Single Player bugs and crashes v43 download - After January 2023


Time Traveller
Jun 10, 2011
Please report all single player bugs and crashes from the v43 download here.

SVN users please use the other thread. This will make it easier for all when trying to find solutions.

However, you will likely need to update to the latest SVN version (at least up until we break compatibility) to get a chance to verify that the bug is still in place, and to be able to easily get an update that fixes the bug afterward, so you may want to first get the latest SVN version if you can before reporting a stock v43 bug.

To assist us in fixing the problem please include the version of C2C you are playing.

If the bug involved a repeatable "Crash to Desktop" (CTD) or similar please include
  • a save and description of how to reproduce the crash
  • a screenshot if one applies to show the issue
  • if your mods folder is not Caveman2Cosmos please state what it is when posting a save to help the modders and save them time when trying to identify the problem.
  • the MiniDump.dmp file. It is found in your Beyond the Sword folder that contains the Mods file containing Caveman2Cosmos. IE the folder that contains the BeyondTheSword.exe file.
If the bug includes error messages then the Python.Err file in the logs folder would be useful also. It can be found in the same location as the the Saves folder containing your save games.

A screen shot.

Basically as much information as you can that will help us find the problem[/INDENT]

If you saw the AI doing something stupid/unoptimal/otherwise bad make sure your BBAI logging is set to 3 in the BUG options. Then, post a savegame exhibiting the behavior as well as the BBAI log, found in the Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/Logs folder.

How to turn on logging.

In the Civ 4 INI file, located in Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword, there are some logging options. Make sure they look like this.
LoggingEnabled = 1
SynchLog = 1
OverwriteLogs = 1
RandLog = 1
MessageLog = 1
synchlog = 1
hidepythonexceptions = 0
Note: You only need to have RandLogs on if you are playing Multiplayer, otherwise just leave that off (thx Cyrusfan)

How to turn on the AI logging.

The AI logging is turned on in the BUG options screens. It is the BBAI log mentioned on the Logs page. It writes to the same folder as the other logs creating a BBAI.log file there.

User Settings Folder

In some cases, it can be helpful to upload your user settings folder when you make a bug report. Particularly if we cannot replicate the problem on a repeatable issue.
Its located in Caveman2Cosmos folder

Known issues
If you are playing on Windows 7 and get a crash, play in Windows Vista SP2 compatibility mode and you might get past the crash.

On V42 mod won't load if you have mod folder in documents/my games, or if your mod isn't named Caveman2Cosmos.

CivilizationIV.ini tends to self-destruct itself once a while.
Remember to back up it, file can be found at C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword
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Looks like a bug after all. Once they get a bit of culture it becomes almost impossible to get territory from them. Stopping the war bottled my units up in the city I kept well inside of their border making them useless. MANY lockups and some crashes to desktop with this save too. This is a game starred with ver 43. I think maybe it got released too soon without enough testing.

The reason for all the cities I have is that I went into the WB and put them in. Same for the horses. Could it be possible the WB is messing things up?


Nothing that crashes or even interrupts gameplay, but I haven't seen these error messages before (to be fair I also rarely have a game last this late as well, so maybe it's a very old bug?). I tried reloading both turns, but I couldn't replicate the error so I'm afraid I can't say what caused them.

C2C Error.png
C2C Error 2.png
Some sound define is broken apparently
Most likely its very old bug
1. Event Hunters reward (?) {the one choosing between Hunter sight etc.} does not provide a promotion when choosing "Great Hunter" (probably a naming issue)
2. The promotion Hunter Sight is not listed in possible promotions for chasers, hunters etc. in the wiki
3. The WorldBuilder for Events did not allow to change any other event then "burn forest"
i just downloaded v43 and it keeps saying that CIV4GraphicOptionInfos.xml is not loading and the game never starts to load. I have played with many previous versions over the years and I have never had this happen before. is this happening to anyone else?
i just downloaded v43 and it keeps saying that CIV4GraphicOptionInfos.xml is not loading and the game never starts to load. I have played with many previous versions over the years and I have never had this happen before. is this happening to anyone else?
okay, i found the problem. it turns out that Norton antivirus had quaruntined a file after I had first installed the mod V43. I just restored the file and everything is loading fine now.
I have a minor UI error. It occurs when hovering over the slider bar for the Field of View, but does not stop me from changing the FoV; it changes with no issues. Error message is: BugOptions - failed writing INI file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Caveman2Cosmos\UserSettings\BUG Main Interface.ini'

When opened manually to view, BUG Main Interface.ini does have a odd string under the Field of View Value. I am wondering if it is related or not.

# Default: 42

Field of View Value = 42

I checked Webroot to make sure it didn't quarantine anything. As far as I can tell, nothing is blocking any access to the ini file or the folder it resides in.


Changeplayer (CTRL-SHFT-L) doesn't work for me. I have the chipotle code in the game's ini file, and it works perfectly on RevolutionDCM. I've tried moving the python file from Development to Gameready, and replacing the file with the RevolutionDCM version from 2010, neither worked. Apparently this was a bug from back in 2019, has it ever been fixed? Does it matter that I'm in the prehistoric era?
Civ changer (ctrl+shift+L) is broken with PPIO

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BugEventManager", line 326, in _handleConsumableEvent
File "ChangePlayer", line 58, in onKbdEvent
File "ChangePlayer", line 192, in changeHumanPopup
AttributeError: 'CyPlayer' object has no attribute 'getCivilizationName'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BugEventManager", line 326, in _handleConsumableEvent
File "ChangePlayer", line 58, in onKbdEvent
File "ChangePlayer", line 192, in changeHumanPopup
AttributeError: 'CyPlayer' object has no attribute 'getCivilizationName'
Fixed my issue. Thank you. I'm so old school I'm still trying to wrap my head around Windows preventing the only system administrator from being the system administrator unless I give myself permission to be the system administrator.
I know right? It doesn't make sense to me either.
It seems this has been a longstanding error, but when turning OFF graphics paging, I see units disappear when their turn ends (either they've used up their moves or you select e.g. the sleep action). This applies to both naval and land units, and you cannot even select them when they have disappeared by clicking on the map where they should be. You can select them in the "unit selection bar" when you move another unit in the same tile (but the other unit then seems to disappear), and they do re-appear if you enable graphics paging again.

I've made a short clip of the behavior:

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There is no support for disabling graphics paging at this time and it's known to be buggy and the option is, IIRC now already turned off on the absolute latest beta versions.
Bummer. Is this something that could be fixed in the code, or does the graphics engine not support allocating more than a specific amount of video memory and therefore these units are then just dropped and therefore turn invisible?
Sorry I guess I don't get why you want to turn it off? It allows for so much improved memory usage that we are able to get games past the middle ages now. The camera is only manifesting into memory what is necessary to pull up when looking directly at it because yes, we have hard limits on memory so to do much of what we want to make possible, this trick opened up a rather massive warehouse lot of new memory space for us to work with (and it's a full warehouse as it is now.)

We're working on some new ways to expand working memory access beyond that as well, though between this innovation and viewports, one of our goals has been multimaps, which we're nearly capable of but we foresee problems that have honestly made some of us consider just reworking everything from the origin out. As a mod, we may nearly be at our limit... maybe. Anyhow, there's always tinkering.
Sorry I guess I don't get why you want to turn it off?
It's quite slow to update, and this causes a wait time before I can actually move units or click buttons, which I find rather annoying.
I assumed this was expected behavior, but maybe it's a bug?
With paging disabled, there's no such delay, but then of course the units start to disappear.

Also Civ4 never seems to go beyond 500mb (or less) of GPU memory, although I have 6GB available.


Also Civ4 never seems to go beyond 500mb (or less) of GPU memory, although I have 6GB available.
Yeah, it's an old program with hard limits that modern systems completely blow away but don't ever get to access because of the core architecture of the 34 bit original exe and the graphic engine has similar limitations particularly since we can't access much of that either. You could inquire further on our discord - more of the modders with comprehension of those limitations tends to be watching those discussions and may be able to explain in more direct computer science terms.

I've never really felt like the paging took all that long to wipe old and deliver new info, but maybe I'm not scrolling out as far either - the mod performs and even looks better at lower res settings for counterintuitive reasons - and yet I remember 20 min turn times so my patience may be based on a very different frame of expectations as well. Looking at your map in your video, I'm thinking we weren't really expecting such a strongly scrolled out view to be the norm for play.
Bummer. Is this something that could be fixed in the code, or does the graphics engine not support allocating more than a specific amount of video memory and therefore these units are then just dropped and therefore turn invisible?
The modder who rewrote the graphical paging code is no longer active, but I'll look into if it would be trivial to make the game work without graphical paging again.
Bummer. Is this something that could be fixed in the code, or does the graphics engine not support allocating more than a specific amount of video memory and therefore these units are then just dropped and therefore turn invisible?
I already found a code error in how it turns off graphical paging, and I'll also tweak the paging to cause less stuttering when moving the camera by reducing the amount of plots handled per frame.
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