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Spectrite's Realpolitik Civ - Another Interactive AAR

The Real question is wether to go on a settler spam and claim all of the traditional Egyptian flood plains or to spam War Chariots and go attack someone... Gilgamesh or Mansa Musa seem most appropriate... Although Carthage could let us claim all of northern Africa...
IMO, war chariot rush would come first (as it would be more effective earlier) and settlers could come later, as there's not much rush to settle the surrounding land. No one's going to be competing against us for it - they're too far away.

Of course, it's all up to the president.

I assume we don't have JARM mod so we can't found the traditional Egyptian religion? We could allways go for Judaism. I'm assuming all these people crying out in defence of the "Egyptian Religion" actually want their own religion eventually.
Hmm...I hadn't thought of this originally, but I could easily mod in an Egyptian religion. It would be a fairly simple edit - just a change of the name and symbol. If we found a religion, I can change it so that it's the Egyptian religion.
both, we could build a city in the rich floodplains in the south, and then start producing a army, and yes, i support the idea of Judaism (lets avoid hinduism please :p lets go for Judaism just because of the area were in)

EDIT : is ethiopia in this game? if not we can make some war chariots, in fact.
both, we could build a city in the rich floodplains in the south, and then start producing a army, and yes, i support the idea of Judaism (lets avoid hinduism please :p lets go for Judaism just because of the area were in)
We are playing with Choose Religions, so it doesn't matter what tech we research, as long as it founds a religion, we get to pick which religion.

EDIT : is ethiopia in this game? if not we can make some war chariots, in fact.
Yes, Ethiopia is in the game...I don't see how that stops us from building war chariots, though.
Current Votes:

Ram Party: 6
Green Party: 2
Religious Party of Higher Economics and Culture: 2
Social Progressive Party: 1
Freedom Party: 2
Kemet Party: 5

Coalition of Glory (Kemet/Ram): 11
Green Money Coalition (RPEC/SPP/Green): 5

I think we should be thinking about when the deadline for this election will be. We have quite a few votes now. 24 hours from now? Or longer?
24 hours, maybe next election more people will be there, then we may set a longer deadline.

so we should found either Judaism or Islam? christianity was already founded if i remember, so if we pick a religion based in our region we should pick either Judaism or Islam.
24 hours, maybe next election more people will be there, then we may set a longer deadline.

so we should found either Judaism or Islam? christianity was already founded if i remember, so if we pick a religion based in our region we should pick either Judaism or Islam.
Or I could mod in the ancient Egyptian polytheistic religion, if you'd prefer that.
nah, i'm fine with judaism or Islam.

(about talking about ethiopia, it is because i think that if ethiopia tried to expand north, we would have to get some settlers and settle city spots south)
Its simple, kill the batma- I mean war chariot rush ethiopia then use the now-veteran chariots to attack Sumer (complimented with a lot of fresh chariots).
nah, i'm fine with judaism or Islam.

(about talking about ethiopia, it is because i think that if ethiopia tried to expand north, we would have to get some settlers and settle city spots south)
That could be a concern, seeing as they have already settled their second city.

Its simple, kill the batma- I mean war chariot rush ethiopia then use the now-veteran chariots to attack Sumer (complimented with a lot of fresh chariots).
IMO it would be better to attack civs like Sumer or Babylon first because they have the best land, while Ethiopia's isn't so great. Then again, it might be possible to attack in both directions at the same time, seeing as the AIs don't have Archery yet.

The plan could work, if we could muster the production power to make that many war chariots. How many hammers are those each? And how many will we need to pull it off?
I don't know the exact number on Epic speed, but, if we're early, we'll only need 2 or 3 chariots per civ (they'll only have warriors), while we might need at least twice that if we're attacking later and fighting against archers.

As a reminder, elections end tomorrow at about 8:00 AM. (I can postpone if needed.) Looks like the Coalition of Glory will win, unless something drastic happens. Has anyone decided on a candidate?
The post earlier on this page is still accurate.
I BELIEVE that i am the candidate for the coalition of glory. Not sure on that though. I havent been able to respond to PMs yet.

Also, we should rush ethiopia RIGHT NOW. They are more of a threat than sumer. We have blocked off sumer, but ethiopia is still a threat to claim native egyptian lands. If we rush them while they only ahve 2 cities, then we will have 4 by the end of the war. It wont take long to reinforce and build upon our armies and rush sumer, then either babylon or carthage can come after that. But we should be ready for mansa musa if it appears he is becoming a threat. We are already at war with him after all.
But we should be ready for mansa musa if it appears he is becoming a threat. We are already at war with him after all.
I doubt he will. Not only is he far away, to begin with, his starting position is also notoriously bad. And we're not at war with him anymore, we made peace.
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