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Spectrite's Realpolitik Civ - Another Interactive AAR

and maybe we should raze the sumer cities and build better cities (or just going for babylon and keeping it as a science city?(but i am just thinking of razing it because i HATE when cities overlap themselves)
dont know, we dont have a map of these cities, so...
Also, we should rush ethiopia RIGHT NOW. They are more of a threat than sumer. We have blocked off sumer, but ethiopia is still a threat to claim native egyptian lands. If we rush them while they only ahve 2 cities, then we will have 4 by the end of the war. It wont take long to reinforce and build upon our armies and rush sumer, then either babylon or carthage can come after that. But we should be ready for mansa musa if it appears he is becoming a threat. We are already at war with him after all.

Well, keep in mind that Ethiopia is quite a bit off and the land is HORRIBLE. We'll be spread out, our economy will be tanked and the payoff won't be worth that much.

For religion, I'm fine with anything--as long as we get the religion. The name is just icing on the cake.

I support expanding down the Nile, and then building up to strike Babylon and Sumer. Maybe Ethiopia if they start expanding toward us. But first we need to build up.
I support expanding down the Nile, and then building up to strike Babylon and Sumer. Maybe Ethiopia if they start expanding toward us. But first we need to build up.
Keep in mind that the strength of an early rush is in how early it is. The earlier we strike, the less time they have to build units. If we attack too late, they'll have more defenders - they might even get Archery.

But like I said, it's ultimately the president's decision. Speaking of which, there are roughly 10 hours until the election ends.
Well it depends on what type of early rush war you are going for. Total Annihilation, Pillage run, Slave drive, Border push or Acquisition?

Total Annihilation
Simple enough at the beginning if the enemy only has one city. Useful against a religious enemy so you can claim a holy city. Unfortunately none of our close neighbours founded one. It's good this way as it means none of the claimed city have anger from being annexed. Also stops a future threat from becoming powerful.
Most Important = Summeria (It has protective i believe) Or Ethiopia (It has lots of potential land to claim and could become powerful.
Least Important = Mali, he didn't get a religion and we allready enslaved his worker

Pillage Run
Unless a nation gains copper and builds spearmen then the Egyptian War Chariots are all powerful! Just two of them can pillage the nation to a standstill. The main aim is to stop a economic superpower before they get started even if you can't destroy them.
Most Important = Mali for his Financial trait can be set back a lot by pillaging the initial cottages he builds. Ethiopia gets a lot of it's power from Production and destorying it's initial mines can set it back a lot as well.
Least Important = Carthage. As a Naval power it will get its commerce and food from the sea.

Slave Drive
Allready performed on the Mali. You can have a lot of fun stealing everyones first work one by one. Best combined with a Pillage run. Slaves are hard to catch so your best bet is a first strike.
Most Important = Ethiopia or Summeria for the same reasons as a pillage run
Least Important = Mali, as we allready got one of theirs

Border Push
To create a buffer zone or a few cities for land reasons. Not needed now.

Done to claim a Resource or to stop a nation claiming a resource. Very important with things like Copper or Iron.
Most Important = Ethiopia for Copper and Iron or Carthage to stop Horses
Least Important = Mali as they will concentrate on economy first


For me the best bet for Summeria would be Total Annihilation for their nice Capital city. But For Ethiopia it would just be a slave drive and pillage run as i believe they start on a hill and would be hard to dislodge for little gain.
well, then what about we invade Sumer and take their cities, go back, invade ethiopia, if it is possible to take the cities, we take, if not, we just do like you said.

in short : i support your idea Ravus, i think that's the best solution
Voting has ended. The Coalition of Glory has won. Choose a president and/or administration and send in your plans whenever you're ready.
I nominate myself for opposition leader.
Arya is the president. Aysee will be the OL, unless anyone objects...
Guys im sorry. I didnt realize the leections ended so soon, and i havent had internet access since thursday. Ill get on the plan right now. Hopefully it can be done by tomorow, posted, and sent tuesday night. Post if you are in the coalition of Glory and wish to have an admin coalition. Gruekiller is the vice president.
Hail Warlord Arya! Let your War Chariots burn and Pillage all who stand before you!! (I would like if you could try to aim for the third religion and Judaism but the killing and plundering comes first.)
well, we can research animal husbandry, start researching a religion, and make a war chariot hiper-rush.
We already have Animal husbandry, in one of the screenshots you can see a worker pasturing a horse.
Yes Sabotage those... wait what does egypt have so far? Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Umm... well how about those horses? Thats right, push those horses over and sabotage them!

(Somehow i feel that sabotages don't have any dramatic flair this early in the game)
Dangerous perhaps. But like i said, Dramatically lacking. People won't be writing sonnets about the great farm Sabotage compared to a Great Pyramid Sabotage!
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