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State of Emergency Declared In Ferguson: It's Back...

Now what are the homicide rates committed by blacks and latinos?
Compared to the police which is what the statement was about?


I said it jokingly, but it is true, and it isn't really about guns(STroopers). People are just much more inclined to be polite when there is doubt in their minds about outcomes(tanstaafl). Whenever I am having trouble with a petty bureaucrat or some other snotty person I always find a way to casually mention that I served time for a string of violent felonies. It's like a magic password.

In my experience, Europeans are too cultured, so they have a harder time conceptualizing risks(SIASL Martians, both at the beginning, and at the end).

Or something like that. I was letting you're "find three" run with it.
Please. The correct word is "thug" not "hooligan". That would be Britain.
Please. The correct word is "thug" not "hooligan". That would be Britain.
That is actually good, because I've decided to imitate British dialect. If I become a Russian corrupt oligarch, the tradition is to live and retire in London, not New York. It also makes one more intellectual-like (in case of fail of the oligarch plan).

UPDATE: it seems Internet thinks there is a certain difference between the words.

Internet said:
As nouns the difference between thug and hooligan is that thug is a criminal with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms, who treats others violently and roughly, especially for hire while hooligan is (informal|pejorative) a person that causes trouble or violence.

Now, I think in the aforementioned riots there were both type of people.. Sure they all should be gently taken care of.
In the South, when people understood we were French reactions were always positive. Even in places like Montgomery, Alabama or Ashland, Virginia.

You were in Montgomery? That's just a stone's throw from where I live. I hope you enjoyed the visit, though the summer is the WORST time to visit the deep South. :)
UPDATE: it seems Internet thinks there is a certain difference between the words...
...thug is a criminal with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms, who treats others violently and roughly...
Exactly. This is the typical black protester in the minds of the usual authoritarian conservative. "Rioter" is also frequently used if any of them takes something that doesn't belong to them, which they are frequently encouraged by the police to do as a pretext to institute a state of emergency.

BTW we would call hooligans "rabble rousers", "liberals", or "socialists" here depending upon how rudely they acted.
Why do people assume that having no weapon means a person isn't dangerous?

That does depend on one's propensity to think of things as dangerous.

From personal experience, I'd say that a conservative Christian has the propensity to think that about 8,718,261,824,018,231 things are dangerous, if not physically then "spiritually". So it's not surprising that they need cops to protect them from black people's spiritual threat.
Compared to the police which is what the statement was about?


The statement claimed black and latino men were more likely to be killed by cops, my response was black and latino men were more likely to be killing other people so it stands to reason they'd be encountering cops in hostile situations more often than populations that dont have high homicide rates. Isn't that true?

Seems logical to me, dont you think its interesting that the rates are so similar? A black man is 8x more likely to be murdered than a white man and a latino man is ~5x more likely, and those rates roughly match the odds of either being killed by cops.
The statement claimed black and latino men were more likely to be killed by cops, my response was black and latino men were more likely to be killing other people so it stands to reason they'd be encountering cops in hostile situations more often than populations that dont have high homicide rates. Isn't that true?
Only if the cops are so bigoted that they think any unarmed black or Latino represents a far more severe threat that they must peremptorily execute them for their own supposed safety by a factor of 5-1, which they obviously don't.

Again, people who kill each other typically know each other extremely well. It is rarely a stranger. It is even more rare when they are a cop which the shooter doesn't have some sort of personal grudge.

There were 47 cops killed by intentional gunfire last year and 2 by accident. Only two were killed by assault. One of them was a corrections officer who was killed by an inmate. The other was working an overtime job at a haunted house when he got into a fight with an active duty soldier. It is sad that any died. But that is part of the job they decided to do. Overreacting to potential violence so egregiously means they shouldn't have been cops in the first place or they were poorly trained.
Only if the cops are so bigoted that they think any unarmed black or Latino represents a far more severe threat that they must peremptorily execute them for their own supposed safety by a factor of 5-1, which they obviously don't.

Black and latino men are at least 5x more likely to be killing other people. Why does it surprise you to learn black and latino men are 5x more likely to be killed by cops?

Again, people who kill each other typically know each other extremely well. It is rarely a stranger. It is even more rare when they are a cop.

And a black man is ~8x more likely to be murdered than a white man. Yeah, the victim probably knew the killer, so what? I certainly never suggested otherwise. Nothing you've said or linked has shown "black on black" crime is a myth. We're looking at the results of nearly 5 decades of a drug war and blaming the cops.
Black and latino men are at least 5x more likely to be killing other people. Why does it surprise you to learn black and latino men are 5x more likely to be killed by cops?
Because they are unarmed while the cops aren't? :crazyeye:

You seem to be under the impression that a large number of blacks are homicidal maniacs who kill anybody and everybody. Most perps and victims of black homicides are gang members who are killing each other for various reasons.

Again, whites have very little fear from blacks in this regard. They need to concern themselves with white family members and friends who own firearms:

Nothing you've said or linked has shown "black on black" crime is a myth.
That is because you apparenyly refuse to read the obvious. Nothing you have said or linked has shown it isn't a myth. All you keep repeating is one single statistic regarding murder while deliberately ignoring all the rest. Again "murder" is not a synonym for "crime". :crazyeye:
Because they are unarmed while the cops aren't? :crazyeye:

What are you talking about now? If black and latino men killed more people, then more black and latino men would be killed by cops.

You seem to be under the impression that a large number of blacks are homicidal maniacs who kill anybody and everybody. Most perps and victims of black homicides are gang members who are killing each other for various reasons.

I'm under the impression a black man is more likely to be murdered than me. But you called that a myth before proceeding to explain why the homicide rate is so high. :goodjob:

Again, whites have very little fear from blacks in this regard. They need to concern themselves with white family members and friends who own firearms:

But blacks dont have something to fear? We were talking about black on black crime, remember?

That is because you apparenyly refuse to read the obvious. Nothing you have said or linked has shown it isn't a myth. All you keep repeating is one single statistic regarding murder while deliberately ignoring all the rest. Again "murder" is not a synonym for "crime". :crazyeye:

How does nothing = one single statistic? Black men have a much higher (~8x) chance of being killed than white men, you think its just a myth. That is until you forget your own argument and start explaining the reasons for the higher homicide rates. Here's what you said: black on black crime is a myth, most of those homicides are gang members killing each other for various reasons. Brilliant!

Nice dodge right there. You brought up black on black crimes and now you are posting white on white and black on white statistics? They have nothing to do with what you are talking about.

The homicide rate blacks in America is close to some of the most lawless countries in the world, so there is a clear problem in that community.

Compared to the rates of these countries
The Ferguson riots bring two important thing in mind. A lot of people's points tend to miss these important things, and so they end up debating at a much more shallow level than is necessary.

The first is our bias regarding 'in-group' and 'out-group'. Of course we're biased on this front. Don't be silly. And one of those major biases is how we 'explain' bad behaviour in our narratives. We tend to blame circumstances when our in-group misbehaves ("he did it because he was poor and starving"). And we tend to blame personality traits when the out-group misbehaves ("he just doesn't respect personality property as much"). Whenever your thoughts swing to "typical, they always act like that", then you might be falling for this bias.

The second is some measure of respect. Are these communities "pro-robber", "pro-thug"? Of course not, don't be silly. So why has it been such a trigger point? Imagine how much oppression a person must feel when they side with a robber! Now, some of this oppression is imagined. But some of it is experience, personal experience. And it's not all just about this one guy, it's just a tipping point. How bad must things be to reach such a tipping point? Awful.
They side with the oppressed. They side with the victims of the police assuming they are invariably guilty of crimes, instead of having to prove it. They feel they are guilty until proven innocent. This is why they were even overjoyed that OJ Simpson beat the system.

Just look at the authoritarian conservative response to this issue. Of course non-affluent blacks are being killed by cops because they are thugs who live in thug neighborhoods. The cops have the right to protect themselves from largely imaginary injury or death which is not born out by the facts. They have literally given carte blanche to any police who merely claim they were "standing their ground" out of irrational fear of being killed, just as they have with civilian whites in many Southern states. And the only way to show it isn't true is for there to be contradictory video evidence or another cop not willing to go along with the lies.
Ferguson, the town of 20,000, just can't catch a break!

First, on the 1 year anniversary of Michael Brown's death on August 10th, the police union of Columbia, Missouri (population 100,000?) declared the day to be Darren Wilson Day. :devil:


As protesters mourned the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown's death in Missouri over the weekend, a local police union honored the officer who killed him.

Sunday was declared "Darren Wilson Day" by the Columbia Police Officers Association to public outrage and criticism by the city's mayor and police department.

Next, a black man was shot dead by police on August 19th:

Racial tensions have once again been sparked in St Louis, Missouri, after a black man was shot and killed by police.

The fatal shooting comes just 10 days after protesters marked the anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen killed by cops in nearby Ferguson.

Police said Wednesday's shooting took place as officers were attempting to execute a search warrant in a crime-ridden neighbourhood, when two young black men ran out the back door of the targeted house.

Police officers confronted the suspects in the alley behind the house and one suspect pointed a gun at officers who then fired approximately four times, killing him, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said.

Despite the police explanation of events, dozens of people gathered near the scene protesting the police use of deadly force, according to local media.

Police in SWAT gear and an armored vehicle ordered the crowd to disperse and some people were taken into custody, according to a report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Dotson told journalists the gun the suspect pointed at them was determined to be stolen. He said officers also recovered crack cocaine at the scene.

Then finally, a little 9 year old girl was shot and killed while doing homework on her mom's bed, also on August 19th. :cry:

Police believe the shooter fired from close range into the home, striking the child as she sat on her mother's bed.

The home sits one block from West Florissant Ave., which has seen rioting and police confrontations with protesters in the year since 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by Officer Darren Wilson.

And next door, a lawn sign reads: "We Must Stop Killing Each Other."

"I never in a million years thought that I'd be laying my daughter to rest," the father added.

Bolden's grandmother, who owns the home, ran into the bedroom after the 9:30 p.m. shooting.

"I kept holding and holding her," the grandmother, who asked not to be named, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "I still have her blood on my hands. She was still breathing. I was telling her to just breathe."
No you see the police are the true victims
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