific - I guess. I meant the first treatment that actually did work ;)
mercury was used forever - mostly inhaling :eek: mercury fumes - though oral mercury was common since the 18th century...
Bismuth actually works somewhat and became used as a therapeutic agent after World War I - though just prior to World War I the other chemotherapeutic agent was introduced...
no but thats another historic dye ;)
- I guess its time for a new question...
the answer is Paul Ehrlich and Sahachiro Hata
Paul Ehrlich received his Noble Prize for his work "in Immunology" - but really all his work was based on using dyes to either visualize cells or kill them. One of his and Hata's (a student of his) most successful dyes was Salvarsan (aka 606, aka Arsphenamine) - and the less effective but easier to produce and apply (and hence commercially viable) Neosalvarsan which hit the market just before World War I. Its a yellow dye.

So lets move on to genetics:
whats a monosomy - name or describe one :scan:
Monosomy is where there is only one copy of a chromosome. Turner's syndrome (I think that is the right name for it) is a monosomy of the X chromosome. IIRC, it makes the woman sterile and has a few other symptoms.
Is Schrödinger's cat alive or dead?
Nonconformist is right. Lucky cat!
I don't care if you haven't opened the box yet, it's been 70 years. This is an ex cat.
Have I ruined this thread by asking a ridiculous question ?:S
IMO, nonconformist has the best answer.
Have I ruined this thread by asking a ridiculous question ?:S
IMO, nonconformist has the best answer.

It's a valid question. It was basically a reductio ad absurdum to help further theoretical science.
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