Term 5 - Nominations for President

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In Retrospect
Jan 7, 2002
Please submit a nomination for President inside of this thread. Self-nominations are allowed.

Leads discussions crossing over multiple
areas of different Consuls. Sets the overall budget
and balances financial needs. He/she will also decide on
any strategic tasks not designated to another consul
in this constitution. The President is the primary
designated player. He/she has the following
responsibilities, and may appoint a citizen to oversee
a responsibility: Naming of Cities and Units,
Elections, and Polling Standards. These appointed
officials remain in office until removed by a
President. The President also leads discussion on how
to use military and scientific great leaders.
i second Chieftess and nominate Bertie and DS.
I seconded Bertie and nominate zyxy
I second Bertie and nominate RM, guess which one.
If no one else runs, then I'll accept just so there's someone in the president position...
In order to clarify which RM, I nominate RegentMan.
Let me sleep on it. I'll have my decision in the morning (GMT -7). Mark me as undecided for now.

Thanks to vikingruler for the nomination!
It's an honor being nominated for President. Thank you very much. Alas, I must decline: no time next month.

All of the nominees would do a good job and I second them. In particular I'd like to encourage zyxy to run. Zyxy has put a lot of energy into the game this past term and has done a good job of keeping things moving. I'd also like to nominate Furiey and encourage her to run again.
After much thought, I am declining my nomination for the office of president. Here are my two main reasons:

*I played into turn one of the 1320AD save (not the latest save, mind you) and confirmed my greatest fear: there's just so much to do. All those cities, units, and workers; I don't think I could handle it.
*I would need to either have a dependable vice president or move the turnchats to Tuesdays and Fridays as I'm not certain of my Sunday availability (my mom is somewhat spontanious).

So I'm sorry to my would be voters. However, please nominate me for a DGVIII term one presidency. I think I might be able to handle that. :)
I decline... not really enough time... (sorry Strider. ;))
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