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Snakes & Foxes 3: The ****oo's Nest (Game Thread)

Thanks again for the vote of confidence, and let me assure you once again that there's absolutely no way in heaven or hell that he's gonna come out of this alive.

If some are aware of my special ability, I'm sure they're having a good laugh right now. :)
Enjoy yer romp, Dragonslayer.
1 gold on th' Eidolon.
Just to even out the odds, I'll put 5 gold on the Lizardman.

A shame to lose either of them really, but I fear it cannot be helped.
{ OOC: LF hasn't delivered me the update, so I won't be able to post anything tonight. Very frustrating. The deadline has passed at any rate, and Izipo's post is after the cut so won't be counted. Since this is an evening update, I might post it tomorrow morning assuming I have the text in hand, and then extend the first half of the night accordingly. }
Well do not worry Izipo, our fight will be worth the potential death I assure you.
This will definatly be one you'll remember! ;)
Evening, Day 16

The Eidolon stomped on stage. The man was grinning, which was bad news because it meant that someone else was going to get seriously sad. He roared, and his sword laughed too, sending out an eerie, piercing scream. He motioned for the Lizardman to hurry out with his hand. Clearly he was relishing this fight.

The Lizardman for his part was too. Even though he was shorter than the Eidolon, he made up for it with his light green scaled skin and long heavy tail. Covered in his tabard embroidered with a huge black dragon (near impossible to see under such sparse lighting conditions – a pity!), he gave the impression of being quite the formidable warrior. His helmet was shaped like a dragon head too, and at the end of his tail was metallic spikes. It looked like a morning star, except more sentient.

A bell chimed, reality shifted, and thunder struck despite the lack of rain. The two combatants were in a flat field of grass. There were some wooden barriers set up, evenly distributed between the points. A white rectangle was painted that looked for all the world like a boundary (it was.). The peaceful field’s image was only ruined by the surroundings, which were incredibly spooky. It looked like they were playing some sort of game, but in hell. Some souls rushed by in agony to watch the game.

What was really strange, however, was the way the two combatants had transformed. The Eidolon’s sword was replaced with a giant sponge on the stick. It was dripping with what looked oddly like pink paint. His demonic claw also became a brush. Meanwhile, the Lizardman’s bag was filled with harmless balls and the spears he had became large paintbrushes.

The narrator’s voice chimed in. “You have two minutes to inflict as much paint on each other as you can. Ready, set, go!” The crowd was utterly confused, but it thought these developments might be worth it.

The Lizardman immediately let loose a salvo of shots from his sling. The Eidolon threw his shield up and tried to maneuver behind one of the wooden walls, and although most of the balls harmlessly splattered onto the shield, dying it blue, he was still hit by the shots. Luckily, his armor was semi-paint resistant, and some of the paint dripped off before it could stick.

The Eidolon found himself trapped behind the wall, unwilling to come out and make a suicidal charge towards the Lizardman. He was at the edge of the arena. Unfortunately, despite his distance, he wasn’t safe—the blueberry bush that he had been next to suddenly leaned in and wiped itself against his armor, leaving blue streaks.

Damned if he was just going to sit there and take it! Bending his will, a demonic bat manifested itself. Constructed out of magic, it wasn’t going to last long in this plane, but while it could, it had one target: the lizard. It flew straight towards its target. The Lizardman fenced with his paintbrush and popped the bat, which exploded in a sea of pink and coated the Lizardman all over. His scales were resilient to the paint in the same way that the Eidolon’s armor had been though.

This was the distraction that the Eidolon needed. He came bounding with his giant stick and sponge hand, and cuffed the Lizardman right in the head with his hand. Retaliating, the Lizardman jabbed the paintbrush onto the Eidolon’s chest as he went down, but due to his shock it wasn’t a terribly effective blow. As the Lizardman hit the ground, the Eidolon struck down with his stick, catching his opponent right in the knees and painting them a nice shade of pink. The Lizardman however tripped his opponent up with his brush and deftly painted his back.

A gong struck. The two stopped as a magician ran onto the field. They stepped before him one at a time as he used magic to wash the paint into two kegs. Attendants then weighed the kegs to see which one had the most. He nodded, and snapped.

Suddenly, everything shifted to how it should have been. Wounds opened up suddenly and the weapons were all replaced to their normal, deadly selves. The Lizardman grimaced and dropped to a knee, but the Eidolon fell smack to the floor. An attendant handed the Lizardman a ceremonial knife on a pillow. The Eidolon nodded to his enemy and closed his hands in a funeral pose. “At least I won’t have far to go; we’re already here.”

The Lizardman nodded and quickly dispatched his enemy with a slice right in the throat.

Spoiler :
The Eidolon was Innocent!

The Eidolon was worth 2154 gold. All of this will be given as spoils to the Lizardman, as the Eidolon was the last member of Team 3.

Gold and points won and lost from betting:
Spoiler :
Final odds for Lizardman to win: N/A

The following contestants have won gold and points from betting:

The following contestants have lost gold from betting:
Pirate -1 gold
Beastmaster -1 gold

Final Vote Tally:
Runekeeper : 8 (1st voter: Lizardman ; 2nd voter: Pirate )
Dragonslayer : 6 (1st voter: Dragonslayer ; 2nd voter: Eidolon )
Eidolon : 1

Morning fight: Runekeeper vs Dragonslayer , Dragonslayer gets arena choice.

Final Vote Breakdown:
Spoiler :

(** denotes first to vote, * denotes second to vote)

The Pack:
  • Beastmaster (PaulusIII) Dragonslayer Runekeeper
The Disciples:
  • Dragonslayer (Izipo) **Dragonslayer Runekeeper
Team 3:
  • Eidolon (Sepuku) *Dragonslayer Runekeeper
  • Pirate (Renata) *Runekeeper Dragonslayer
  • Arquebusier (BananaLee) **Eidolon Runekeeper
The Awesomely Awesome Team of Awesomeness
  • Berserker (Catharsis)
  • Paladin (Aramazd)
The Golden Scarecrows
  • Lizardman (Kulko) **Runekeeper Dragonslayer
The Defiant:
  • Courtesan (D'artagnan59) Runekeeper Dragonslayer
  • Luonnotar (Chandrasekhar)
  • Runekeeper (thomas.berubeg) Runekeeper

It is now night.
Marks, send me your choices for the evening combatants.
People with night abilities, send me PMs.

Betting is open for Runekeeper vs Dragonslayer. Place your bets in bold dark orange.
Damn me and my propension to miss deadlines... :mad:
(You would have won a whole 102 points! :lol: Awesome fight, guys, even if Kulko does keep winning when he shouldn't. :D More IC stuff later.)
graaaar hurrrgh

The berserker, one-and-a-half days Calminax-free, celebrates the death of another mark a while ago (he's a little slow on the uptake) with a frenzied display of posing, axe-waving and disco-dancing.

He also likes the fact that thomas survived, thereby robbing the courtesan of extra points. Time to reel in that treacherous working-girl. 6 gold on the Dragonslayer, he somehow says.
(You would have won a whole 102 points! :lol:

That would have been enough to close the gap between us to only 59 points :p
((Told yah guys it was gonna be an awesome fight!! Too bad I lost but oh well, good luck Dragonslayer! I'll be awaiting that update eagerly! :thumbsup:
And good show Kulko!))
{ OOC: Just to note that the midday update will come in ~22 hours, due to the earlier delay. Keep betting. }
Midnight, Day 16

For the second night in a row, the Runekeeper was headed for isolation. This time he was brought straight from the infirmary, but he looked none the more worried. Betting was low as usual, with a single bet on the Dragonslayer to finish what everyone was hoping for... well, except the Runekeeper of course.

Current betting odds: Dragonslayer vs Runekeeper: N/A

Just over 22 hours until morning post.
Combatants, send in your battle ideas to LightFang!
((Told yah guys it was gonna be an awesome fight!! Too bad I lost but oh well, good luck Dragonslayer! I'll be awaiting that update eagerly! :thumbsup:
And good show Kulko!))

Fare well in whatever hell you are headed to.

@ Renata: I don't know how that happened again. But obviously attacking a weakness is worth more than I thought.

1 gp on the Dragonslayer.
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