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Synagogue Shooting in Pittsburgh

edit: also, "globalist" is literally just a term that means "Jew," it has no other real meaning...
Globalism. Globalization. These are terms for the same phenomenon, one right-wing populist and neo-fascist, the other liberal and leftist. There are differences for sure in how they're used

There's kind of a continuum where some anti-globalist types legitimately aren't (or try not to be) anti-Semitic, but say things that are clearly derived from anti-Semitic canards. The "New World Order" so beloved hated by Alex Jones and his followers is of course a shadowy super-governmental organization controlled by international politicians and businesspeople. Jones seems to think that, although Jews are overrepresented in the NWO, the majority of Jews are being screwed as well. But it's a tiny step from there to just replacing "NWO" with "Jews", and a whole lot of NWO types do that rather quickly.

For historical reasons, Jews are overrepresented among the international business community and among US politicians. It's unfortunate but not at all surprising that anti-Semitism grew substantially after the Great Recession and the subsequent further concentration of capital during the "recovery". When a large share of successful capitalists and politicians are Jews, people who are actually being screwed by capitalism in general have a tendency to scapegoat the Jews and portray them as the root of the problem. Whether in the 1930s or the 2010s.

I get the distinct impression that a lot of the people who oppose "globalism" aren't just anti-Semites ranting about the Jews - although plenty like this guy are - but also people who were left behind by late capitalism and are looking to find people to blame. Of course it's a fool's errand to convince bigoted types that it's really late capitalism that they oppose, but that is what's happening.
Our bloke is actually a bit fash himself (once advocated reversing the burden of proof for terrorism suspects) but that's probably beside the point.

Funny how that makes you a fascist, but advocating the same thing for rape suspects makes you a progressive liberal feminist.
Yes, he is.
No, other people pay him so they can put his name on shoes.
No, the same people who pay him also pay other people to make the shoes. He does not employ any shoe makers, underpaid or otherwise.
Jordan is a pretty major stakeholder in Nike, whether or not that's legally framed in shares and bonds. Is the moral content of his relationship to the production process really all that different because he's paid for the use of his name rather than the use of his money? The capital he puts up for the venture is intangible, but it's still very real.

Plus, Jordan only became a billionaire when he took ownership of the Charlotte Hornets. The majority of his billion-plus is represented by his 90% stake in the team. Without that, he'd be a humble multi-multi-millionaire. So there's also that.
Kellyanne Conway blamed people who express their anti-religious opinions, apparently this guy killed them because they're religious
I'm more of a Jacobin than a liberal these days.

I know from World History that he's nutty bananas enough to accuse Stalin of being a far right conservative and that he runs away from threads when he's losing the argument. I still don't see anything in that post that implies genocide.
Cut @Lexicus some slack....politically driven mass murder is certainly not even remotely related to genocide...
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IIRC, polls have shown that "political correctness" as a concept is opposed by about 80% of everyone asked the question, including majorities of every minority group; the main supporters* are upper middle class liberals, most of whom are white.
For historical reasons, Jews are overrepresented among the international business community and among US politicians.
As someone who works with data, I would love to see the sources you used to make these claims.
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As someone who works with data, I would love to see the sources you used to make these claims.

The first claim comes from the Hidden Tribes report. It's 160 pages long, so I haven't been able to do more than skim it briefly, but its conclusions are summarized by Yascha Mounk (a coauthor) writing for The Atlantic in this article.

80% is at the upper end of the range of polls I've seen on the topic. I would not be surprised if there is something in the methodology involving question wording that results in an elevated percentage of unfavorable responses. The general gist of the conclusion, though, matches what I've seen before: that "political correctness" defined broadly is disliked by a supermajority of the population, usually including (depending on question formulation) majorities of every racial group, but is anomalously popular among the upper middle class liberal types and particularly younger ones.

The other one is pretty trivially correct. I don't really want to do anti-Semites' work for them, but I'll do a brief stab at the politicians just with Wikipedia. This article lists 7 Senators and 22 Representatives. Estimates of the proportion of Americans who are Jewish run (per this Wiki article) at 1.7-2.6% of the population, while they make up 7% and 5% for the Senate and House respectively. Thus, they are overrepresented by factors of ~3 and ~2 respectively. Business is harder to quantify; I'm not going to try to tackle it at this point, but it would be surprising to me if there was not similar overrepresentation among e.g. executives for large multinational companies, especially if I narrow it to stereotypical fields like finance. Jews are a disproportionately successful group of people, and success breeds resentment.
I have the feeling that white males are also over represented across many fields than their count in the population. Perhaps the power of long standing business and family relationships is a lagging indicator.
Many Jews are anti-Globalist. Yes, some believe in Globalism but that doesn't make them the leaders of any movement. Mostly Jews are anti-Globalist. Many people who are anti-semitic are such because they believe falsely that Jews = Globalist, and include in their definition of Globalist a conspiracy theory. The theory that a Globalist is one who is a leader of a movement meant to tear down the United States and put computer chips in people to control their money and turn dissident's chips off so they can't buy anything.

They watch weird conspiracy theories on YouTube. I know someone who saw some independent crazy conspiracy Youtube documentary a few years ago and became a Jew hater who thought Jews faked the holocaust and that everything bad in the world was the fault of Jews.

Different people believe Globalist means different things. So if someone says they are anti-Globalist, I would ask them their definition of Globalist rather than just assume they were anti-semitic. They may in fact be one of the Jews against Globalism themselves.
The other one is pretty trivially correct. I don't really want to do anti-Semites' work for them, but I'll do a brief stab at the politicians just with Wikipedia. This article lists 7 Senators and 22 Representatives. Estimates of the proportion of Americans who are Jewish run (per this Wiki article) at 1.7-2.6% of the population, while they make up 7% and 5% for the Senate and House respectively. Thus, they are overrepresented by factors of ~3 and ~2 respectively. Business is harder to quantify; I'm not going to try to tackle it at this point, but it would be surprising to me if there was not similar overrepresentation among e.g. executives for large multinational companies, especially if I narrow it to stereotypical fields like finance. Jews are a disproportionately successful group of people, and success breeds resentment.
It seems to me, though, that if you're identifying the success of individual politicians and businessmen with Jews as a group, rather than simply noting that many successful people are from Jewish backgrounds, if you're identifying the power wielded by these people as having accrued not simply to Jewish individuals but to Jewry itself, you're starting from an essentially anti-Semitic premise. The factual statement "Jews are over-represented in business and politics" does not support the interpretation "the Jews are powerful". Anti-Jewish resentment is not an unfortunate byproduct of hard times, it is a choice people make, however thoughtless and ill-informed a choice.
Jews are a disproportionately successful group of people, and success breeds resentment.

I have the feeling that white males are also over represented across many fields than their count in the population. Perhaps the power of long standing business and family relationships is a lagging indicator.

There is nothing special about Jews.
They were excluded from some areas of the economy so made the best of what they were permitted too do.
The landed classes thought that industry was beneath them so other groups had less competition in those areas.
James Watt was a Covenanters and many other leading figures in the industrial revolution that were non conformist.
So its is "the power of long standing business and family relationships".
The irony of the anti-globalist view is that globalism is fundamentally the work of international corporations. The majority of which are not run by Jews. And the majority of which are served by conservative politicians. At the expense of those who are blaming the Jews.

The right wing has no problems in this world which are not self inflicted.
It seems to me, though, that if you're identifying the success of individual politicians and businessmen with Jews as a group, rather than simply noting that many successful people are from Jewish backgrounds, if you're identifying the power wielded by these people as having accrued not simply to Jewish individuals but to Jewry itself, you're starting from an essentially anti-Semitic premise. The factual statement "Jews are over-represented in business and politics" does not support the interpretation "the Jews are powerful". Anti-Jewish resentment is not an unfortunate byproduct of hard times, it is a choice people make, however thoughtless and ill-informed a choice.

I'm doing the latter. Jews are not networked into some sort of cabal or anything, but the belief that they are is a choice people make in response to hard times. They're not blameless for making that choice, but the tendency to do so increases following economic depression and/or political upheaval.

A more striking example with a different ethnic group could be found with the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. Their commercial success in e.g. Indonesia and Vietnam is/was overwhelming, far more so than for Jews in Europe and the US. The resentment their disproportionate success bred led to killings numbering in the hundreds of thousands in 1965-66 and 1975-79 respectively.

There is nothing special about Jews.
They were excluded from some areas of the economy so made the best of what they were permitted too do.
The landed classes thought that industry was beneath them so other groups had less competition in those areas.
James Watt was a Covenanters and many other leading figures in the industrial revolution that were non conformist.
So its is "the power of long standing business and family relationships".

Sure. That's why I said "for historical reasons" in the post before this. And the most successful Jews are Ashkenazim of secular or Reform backgrounds, especially in scientific and engineering fields. It's not a matter of religion or of some kind of cabal, just ordinary "power of long standing business and family relationships".
(Insert Facepalm gif here)
BBC said:
Pittsburgh shooting: Anger at Pence rally 'Jesus prayer'

US Vice-President Mike Pence faces controversy after a cleric who identifies as a Jewish believer in Jesus Christ led prayers for victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.

Rabbi Loren Jacobs appeared at a Republican rally in Michigan where he described Jesus as the Messiah and did not name the victims of the attack.

Known as Messianic Jews, the movement is shunned by mainstream Judaism.

The first funerals for the victims take place shortly.

An aide later told AP news agency Mr Pence had not invited Rabbi Jacobs to the Michigan rally.
Republican candidate Lena Epstein, who is herself Jewish, later said in a statement that she had invited Rabbi Jacobs to the Pence rally and she accused critics of "trying to create needless division".

However, the move was seen as an insult by many Jews.

Social media users were angered by the presence of a figure whose movement is viewed by mainstream Judaism as a branch of evangelical Christianity.

Some said the decision "erases Jewish history and agency" and described it as a "slap in the face". Others criticised the fact that Rabbi Jacobs had not named the victims but had instead read a list of Republican candidates for the forthcoming midterm elections.
The other one is pretty trivially correct. I don't really want to do anti-Semites' work for them, but I'll do a brief stab at the politicians just with Wikipedia. This article lists 7 Senators and 22 Representatives. Estimates of the proportion of Americans who are Jewish run (per this Wiki article) at 1.7-2.6% of the population, while they make up 7% and 5% for the Senate and House respectively. Thus, they are overrepresented by factors of ~3 and ~2 respectively. Business is harder to quantify; I'm not going to try to tackle it at this point, but it would be surprising to me if there was not similar overrepresentation among e.g. executives for large multinational companies, especially if I narrow it to stereotypical fields like finance. Jews are a disproportionately successful group of people, and success breeds resentment.
Well well well, haven't you waded onto some pretty controversial waters here.
Pew Research said:
  • Jews have high levels of educational attainment. Most Jews are college graduates (58%), including 28% who say they have earned a post-graduate degree. By comparison, 29% of U.S. adults say they graduated from college, including 10% who have a post-graduate degree.
  • Fully one-quarter of Jews (25%) say they have a household income exceeding $150,000, compared with 8% of adults in the public as a whole. At the same time, 20% of U.S. Jews report household incomes of less than $30,000 per year; about six-in-ten Jews in this low-income category are either under age 30 or 65 or older.
How many Jews live in the United States?
Pew Research Center estimates 5.3 million Jews live in the United States, accounting for approximately 2.2 percent of the U.S. adult population.

How many Jews serve in high-profile government jobs?
There are 30 Jews serving in the 115th Congress, down from 45 in 2009. Jewish members make up 5.6 percent of the Congress that was sworn in in January. There are nine Jewish senators – including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York – and 21 Jewish representatives. Just two are Republicans.
Jews are more overly represented on the Supreme Court. Three of the current eight justices are Jewish – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan.
In President Trump’s cabinet, two of the top 15 Cabinet-level agencies included in the line of succession are led by Jews. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin are both Jewish.
As of 2017, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 902 individuals, of whom 203 or 22.5% were Jews, although the total Jewish population comprises less than 0.2% of the world's population. This means the percentage of Jewish Nobel laureates is at least 112.5 times or 11,250% above average.

Of course, Jewish people aren't one single hivemind, but we can still look at averages and find useful data. It seems that Jewish people are vastly over-represented when it comes to high achievement. Of course, for someone who believes that there can be differences in the average IQ of different people, there is no mystery or a conspiracy here (we do not need to rehash the IQ debate in this thread, we can simply agree to disagree). It would seem that Jewish people are over-represented due to merit, and that this benefits everybody.

However, I've heard the progressive argument made backwards by people who do not believe in IQ. Because there cannot be any innate differences in ability, Jewish success can only be attributed to some conspiracy shenanigans. Also, another factor which probably leads to more anti-semitism is Jewish involvement in financial institutions. I don't have any data for this, but at least the stereotype is that Jewish people are over-represented in banking institutions. I imagine that's a factor in anti-semitism, especially following a big recession. Of course, it would be wrong to blame Jewish people for the failures of our banking systems, but not everybody is going to see it that way
I am curious about this "all globalists are jews thing". I'm pretty certain I consider myself a globalist and I'm pretty sure I'm not jewish. I've known that in recent times globalist has become a pejorative for the right wing (ironically I considered myself right wing for about half of my life), but I never linked the two together. Is this because of diaspora?

I've always understood diaspora as one of the reasons jews excelled in finance and trade, their families maintained connections even when spread across vast distances. This goes back at least the past millennia though does it not? I've never understood why this generates resentment.

Also since the election of Obama the right wing has drifted into dangerous territory. Its coddling extremists because it motivates their base. What was once extremist behavior (advocating massive conspiracy theories say in a place of work) is becoming more main stream on the right. I spent a big chunk of last week reminding fellow workers that Occam's Razor likely precludes a liberal plot to send bombs to themselves to make trump look bad. When was the last time such an obviously bonkers conspiracy theory went to so mainstream so fast?

I am curious about this "all globalists are jews thing". I'm pretty certain I consider myself a globalist and I'm pretty sure I'm not jewish. I've known that in recent times globalist has become a pejorative for the right wing (ironically I considered myself right wing for about half of my life), but I never linked the two together. Is this because of diaspora?

I've always understood diaspora as one of the reasons jews excelled in finance and trade, their families maintained connections even when spread across vast distances. This goes back at least the past millennia though does it not? I've never understood why this generates resentment.

Also since the election of Obama the right wing has drifted into dangerous territory. Its coddling extremists because it motivates their base. What was once extremist behavior (advocating massive conspiracy theories say in a place of work) is becoming more main stream on the right. I spent a big chunk of last week reminding fellow workers that Occam's Razor likely precludes a liberal plot to send bombs to themselves to make trump look bad. When was the last time such an obviously bonkers conspiracy theory went to so mainstream so fast?

Welcome to CFC Off Topic. Jump right in; the water is boiling and the snowbanks for cooling off are to the right and left of the pool.
There is nothing special about Jews.
They were excluded from some areas of the economy so made the best of what they were permitted too do.
The landed classes thought that industry was beneath them so other groups had less competition in those areas.
James Watt was a Covenanters and many other leading figures in the industrial revolution that were non conformist.
So its is "the power of long standing business and family relationships".
This is true. One of the reasons Jews were disproportionately prevalent in the banking sector - and thus, a really easy target during the Great Depression - was that Christianity technically forbids usury, meaning that Jews could work in that niche. Not that being banned from practicing usury actually kept Christians from doing it, but it was an added barrier. Then they simply had kids who continued the family business, and so on and so forth.

I am curious about this "all globalists are jews thing". I'm pretty certain I consider myself a globalist and I'm pretty sure I'm not jewish. I've known that in recent times globalist has become a pejorative for the right wing (ironically I considered myself right wing for about half of my life), but I never linked the two together. Is this because of diaspora?

I've always understood diaspora as one of the reasons jews excelled in finance and trade, their families maintained connections even when spread across vast distances. This goes back at least the past millennia though does it not? I've never understood why this generates resentment.

Also since the election of Obama the right wing has drifted into dangerous territory. Its coddling extremists because it motivates their base. What was once extremist behavior (advocating massive conspiracy theories say in a place of work) is becoming more main stream on the right. I spent a big chunk of last week reminding fellow workers that Occam's Razor likely precludes a liberal plot to send bombs to themselves to make trump look bad. When was the last time such an obviously bonkers conspiracy theory went to so mainstream so fast?

This post is far too good for a first time post.
Well well well, haven't you waded onto some pretty controversial waters here.




Of course, Jewish people aren't one single hivemind, but we can still look at averages and find useful data. It seems that Jewish people are vastly over-represented when it comes to high achievement. Of course, for someone who believes that there can be differences in the average IQ of different people, there is no mystery or a conspiracy here (we do not need to rehash the IQ debate in this thread, we can simply agree to disagree). It would seem that Jewish people are over-represented due to merit, and that this benefits everybody.

However, I've heard the progressive argument made backwards by people who do not believe in IQ. Because there cannot be any innate differences in ability, Jewish success can only be attributed to some conspiracy shenanigans. Also, another factor which probably leads to more anti-semitism is Jewish involvement in financial institutions. I don't have any data for this, but at least the stereotype is that Jewish people are over-represented in banking institutions. I imagine that's a factor in anti-semitism, especially following a big recession. Of course, it would be wrong to blame Jewish people for the failures of our banking systems, but not everybody is going to see it that way

What you say is moreover based on the modern societies where meritocratic elements are in the equation of success. And whether that comes from better environment, more (needed) determination or genes is a discussion that we should not have in this thread imo.
If you look at the past 2000 years, and look at the last 500 years where international banking becomes important, and the last 100-150 years where internationality emerges, that short modern period does not really plays a role anymore when it is about why Jews have such high degree of international contacts and why there are rich Jewish families.
I've always understood diaspora as one of the reasons jews excelled in finance and trade, their families maintained connections even when spread across vast distances. This goes back at least the past millennia though does it not? I've never understood why this generates resentment.
Yes... if you have to rescue your life all the time through the centuries from pogroms you do become international. And if some of the family stay behind as crypto Jews, officially but not really converted to christianity, you have already a network.
It is perhaps good to note that many, many Jews were very poor throughout the centuries. Somehow discussions on Jews always zoom in on those rich families.
During the period 1500-1940 many Jews from all over Europe ended up in Amsterdam. Spanish-Portugeses Jews after the pogroms there, the first big wave. But the Medieval pogroms in the Holy Roman Empire had already caused many Jews to flee North and Westward. Most of them were poor refugees, skilled in a limited number of professions, because farming and traditional guilds were forbidden (thanks to the church)..
In Amsterdam they did all kinds of small trade, selling at markets, and new manufacturing techs like sugar refining etc etc (not in the hands and rules of the traditional guilds). Around 1900 the Jewish diamond union emerged with successful strikes sponsoring the founding of other unions incl solidarity strikes. Again: I try to show that most Jews were poor, certainly around 1900 when pogroms in East Europe brought many new Jewish refugees to Amsterdam. The few rich Jews living in other neighborhoods than the poor Jews.
And that all in a merchant city where in 1650 the VOC was 5 times as big in market cap as Google now, and new banking techs were developed that were taken over everywhere else. The wealth of the rich Jews stayed concentrated in the rich families, that played a big role in the economical growth of Amsterdam.
The rich Jewish families were most Sephardic, that came for Spain-Portugal. And many of them left also again along the trade routes of the VOC and mainly the WIC (trading with the Americas). Manhattan Sephardic Jews are often former Amsterdam families, that went to Brazil, and after that through Curacao or directly, ending up in Manhattan.
Around 1940 only about 3% of the Jews were Sephardic, and not all of them rich.
And I would guess that the old Manhattan Jewish families were typical descendants of the few rich Jewish families, as they hopped from trade hub, to trade hub. The poor Jewish immigration to the US is of much younger date, after that Jews are rich impression was already branded in the US.

For me the real bottom line is family trust and family loyalty of a few rich Jewish families, being strong enough to handle big amounts of money long distance. That family trust and loyalty greatly strenghtened by a separate religion under surpression, forging strong ingroup morals.

You want to set up an international network for international money ? Rothschild send his 5 sons to 5 big European cities to do it.
It is not unlike the Mafia loyalty-trust system, only without the violence.
Modern multinationals need rigid accounting systems and transparency to get that long distance trust by mechanical means, and have imo a lower degree of effectivity, especially in countries with a corruption culture. Risk assessments of such companies include and quantify those long distance risks.
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