[submod] Cross' Overhaul: 17 New Civs, Shia Religion, Civics Rework, Crusades and Much More!

Based on a few Dutch 1580 autoplays, the state of the game seems pretty decent once more. I really need to get a few games as a number of different civs under my belt to be able to get a better feeling for the balance and the experience. This will take me a little while as civ games are lengthy.

I will continue to fix bug reports or other small additions or tweaks, particularly to the Khazars. I think I'll give them a Cossack UU for their Golden Horde / Crimean Khanate phase. It's a plausible Khazar UU assuming they had survived that far. The Oghuz horse archer UU is a good fit for their earlier game.

Later on, there are still 2 African civs on the docket (Nigeria, Zulu/Zimbabwe).
Based on a few Dutch 1580 autoplays, the state of the game seems pretty decent once more. I really need to get a few games as a number of different civs under my belt to be able to get a better feeling for the balance and the experience. This will take me a little while as civ games are lengthy.

I will continue to fix bug reports or other small additions or tweaks, particularly to the Khazars. I think I'll give them a Cossack UU for their Golden Horde / Crimean Khanate phase. It's a plausible Khazar UU assuming they had survived that far. The Oghuz horse archer UU is a good fit for their earlier game.

Later on, there are still 2 African civs on the docket (Nigeria, Zulu/Zimbabwe).
I am guessing Australia is not in the cards? I understand that most people play RFC style games for UHVs, but open ended late game always had a unique charm for me. For 80% of the game units act in one way only, like in checkers. Only with aviation, submarines, helicopters, paratroopers, drones and nukes one feels it's more akin chess now. Obviously, you're expecting to see all the G20 countries on the map, and Australia, being an empty space almost the entire game is sorely missed for the last hundred turns on Epic...
I am guessing Australia is not in the cards? I understand that most people play RFC style games for UHVs, but open ended late game always had a unique charm for me. For 80% of the game units act in one way only, like in checkers. Only with aviation, submarines, helicopters, paratroopers, drones and nukes one feels it's more akin chess now. Obviously, you're expecting to see all the G20 countries on the map, and Australia, being an empty space almost the entire game is sorely missed for the last hundred turns on Epic...
As I've said many times, anything past 1860 is to be worked on after all the content before that date is implemented and balanced.
It is very cool, you made my last few days. Something interesting every few hours.)) But can we have 1700AD start? It is the most interesting part of game: (almost) historical battles, colonization, tech run and trading, and (MOST IMPORTANT) AI not always trash spawn cities.
Autoplayed as Canada on Epic speed. Tech rate of the world looked good, as was the geographical layout of the civs. Colonial civs like England or the Dutch seem to collapse to core too readily. It'll be something for me to look into. Maybe I'll do something like increase the stability bonus from founding a colony under the colonialism civic.

New Patch
  • Create Ukranian period for the modern age
  • Reduce Rus respawn date range to the modern era (since Khazars exists now).
    • This is the reason for this "modern age" change. Rus was able to respawn from 1650 onwards, which didn't make as much sense now that the Khazars exist as a stand-in for the Crimean Khanate.
  • Add Ukranian language city name map.
  • Reduce Misr settler map extent (remove Levant and Arabia, which are still in the war map).
  • Add Crete to Greece's respawn.
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Out of curiosity, what does adding Ukrainian language mean? Units talk back in Ukrainian? Who is a narrator?
Out of curiosity, what does adding Ukrainian language mean? Units talk back in Ukrainian? Who is a narrator?
He means these brench totally converse to former CIS. (Тут теперь только Леорет не говорит по-русски) :rolleyes:
Colonial civs like England or the Dutch seem to collapse to core too readily. It'll be something for me to look into. Maybe I'll do something like increase the stability bonus from founding a colony under the colonialism civic.

Can there also be a regional way of doing this? If there's no civ/civ slot available for rebirth, the empires just lose a region to independents piece by piece instead of collapse to core, at least initially. Something like "The people of Central America have revolted against the Dutch", if they're still unstable a few turns later another region could have the possiblity of an uprising
Can there also be a regional way of doing this? If there's no civ/civ slot available for rebirth, the empires just lose a region to independents piece by piece instead of collapse to core, at least initially. Something like "The people of Central America have revolted against the Dutch", if they're still unstable a few turns later another region could have the possiblity of an uprising
I'll have to give a look at the instability code again. I think there was an intermediate step to "collapse to core" but it doesn't seem to get used that often in practice.

New Patch
  • Give Almoravid barbarians 1 trebuchet per stack
    • They need some siege capability.
  • Add missing period name for Ukraine Period (for settler / war maps)
  • A number of changes to help UK and Netherlands colonization stability:
    • Add Scotland to England (UK) core
    • Add Den Haag to Netherlands core.
    • Give colonialism a stability synergy with regulated trade.
    • Give colonialism a stability penalty with egalitarianism.
    • Netherlands starts with colonialism and regulated trade civics.
New Patch

  • Sync branch with upstream (Leoreth)
    • This amounted to a change to the barbarian AI
    • The fix for some civs not collapsing to native had already been done in this submod
    • Same for the missing Nogai text key
  • Add some tech disincentives to China, Turks for some industrial techs
  • Add a few city name translations.
  • Fill some gaps for Peak tile city names that Incans can colonize
  • Promote Tibet and Nubia from LIMITED to SIGNIFICANT impact (so that they are spawned during autoplay for distant civs).
  • Increase number of Roman stacks attacking Greece from 2 to 3 in the 150 BC conquest event.
New Patch
  • Make spearman UU have more aggressive AI on spawn
    • Affects Assyria, Greece, Macedon, Persia, Phoenicia, Ghurids.
  • Make Babylonian AI more likely to collapse to make room for Assyrian Empire.
  • Add Neo-Hittite barbarian city to spawn on the site of Ugarit, if there is nothing there in 1000 BC.
  • Increase Babylon settling weight for Babylonian civ.
  • Add Assyria conquest of Egypt event.
  • Fix invalid index for Macedonian conquest of Punjab.
  • Lower preference for Assyrian settler map location below future Antioch.
  • Fix Persian wonder UHV not triggering at the right time.
  • Improve Persian wonder UHV text.
New Patch
  • Further increase Roman Greece conquest army amount
    • Add Crete to possible locations for conquest stacks
  • Move 2 starting siege units from human-only to all for Rome (human & AI)
  • Add extra workers for AI Russia and an extra lancer
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New Patch

  • Give 'inferior' heavy swordsman UU to Romans & Byzantines
    • It is available much earlier in the tech tree but has 1 less strength than a default heavy swordsman. This is to reflect the relative lowering of quality of late roman / byzantine heavy infantry.
    • With a strength of 7 rather than 6 for Legions (see below), it is moderately more effective against cavalry, such as barbarian horse archers and Sassanid Savarans.
  • Change Legion to have 6 strength but with Cover and Shock promotions
    • It has a similar combat power against Melee and Ranged, but suffers against cavalry, as it should
  • Buff to Roman city maintenance modifiers.
  • Automatically upgrade all legions to 0-experience Comitatenses if Rome is AI, when the Comitatus tech is unlocked.
    • This diminishes the combat power of Rome in its later centuries
  • Modify Roman and Byzantine tech preferences.
Cottage improvement is my favorite improvement idea in BTS, but with all the plagues and pillaging it is frustratingly slow to build and grow. Would you consider to cut all the turn costs by 1.5 times, please? It will add more dynamism to the game. VIllages kept being pillaged and rebuilt constantly in history. Balance wise it would only significantly boost civs like France (they cottage every tile and sit around, but not to the point of breaking the game.

Also, Despotism info shows confusing +-1 :commerce: modifier. Let's fix it please.

Finally, with slave units available at all times, why should slave improvements be only available with Colonialism? AI sometimes does not know what to do with slaves but they are always ready to buy, and slaves just sit there, without joining the city. Let's look into how AI uses this unit during the early game and encourage the use. Slave trade and slavery left extremely important toll on the entire history of our planet. And while we at that -- there is a slave mine, but no slave quarry :(.
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Cottage improvement is my favorite improvement idea in BTS, but with all the plagues and pillaging it is frustratingly slow to build and grow. Would you consider to cut all the turn costs by 1.5 times, please? It will add more dynamism to the game. VIllages kept being pillaged and rebuilt constantly in history. Balance wise it would only significantly boost civs like France (they cottage every tile and sit around, but not to the point of breaking the game.

Also, Despotism info shows confusing +-1 :commerce: modifier. Let's fix it please.

Finally, with slave units available at all times, why should slave improvements be only available with Colonialism? AI sometimes does not know what to do with slaves but they are always ready to buy, and slaves just sit there, without joining the city. Let's look into how AI uses this unit during the early game and encourage the use. Slave trade and slavery left extremely important toll the entire history of our planet. And while we at that -- there is a slave mine, but no slave quarry :(.
I’m not a huge fan the cottage idea, but I would support moving workers building hamlets to early Renaissance and allowing workers to build villages in late Renaissance to make towns more viable for civs like America, and to allow the new world to not fall behind Europe massively.
I’m not a huge fan the cottage idea, but I would support moving workers building hamlets to early Renaissance and allowing workers to build villages in late Renaissance to make towns more viable for civs like America, and to allow the new world to not fall behind Europe massively.
I support this. I think a general buff would power ancient/medieval civs too much. At the same time, the removal of Individualism buff has taken a toll from America, Canada and the South American late civ. There's simply not enough time if cottages come online by 1945
A new patch is incoming that will address some of the concerns of the last few posts. However, I am running autoplay games as Canada to 1867, which take a long time on Epic from 3000BC. Changes to the economy need to be carefully tested as it is pretty easy for the system to go completely off the rails.

In an earlier test, Spain had managed to get to the Digital Age in the 1860s!
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