The ACTUAL Civ4Realpolitik 1

as you said "This is also the Middle Ages, and people get themselves killed for all sorts of reasons all the time." and as i said that's fine. if there is a huge out cry at this i could reconsider but at the moment i don't consider this important. if someone was picking off all of your party or if someone is trying to destabilise the government they would definitely be jailed but seeing as the person targeted is already guilty of a crime and in jail (i.e of no real importance to anyone) i consider it to be a middle ages thing.

this is not a set matter and i am open suggestions from all sides on this matter.
Well if you ask could only be Lordnwahs6 or Red_Spy. They were the only ones online.

Yoshiegg accuses Lordnwahs6 for his assassination!

It is unhappy because there are too many hippies living in Paris.
Wrong thread, man :D
Red Spy, you are branded a heretic to the Lighthearterian Church. The L'Eglise de Lighthearter will never support the Red Dove Party.

While murder is always a sin, if you acted to save another, a judgment would not be upon your soul. Therefore I invite Dem Taqat to join the Church and accept its protection.

Shout to the North and the South!
Sing to the East and the West!
Lighthearter is savior to all!
Lord of Heaven and Earth!

as you said "This is also the Middle Ages, and people get themselves killed for all sorts of reasons all the time." and as i said that's fine. if there is a huge out cry at this i could reconsider but at the moment i don't consider this important. if someone was picking off all of your party or if someone is trying to destabilise the government they would definitely be jailed but seeing as the person targeted is already guilty of a crime and in jail (i.e of no real importance to anyone) i consider it to be a middle ages thing.

this is not a set matter and i am open suggestions from all sides on this matter.

Nobody knows who did the crime, thus nobody is guilty. DT was caught trying an assassination, and should therefore be put in jail.

My apologies, my son. This is a trying time and I fear I lost my temper.

Assassinations always reveal who did it. ALWAYS. The assassin gets up and makes an epic victory speech after the deed if nothing else. Redspy just wanted that note left instead of it being revealed in the thread.

Redspy assassinated the President of France, and such has offered his soul to Athers. Much atoning is in store for him.

We've been through fire
We've been through rain
We've been refound by the power of His name
We've fallen deeper, in love with You
You've burned the truth on our lips!

Assassination - Any player may order an assassination of another politician or of an NPC, but if the assassin is successful then evidence always surfaces that reveals who ordered the action. Tread lightly. These assassinations, if successful, will remove the target from play for one turnset if a PC or opposing Immortal, permanently if a true NPC. If a minister is Assassinated, he is removed from office for the duration of his injuries.

Although there is evidence, there is no definite proof about who did it.
Assassination - Any player may order an assassination of another politician or of an NPC, but if the assassin is successful then evidence always surfaces that reveals who ordered the action. Tread lightly. These assassinations, if successful, will remove the target from play for one turnset if a PC or opposing Immortal, permanently if a true NPC. If a minister is Assassinated, he is removed from office for the duration of his injuries.

Although there is evidence, there is no definite proof about who did it.

Need I say more?

OOC: Tambien may have changed it, but remember who exactly made this action. Unless he implicitly states that it's different then I assume it's my ruleset since he is using RP2 rules.


<Redspy poem, final line bolded>

The info ALWAYS surfaces on who did it, the Assassin simply requested that I put the note instead of his name. But if you are too thick to figure it out I will tell you.

And your confusion comes from..... where?

Dear Lighthearter! If these are our friends......

Oh, this will get interesting.

@LH- The evil spirit in Lighthearterism is Athers? How far he's fallen.
I hereby accept the offer to Join L'Eglise de Lighthearter.

Praise Lighthearter, he who protects us from the evil of Athers.

OOC: Why is it that whenever I join an RP I always get tempted to Religion?

RELIGION! :jesus:
You should join the House of Wittelsbach. We served admirably in the Counter-Revolution and have gained much prestige. Our seat is in Bavaria.

Wrong thread! Join FCF instead! We are recruiting members.
in line with the will of the church Red spy is jailed
Jail me? You have no evidence that I did it. One of the red coaltion could have thought the threat was real, and did it. All you are doing is giving people a matyr. Fine, I call a General Strike.
Can you do that from jail? cos we have pretty secure jails!
also, how to accept you lost election?
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