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Snakes & Foxes 3: The ****oo's Nest (Game Thread)

Bah, let's just have the Eidolon beat the crap out of the Runekeeper.

Sepuku seems more keen anyway.
You know what ? I think I can take on this filthy Runekeeper too.

But we'll decide who's best suited for this later...
Hey, guess what? I can take the Runekeeper too!

and Ms. D'art. your uglier than 900 year old dwarf woman. (that being about when the beard falls out)
Eidolon, yer plan fer th' Orb is a fine one, 'owever methinks th' rest o' th' fine fighters 'ere may not want t' give their hard-earned gold coins t' a PIRATE. If ye know what I mean, an' I think ye do. But 'appily, there is a solution -- th' bosses o' this fine tournament 'ave reassured me that ye can use an Orb on yerself. So yer 800 gold be useful again.

Coins t' Sepuku then, if anyone be so inclined. It be 525 gold needed from each of us, so no bein' stingy.

An as fer that lousy Mark stinkin' up the place:
+absorption, regen, conjuration
-dodge, distraction, synergy, illusion

Anyone be innerested?
(OOC: I'm an idiot; I forgot Sepuku wouldn't be able to buy anything in the last 24 hours before the fight, so if you were going to give Orb money to him, it would have to be now. And it doesn't look like people are clamoring to do so. Grrr!)
An as fer that lousy Mark stinkin' up the place:
+absorption, regen, conjuration
-dodge, distraction, synergy, illusion

He's toast... but we'll need more cause he's filthy rich too.

So, just to be clear, to whom do we have to send money ? And who's going to use the orb ?

{OOC : Also, Niklas, if it's not too much trouble, could you distinguish in the player listing who was a confirmed mark ? The game has been going on for so long that I've completely lost track. }
Also, I almost forgot, who has an unused scanner that needs an upgrade ?
(OOC: To save Niklas the effort right now: Diamondeye, Azale, and Winston Hughes of the Vulpine (V) Mark; Charles Li and Frozen In Ice of the Serpentine (S) Mark.

I'm not sure if the dang orb is going to happen, which is a shame. If Sepuku is to make use of the 800 gold he has, all the money would have to be in his hand by today's midday deadline. Given how several players haven't even posted in the last several days, much less indicated their willingness to cooperate in this endeavor, I doubt it will happen.

Otherwise the rest of us could still try to come up with it for tomorrow (giving the money to me or whoever), but we wouldn't be able to use Sepuku's money in that case, which would make it all that much harder.)
So, a reasonable guess would be two more marks ? Four as a maximum ?
Wouldn't the money be best used in finding and dispatching them ? I mean, 5000g is really expensive...
{ OOC: Just to clarify, since someone asked. Yes it's valid to vote someone into battle who is already scheduled to fight (has been valid since the 20-left mark was hit). The two chosen combatants will be the two with the most votes that are still alive. So if the second most voted contestant is dead, it will be the one with the third most votes that do battle. }
So, a reasonable guess would be two more marks ? Four as a maximum ?
Wouldn't the money be best used in finding and dispatching them ? I mean, 5000g is really expensive...

Well I am working under the assumption there were 3+3 marks total in the game, which would make thomas the last one alive.

There has so far been only one mark per team, with two teams markless, My team and Team 8.

Team 8 is annihilated and therefore proven markless. And I am the last one standing in my team, and I think I have proven myself innocent to various people twice at least. Renata (and others who I have just no permission to name) can provide details if wanted.

Since putting two marks into one team a problem for scoring balance and so far no hint as shown up of another mark, I think this is quite likely.

Apart from that I would say right now there are only 2 players alive whom I would not label "innocent" by their actions or tokens, and I am sure this is just because we have not asked them to take part.
Midday, Day 16

The early morning of the sixteenth day didn't exactly pass lazily, but the betting officials had very little to do. It was clear that no one was interested in the upcoming evening battle, focusing instead on the best way to have the Runekeeper killed. The Runekeeper couldn't really answer the accusations, as he was firmly bedded in the infirmary. Chances were that he would be rolled from there to isolation the coming night, if voting progressed as it had so far.

Current betting odds: Eidolon vs Lizardman: N/A

Current Vote Tally:
Runekeeper : 6 (1st voter: Lizardman ; 2nd voter: Pirate )
Eidolon : 3 (1st voter: Lizardman ; 2nd voter: Courtesan )
Dragonslayer : 1

Current Vote Breakdown:
Spoiler :

(** denotes first to vote, * denotes second to vote)

The Pack:
  • Beastmaster (PaulusIII)
The Disciples:
  • Dragonslayer (Izipo) **Dragonslayer Runekeeper
Team 3:
  • Eidolon (Sepuku)
  • Pirate (Renata) *Runekeeper
  • Arquebusier (BananaLee) Eidolon Runekeeper
The Awesomely Awesome Team of Awesomeness
  • Berserker (Catharsis)
  • Paladin (Aramazd)
The Golden Scarecrows
  • Lizardman (Kulko) **Runekeeper **Eidolon
The Defiant:
  • Courtesan (D'artagnan59) Runekeeper *Eidolon
  • Luonnotar (Chandrasekhar)
  • Runekeeper (thomas.berubeg) Runekeeper

Just over 20 hours until evening post.
Combatants, send in your battle ideas to LightFang!
All contestants, keep betting and voting!
{ OOC: Apologies for the late post, I've been quite busy. The next deadline is still as usual, just over 20 hours from this post. I must also say that I won't have time to confirm any specific transactions, so if you really want to know how much money you have then send me a PM and I'll answer. Answers to other PMs will go out shortly. }
293 gold? Well, that was a poor haul, th' Mark already bought 'imself some healin', seems like.

'ere I wanted t' catch me a galleon, an' all I got was a leaky fishin' boat. Methinks mebbe I should retire from piratin' an' take up checkers.

(OOC: My much-delayed ability, ladies and gentlemen. Chand, if your post in the NOTW thread had come a few hours earlier, I would have been stealing your money instead just for the funny. But I thought you were AWOL. :cry: Oh well.)
After seeing the stats, I believe that the DragonSlayer should slay the RuneKeeper.
I would kill the Runekeeper, that isn't the problem. I just don't know how up to fighting I'll be after this fight.

As for the Runekeeper, here's what I got:

+Regeneration +Power +Elemental
xConjuration xPower xBody xDeflection

Good Hunting Dragonslayer.
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