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TerraNES: The Civil Experiment

@ Kitabalism
Specifically, the War God Takarzi has been taken on by the peopleof the area. Mostly, it's either an avatar/over lord under the lazy Exnot.

@ Europe
Yeah, although that is also party because of normal mangled borders. Zirilism is present in every major city, with the countryside divided according to the map. Ancestor Worship might soon become a cultural instead of a religious artifact, if it wasn't for Mediolaun's efforts at sustaining it.
OOC: Keep turns as they are (50 years). No BT.
From Bekka
Welcome to the Temple of the Black Stone. We have many offerings to sell to merchants, although the road to Aden is quite long and ardous.

I want to know about all those strange places you are going to. What's your price?

From Kartoros
We've finally united Kush! As the Kingdom of Kush, we reiterate our friendship towards you.
To Bekka: May this trade route flow with goods for years to come. Our Arabian colonies can serve as import/export ports.
To Aden: Mesopotamia? 3EP, same as we payed you.
To Kartoros (Kush): Congratulations on your victory. Now, remember to pay your 4EP war debt.
From: Beurtgang Empire
To: Members of the Faith
CC: Armorican Heretics, Wesfrenks

The Armorican heretic is an enemy of the Faith. His unjust war against us endangers the unity of the faith, and as he seeks to ferment war between its members, he will weaken the integrity of the movement. We must all serve the gods as one, or fail in the attempt. What the Armorican heretic desires above all else is a schism within the Faith, that he may use to destroy us! We consider this proposition of war between the Armorican heretic, and our just, devoted followers of the Faith, of primary importance to the proposed conference. We demand that the Armoricans offer just explanation as to why they should seek to weaken the Faith for their own purposes, and why this should be permitted by their fellow believers.

We ask of you all to stand, and refuse to accept this heretical, destructive behavior. This is not a power struggle, it is a schism. The heretics and outsiders must be destroyed, for the good of the whole.

OOC Post:

heretic -> implies that my people once followed your "faith". Infidel would be a better word.
schism -> when a religion separates into different religions. You are trying to make this into a religious war when it is not.
just, devoted -> Not qualities I see from the Buertgang.
@Gem Hound, words are malleable. This war is whatever we make of it.

Consider this my vote against a BT.
To: All Nations of the Faith((That I have contact with))
From: King Cunneda of Armorica
I have been reading the history of your religion and I see parallels with what is occurring now. What happened according to your own religion when the Red Faith was created? According to this, you joined together and destroyed them. I see the same thing happening now only you are helping the wound in your own faith to fester. I am but an infidel to your peoples but infidels can still read regardless of what they tell you.

Now, I'm going to defend my own religion from this festering wound in yours. If none of you can realize what is happening, sit back and stay neutral in this affair. We attempted to keep religion out of this but that is all the Buertgang will yell about. Therefore, We denounce the acts of the Buertgang and the schism they themselves have begun to form in your faith. We will remove the Buertgang invaders from Britannia no matter how many of you help them.

OOC: That is my view on your posts about our war that had nothing to do with religion.
2450-2400 BCE - Update 12

Prince Krauznaur​

A prince, there was once, in high esteem he felt himself. Heralding aloud, far across his great highland expanse, he, upon his ritualistic necessity, made grand sport of his visits. Unto him splendid feasts begun wherever he visited; greeted by his future subordinates, the local envisionaries, gregarious exchanges made lasting friendship. While in transit, his father and king, administered differently the city-state; spake he “behold: the court of Etass!” And there created he the posts of mayor, high priest, chancellor and steward of Etass.​
Holding the post mayor was Glossestaur. Jolly man, even without his wife, who did die unfortunately in child birth, Glossestaur called the near adultery which brought his second, bastard, son unto the world “sport”. Jolly: yes. He did plan his legitimate heir inherit his exalted office.​
The prince, birthed Krauznaur, merrily returned, an ambitious future awaiting him in the open realm of Etass. His father, ill, most fated, died knowing his son married and merry; and in grandiose coronation, before all the envisionaries, and in a massive feast followed by convivial orgies, the son did receive his titles…​

A hermit to Forman mercenaries en route towards Etass.​

“Ye’l find massive walls before you gat inta th’ valley. The hastiest passage is ‘long th’ east river. Boat yourself until ye reach’d a small town center’d bey an obelisk.”
The soldiers asked what distinguished this obelisk.
“Top it be the Aramy’n Sun River.”​

…Past the bell toll of Krauznaur’s wife, who did birth three fair daughters, Krauznaur’s health did surpass expectations. By the warrant of merriness alone how dost thee merit old age? Why this Fool too? The Fool Krauznaur appointed sat beside, a loyal dog to his master, while Krauznaur asked his daughters each, how much love they hath for him. To the first:​
“Which of you shall say thee love me most? Eldest-born, speak first” And the eldest-born spoke voluptuously of her father’s virtues. To the second:​
“What say our second daughter? Speak.”​
“She comes too short, I find myself felicitate in your dear highness’ love.” To the third:​
“Will the third be more opulent than thy sisters? Speak.”​
“Nothing, my lord.”
“Nothing will come of nothing, speak again.”
“I love thy majesty, according to my bond, nor more, nor less.”​
The third daughter, disowned and without a dowry, was then offered to the princes of far off lands. One of the Levant, one of old Aramya. Old Aramya, knowing no dowry, left. The noble of the Levant however, took the young third daughter as his wife. And elegantly, Krauznaur said: “Good riddance.”​

King Krauznaur depleted his titles, given out to his daughters, leaving himself retired to only his kingship; but he paraded with his mercenary band of Formans, interrupting his daughters houses. Without the power to enforce will, deprived of his revenue, retired and useless to his daughters, King Krauznaur, in rage, railed into the open wilderness with his jester.​
Meanwhile bastard son Borost of Glossestaur lied his father against his first son, and cheated the first son to find haven until Glossestaur was done with his angry fit against the son he was lied into believing wanted him dead.​
“Now gods, stand up for bastards!” So fearful did Borost make Edgaur, his brother and the legitimate heir, he believed he must escape, and solemnly, sadly, allowed himself sink to poverty and unimportance. He took up a new name, and hid among the poor in the countryside.​

Why he was most fated was here: In the fiery storm of the highlands, upon a hill, Krauznaur found the poor Edgaur, however did not recognize him for his nobleness. Glossestaur, following the king, met them both, informing of the growing feud between his daughters. The land was to be torn apart, but the king would not have any of it. Glossestaur therefore returned to confront the villains his son Borost invited him to meet, whereupon the steward, the king’s first daughter and her wife mauled poor Glossestaur. He was blinded, and saw he had been conned into hating his first son.​
Stumbling away, Glossestaur found his first son again, they reunited and travelled again to find the king and bring him to a foreign Levantine army approaching to restore the king’s rule in Etass.​
All met, and deeply sucking in his own pride, the king received forgiveness from his daughter, who was charged with the army. The battle was next, and then restoration of order.​

The Levantines lost the battle. Utilizing rapid deployment the sisters and their husbands sorely defeated the Levantine army. Captured were the king and his daughter, and sent off to execution by Borost. The chancellor, and husband of the second daughter, who could no longer bystand the turmoil, charged Borost with treason, and challenged him to fight any willing noble.​
Came forth Edgaur, concealed in bronze armour. Died there Borost, while the sisters died poisoning each other, the murderous first husband by battle wound, the king and his third daughter by execution which hadn’t been recalled, and the Fool, for his competence.​

The Nir-Aram line of succession for the first time in over 500 years had been demolished. The new dynasty emerged, with its patriarch, “Edgaur Glossest“.​

The hermit heard nothing.​
To: All Nations of the Faith((That I have contact with))
From: King Cunneda of Armorica
I have been reading the history of your religion and I see parallels with what is occurring now. What happened according to your own religion when the Red Faith was created? According to this, you joined together and destroyed them. I see the same thing happening now only you are helping the wound in your own faith to fester. I am but an infidel to your peoples but infidels can still read regardless of what they tell you.

Now, I'm going to defend my own religion from this festering wound in yours. If none of you can realize what is happening, sit back and stay neutral in this affair. We attempted to keep religion out of this but that is all the Buertgang will yell about. Therefore, We denounce the acts of the Buertgang and the schism they themselves have begun to form in your faith. We will remove the Buertgang invaders from Britannia no matter how many of you help them.

OOC: That is my view on your posts about our war that had nothing to do with religion.

The Red Faith was a splinter faction of the Valyrian people who were initially a part of the army; during the Winter Wars in the south, Valyria offered to sell a colony in Iberia to the Ctyrians, who wanted to buy it as a trading port in the far western reaches of the Valyrian Seas. The colony was left by the Valyrian army and the Ctyrians were expected to buy the colony and transfer the funds to the Valyrian Kingdom to fund the southern wars and provide more troops along a broad front as it was collapsing on both sides, but the Ctyrians did not pay. The grain and foodstuffs dried up very quickly, and many soldiers were forced to eat fallen enemies and comrades to survive and continue fighting, but even with the massive army that was amassed by the Duchy of Loyal Samnia and the Kingdom of Valyria, we were beaten back.

The Red Faith comprised no more than 5% of the population of the Valyrian Kingdom, but the Ctyrians blamed us about the creation of the Faith segment, when they offered to pay for food and more troops and withheld the money that they promised.

When the Valyrian people went to Vahlshallah though, the Red Faith stayed behind and brought most of the remaining Toras-North garrisons to their knees in the north, but they were for the most part destroyed during the Sack of Zirilia.

As a new embodiement of the Faith, we seek peace and we seek to make alliances and make sure that we can protect people that we trust, and that they can do likewise.
The Red Faith was a splinter faction of the Valyrian people who were initially a part of the army; during the Winter Wars in the south, Valyria offered to sell a colony in Iberia to the Ctyrians, who wanted to buy it as a trading port in the far western reaches of the Valyrian Seas. The colony was left by the Valyrian army and the Ctyrians were expected to buy the colony and transfer the funds to the Valyrian Kingdom to fund the southern wars and provide more troops along a broad front as it was collapsing on both sides, but the Ctyrians did not pay. The grain and foodstuffs dried up very quickly, and many soldiers were forced to eat fallen enemies and comrades to survive and continue fighting, but even with the massive army that was amassed by the Duchy of Loyal Samnia and the Kingdom of Valyria, we were beaten back.

The Red Faith comprised no more than 5% of the population of the Valyrian Kingdom, but the Ctyrians blamed us about the creation of the Faith segment, when they offered to pay for food and more troops and withheld the money that they promised.

When the Valyrian people went to Vahlshallah though, the Red Faith stayed behind and brought most of the remaining Toras-North garrisons to their knees in the north, but they were for the most part destroyed during the Sack of Zirilia.

As a new embodiement of the Faith, we seek peace and we seek to make alliances and make sure that we can protect people that we trust, and that they can do likewise.
I am fully aware of that and only pointing out that the Buertgang splinter is much much thicker.
Oh indeed, they are.

The conference starts in an hour, invitations are being sent out shortly to the social group.
Milarqui was not invited, my bad. Who does he control?

And why did Boundless get permabanned?
Ah, I see.

I'm inviting Milarqui as well, hang on.
I'm updating tomarrow, the first day of spring break. I must apologize for my benevolent neglect this past week, but stuff on my plate.
1) Write up two essays
2) Write, practice, and give a speech
3) Prepare for my AP testing
4) Run a meet, then do pushups for losing
5) Translate "De Bello Galli"

That said, I would like orders by Tuesday during the spring break, as I would be gone over the weekends for some family/friends time.

Things I still have to do over Spring Break for you guys.
MUST DO: Write up Order Guidelines
1) Write up the Religious Rules, Then Guidelines, Then Tips for the Scroll of Leaders
2) Write up Military Guidelines for the Scroll of Leaders
3) Consolidate the many questions and explaination into a FAQ
4) Present a Geographical Names map
5) Present a National Names Map
6) Present a Trade Routes Map
5) Translate "De Bello Galli"
The "Commentaries on the Gallic War"? That's a long work, if anything.

Things I still have to do over Spring Break for you guys.
MUST DO: Write up Order Guidelines
1) Write up the Religious Rules, Then Guidelines, Then Tips for the Scroll of Leaders
2) Write up Military Guidelines for the Scroll of Leaders
3) Consolidate the many questions and explaination into a FAQ
4) Present a Geographical Names map
5) Present a National Names Map
6) Present a Trade Routes Map

Lots of things to do.
I already sent my orders, BTW.
I'll be sending in my orders shortly.

The conference can't seem to get past our current deadlock as it currently stands with Beurtgang and Armorica.
After a strenous day of labor, I finally reached my very own NES with good news and bad news.

Good news: I am updating the front page right now and I just finished 2 Geographical Maps; 1 for Update Regions and 1 for Changed Geophraphic names.
Spoiler :

By lorddwarf at 2012-04-06

Spoiler :

By lorddwarf at 2012-04-06

I will post the stats with as many errors corrected as I remember, and then the story list.

Bad news: I'm going on an unexpected trip, so yeah... just send your orders ASAP, but deadline is indefinate. NPC Diplo is canceled for all, so sorry.
Sorry to hear that :(

Anyway, I can make some conclusions from the second map in particular, this should hopefully stimulate some discussion while Terrance is gone.

Empty circles exist around Lake Erie/Lake Ontario, the Mississippi Delta, the Yuctuan/Zapotec area, and Vietnam/South China. Future NPC/player slots?
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