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Spectrite's Realpolitik Civ - Another Interactive AAR

Voting has ended. Our results:

Egypt (Ramesses II)
Tribal Villages, Random Events, and Barbarians on
I will play the first turnset (50 turns).

Stay tuned - I will be posting the first turnset soon! In the meantime, you can start making parties, coalitions, whatever, if you wish.
I will found:


Which will be ultra-nationalistic, imperialistic, militaristic, and maybe just a little bit mean.

I want to make a banner for our party, so if anyone could direct me to a silhouette of a ram's head, that would be great.
Hold on, 50 turns a turnset? I though each turnset was 20. It should now be 30-40 as it is epic speed. But 50 is a little overboard
I thought in LH's game, one turnset was 30 turns, and since Epic is 1.5x Normal, that would be 45, which I just rounded up to 50.
A turnset is 20 turns (or 30 in epic), and then an extra 10 to be played during the election.
I think it should be 30 turns before the election, and then 10 turns during it. Making it 40.
This would fit nicely as generally in RL an election begins a year before the current president is booted out of office and each term is 4 years
I found the Social Progressive Party!

We believe in the freedom of all people, the advancement of the nation, and progress above all! We strongly encourage research and prefer the more progressive civics (the ones near the end of the chart)
I thought in LH's game, one turnset was 30 turns, and since Epic is 1.5x Normal, that would be 45, which I just rounded up to 50.

Correct. I play 15 turns for the mid-term break, then 15 more, then the admin is kicked out and a new one takes over.

- Lighthearter
Turnset 1: Turns 0-50

Changes in climate had gradually driven nomadic tribes to the fertile banks of the Nile. Here they settled, abandoning the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and taking up agriculture, and began to develop their society. Had they been left alone, they would have set up ruling dynasties, choosing their leaders through hereditary succession. But a young man named Spectrite stepped forward and shared his ideas of a democratic government. With some explanation and convincing, the people readily agreed, and elected Spectrite as their first leader.

As the Egyptian social structure solidified, Spectrite organized the settlement into the capital city of Thebes. Immediately, he ordered the citizens to be taught how to work the land to feed the city and supply it with resources. Meanwhile, a group of strong men, armed with clubs, set off bravely into the jungles of the southwest to explore.

Soon they came into contact with outsiders from a land called Sumeria. They spoke of their king Gilgamesh. Spectrite did not pay them much attention, but he did note that Sumeria's territorial borders formed a barrier to Egypt's northeast.

In 3850 BC, good news: the scouting party of warriors had found a tribe living on the outskirts of the jungle who accepted them hospitably and shared some of their gold.

Over the following centuries, Egypt met several other civilizations - the Greeks, the Arabians, the Babylonians, and the Carthaginians.

And the Malinese...

The Egyptian warriors scouting the land of Mali came upon a defenseless group of workers in the process of building a road. The opportunity was too much to pass up. They promptly captured the workers and sent them off to work for Egypt. The Malinese leader, Mansa Musa, was understandably upset about this, but he was pacified after a few years, and returned to his Cautious attitude toward Egypt. (Really, that was unexpected. Mansa is -3 with us and still Cautious. Hidden modifiers must be at work.)

At the same time, Spectrite began to hear of a faith called Christianity that had been founded in some distant land. (We are playing with Choose Religions, so that just means someone got Meditation or Polytheism.) Later we met the Ethiopians and the Zulu, who came from the south.

In 2850 BC...well, the picture's self-explanatory.

Naturally, Spectrite supported the tests without hesitation. Although fatalities did, regrettably, occur, they were a small price to pay for a huge long-term benefit.

And with that, Spectrite's term ended and a new election began for the next ruler of Egypt. But Spectrite was not gone. The people did not know, but Spectrite was an immortal. There were few of his kind remaining in the world, but several had gathered in Egypt, hoping to gain power through this rising nation. The struggle for power between them would parallel the struggle for power between Egypt and its allies and enemies.

Our situation:

Tech path went Mining > Masonry > Animal Husbandry > Pottery. Build path went Worker > Warrior > Warrior > Great Wall (partially) > Settler. We're Industrious and we have stone, so we might as well pursue that Wonder. It was just meant to be a "filler" build, but it's half done now, so might as well finish it after the settler.

We have unhappiness and unhealthiness in Thebes - the unhappiness due to the random event; it will wear off shortly. We have two warriors in the city (one waiting to escort the settler to the second city's site) and one warrior scouting in southern Africa. As you can see, we are Cautious or Pleased with everyone so far.

If you want any more information, simply ask.

Elections begin now!
Isn't it a bit early to begin elections? We only have three parties, and each one only has one person in it (the founder).
Technically, elections begin now, since the turnset is over, but I'll give this election a while so people can join. Election deadline to be announced later.
I found the Party of Kemet; a fanatic religious party. We believe in only the true religion of Egypt. We will fight to defend the faith and fight to spread it far and wide, so that all will have heard the true words of the gods.
A religious fanatic and a war fanatic????
Mine also demands for the spread of Egyptian religion. I say me and mech team up. Afterall we both have the goal of finding a religion next term...
We must spread the word of the Pesedjet! We must go forth and attack the barbarian heathens in their name!

Ram Party, we accept your offer! We must spread the faith!

OOC: War chariots. Build them. Build a lot of them. Use them to conquer gilgamesh. he will be a pain to dislodge later.
I found the Freedom Party.

We belive in freedom for all mankind. The government shall be powered by the masses, for the masses, and its our duty to liberate other countries with oppresive reigmes.
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