Still rocking in the free world? Neil Young gets his music removed from Spotify

Spotify has now removed 70 episodes from its site due to Rogan’s use of “the N-word.”

Now, this gave me an idea: why not just change the name of ivermectin to include that word?
I suppose that was ok, until people deliberately focused on it. Which is part of the issue.
If only it at least led to something positive - like (relevant hosts) banning all the trash movies by Tarantino :D
I suppose that was ok, until people deliberately focused on it. Which is part of the issue.
If only it at least led to something positive - like (relevant hosts) banning all the trash movies by Tarantino :D

Saying "the n word" as americans like to put it (or was it having someone who said the word?), or talking of ivermectin, it's just leverage to get someone who repeatedly doesn't go with the establishment's consensus and questions the narrative, off a platform that reaches millions. American politics. The guy is listened to by democrat voters, supported Bernie and not Biden, he can't be allowed on air in a platform that reaches the democrat's voters up until the next election.

Obviously he interviews crazies sometimes. I think that Malone has fallen off the deep end - into blind covid denialism because he doesn't like restrictions and attempts at forced vaccination. Opposing those should not have led him to go around saying that covid a disease not worth worrying about. "Protect the vulnerable" is bullfeathers - they can't be protected unless the virus is eradicated, as it so contagious it will keep reinfecting everyone. And while case mortality seems low, everyone is vulnerable to some of the kinds of damage this can do. So in my view people lime Malone are part of the problem, those misadvising people. But censoring someone for interviewing this guy? Why isn't the CDC being censored, as it lied about the vacines being sterilizing, lied about masking, and like Malone wants people to live with covid and go about transmitting it (5 days...). And the president in that country, who said that someone who allowed 200000 covid deaths should resign? Half a million died since he took over and did nothing to end the pandemic. Open, honest debate based on facts is what is required, not censorship. And the fact is that more people are dying now due to this pandemic than before there were vaccines. In the US, Rogan's spot, covid's toll has worsened, in death and morbidity. And the long term effects are just starting to show.

Rogan is being targeted for censure because he breaks the consensus ans is listened to by millions, its just that. He may point out, and let people point out, the incoherence of the narratives about the big problems today, including the pandemic. Worse than exposing the lying, it exposes the complete incompetence and disastrous failure of the authorities.

The reality is so horrible people avoid contemplating it. That out countries are ruled by people who are totally incompetent and/or psychopathic. Because they persist in a failed strategy, and i strongly suspect would not change it even if they knew (know?) for a fact it's wrong because that would require admitting to an enormous mistake. That we're ruled by people who'd rather see millions die avoidable deaths than admit a mistake and lose an election.

But hey, a million iraquis altogether died in wars waged because of fictional WMD, deliberate lies to enable the waging of war, and the people who ordered those wars didn't care the least bit. They are psychopaths.
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Open, honest debate based on facts is what is required, not censorship

Open debate by medical professionals is what is required. An “honest” debate between habitually-drunk-on-air-boxer-comedian and his guest (or the world), all the while fishing for clicks to expand auditorium of 11 million, can end up being funny or can end up getting someone soft-cancelled. It’s a risk! So, in this one, JR gets cancellation badge, because he didn’t think this through. Happens.
The US law requiring "actual malice" for celebrities and public officials is stupid (different standards for different people), but it's nevertheless a law on the books.
I thought it was one of those things that was made up by the SCOTUS, and so not a law on the books at all, like qualified immunity.
Open debate by medical professionals is what is required. An “honest” debate between habitually-drunk-on-air-boxer-comedian and his guest (or the world), all the while fishing for clicks to expand auditorium of 11 million, can end up being funny or can end up getting someone soft-cancelled. It’s a risk! So, in this one, JR gets cancellation badge, because he didn’t think this through. Happens.

Science spreads by being taken up as useful. A theory is established when it is useful. That is how scientific consensus is formed. Science cannot be forced. So trying to censor or gatekeep based on scientific credentials is the old fallacy of appeal to authority. Present a useful theory and persuade people, that's the way it's done. What works quickly wins - in the absence of censorship and coercion. Where that is present the good science takes al long time and others royally screwing up before, to the correct one finally be put to use and win. Censorship is always anti-scientific.
But you can call someone ignorant, and point out why, and propose something different that works. That is how it's done.

The years into this and even the medical professionals are still divided: the let it rip natural immunity fans, the vaccinate forever group, the treat and let it rip group, the extinguish it group... I can find every kind here and I'm sure elsewhere in the world. The virus is not deadly enough for the last group to win against short-termist business lobbies and class problems, the virus does too much damage for the first group ho have its "ignore it and carry on" idea happen, the vaccine is failing and the propaganda for the first ones out makes it difficult to now push one that can work (nasal...), treatments are either incredibly expensive or placed under a cloud of doubt.

Frustration with all these failures is making people more entrenched in their positions for exits that are not happening. So you know, the specialists are burnt out, can't lead the way. This became political and they themselves are politicized now. Most anyway.. So indeed perhaps this does require comedians. It requires everyone to agree on an exit now, It's no longer the province of scientists debating among themselves and advising governments, that ship sailed when the wrong decision to let the virus spread as applied. And the mistake then, if the was one and not just a product of institutional failure and hasty decision-making (or lack of it) was that the issue was decided outside public discussion. The officially adopted science in most countries has been wrong during this crisis several times already. Recall that the "science" was wrong several times and people who cried out that the virus was airborne and would mutate at a high rate were, if not outright censored, at least denied public fora. Only the pronouncements of health authorities were accepted as valid. And that included the failure to grasp the consequences of a high mutation capability in this virus, and the absolutely wrong denial that covid was airborne. Official misinformation, as it were.

On science, let the heretics talk and be heard by whomever will. If and when what they say makes sense and actually works, it can end failed policies sooner rather than later.
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