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The Empire or the Covenant?>

Empire or Covenant?

  • Empire

    Votes: 36 76.6%
  • Covenant

    Votes: 11 23.4%

  • Total voters
Still Mario of Italy on loan to the Mushroom Kingdom for me.
The "covenant"? Who/what are they? Is Halo actually a good game? It looked like standard FPS fare..

The empire wins hands down due to having a much better PR department :lol:
frob, you must have really been under a Video Gaming rock for the past 5 years.............

"Gee, that Goldeneye is really advanced with that 3-d and whatnot"

no offense intended lol, just wanted to pull that crack off
I had the first Halo. The AI was OK. The covenant also cunningly made all their spaceships look like you were wandering around the same corridor over and over and over and over and over and over again so it took a long time to get from one end to the other if you didn't leave a nice trail of dead bodies everywhere to follow. They also made the fatal mistake of having their super pwnage guys have a big weak spot on their back whereby you could kill them with 1 shot from the crappy pistol.
I actually named the Evil Empire of my own science fiction story the Covenant, because I sort of kind of got the initial idea from Halo; I used the name as a placeholder but have not yet come up with a better name.
frob, you must have really been under a Video Gaming rock for the past 5 years.............

"Gee, that Goldeneye is really advanced with that 3-d and whatnot"

no offense intended lol, just wanted to pull that crack off

Goldeneye is the only good FPS.
Nothing beats Doom II although I liked the more tactical battles of original Quake as well. Quake II sucked though.
I did like Halo, but Goldeneye was the first video game I ever played (well, second, but the first I played on a console my family owned) and it will always be first in my heart. Other than those two and Perfect Dark I have never played a FPS I really liked.
it really depends on taste in video games...

dont even debate over halo:

they are considered 2 of the top twenty games ever made
frob, you must have really been under a Video Gaming rock for the past 5 years.............
Well, no, I do play some new stuff like Civ IV and Supreme Commander, but I haven't played FPS stuff since Doom II (actually, I did try the first Half-Life once or twice).

I just don't get FPS games. You need to be a bunch of people to make them fun, and when you are a bunch of people you might as well put some music on, bring out the booze and have a party instead of sitting in front of little screens chasing powerups ;)

Nah, strategy games ftw :)
i agree that most strategy games are better than FPS and such but Halo is really the expception
It's pretty poor that 2 Halo's make it into someones list of the best 20 games ever made. The monotony of the levels I already mentioned I'm sure multiplayer is OK.

Neither made it into the top 20 games in this list:


Nintendo has the number 1 and 2 spots there. No-one comes close to Miyamoto except possibly Sid.

Jack Johnson???


  • jmfj.jpg
    15.5 KB · Views: 39
Halo 2 = Multiplayer

you have to have something massive shoved up your nose not to understand that one
i agree that most strategy games are better than FPS and such but Halo is really the expception

You talk like the end all be all expert in video games. You are not. Halo is really not a good FPS by any standards. Just the first one to really grasp the console players attention. PC FPS is the only way to go. Half Life 2 kills Halo.
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