The Generational-Linguistic Split

The reality is that the planet is dying
The planet is fine, the people are f-ed.

Srsly tho, how does global communism or whatever your prefered solution heal the biosphere/get us out of the anthropocene?

This is wack might be the 1st step to change but if its the last step nothing changes.
There are plenty of "successes" of people coming together to organize to accomplish some goal involving the distribution of resources based on some principle or principles other than ability to pay.
I enjoy this sort of thing (altho I also enjoy working w others or by myself for money but barter is more satisfying).

On a large scale tho things are more complicated
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And yet these systems shown incredible resilience and made their way to the top
Ussr never made it to the top and sure they had sole stellar achievements, so did the ancient Egyptians, the average soviet citizen's life was not so rosy. If they could live a western Europe or American life they would & they tried (and these were the top tier ones who tried whose lives were already better than 99.9% of their countrymen) and took great risks to do so.

As for China when you don't worry about stuff like basic human rights you can make economic progress a lil more quickly.
Well, by "advanced" I was referring to advances we've seen over time in tech, arts, science, and all the other improvements that have been made in overall prosperity and general welfare.

Well one could argue that science, art, and technology are all useless if only a select few of the population can use them (the rich 1%).
I don't mean this as a defense of the Soviet system but, like, hello? The main reason for Putin's rise to power was the collapse in the standard of living in Russia in the 1990s. One of the major reasons behind pro-Russian separatism in Ukraine is the sense that life was better under the Soviet state. None of this should be particularly controversial; whether life really was better under the Soviet Union is a different question.

This I can actually agree with. Doesn't matter if it's the best system, what matters is if the current system becomes more degenerate than the old people will clamor for it to return.
Well one could argue that science, art, and technology are all useless if only a select few of the population can use them (the rich 1%).
When has that happened?
This I can actually agree with. Doesn't matter if it's the best system, what matters is if the current system becomes more degenerate than the old people will clamor for it to return.

90's basically explain Putin's rise.

And in numerous threads I've expressed it's the economy you have to fix first and social stuff flows from that.b

Other way round economic problems means extremism rises and you're one revolution away from poo hitting the fan.
Renaissance? May not strictly be 1% bit upper crust only.
Art was often public in the form of frescos, sculptures and other art works in churches and public buildings. Technology was always pushed down to the craftsman level so it could be used. Rich folks often get the newest conveniences, but those work their way down over time.
the average soviet citizen's life was not so rosy.

idk, man. Judging from propagandists pamphlets, that was exactly the case. In the experience of my family: parents, grandparents, and other extended family, who lived through entire span of soviet era in remote and central locations, - the opposite was true. Free higher education, medicine. Government-paid leave twice a year. Things like youth clubs for modelling, photography, astronomy in every city. Free access to libraries. Prospects to get an elite job if you bust your ass. My dad came from a remote village to become aviation engineer without having any elite connections. There were other stories, ofc. Much like in US, Britain or Egypt, there are janitors and construction workers, who’s life, as you say, is not so rosy. And I would argue that soviet janitors’ life was a whole lot rosier than his British colleague’s, given multiple safety nets, also, importantly, prospects for his kids education and well being the central government guaranteed.

So yeah, I guess it depends who you mean, when you say average. If you mean higher order of musicians, politicians and factory managers - then indeed, their life was a lot less rosy when compared to luxuriousness of their western counterparts.
Art was often public in the form of frescos, sculptures and other art works in churches and public buildings. Technology was always pushed down to the craftsman level so it could be used. Rich folks often get the newest conveniences, but those work their way down over time.

In an ideal capitalist system. But what if the poors want the latest stuff HERE and NOW for social acceptance from their peers? Then there is no choice but for the poors to rise up in Marxist anguish!

Excessive consumerism at it's finest. Karl Marx doesn't even have to try! Human jealousy will serve the needs of the revolution just fine.

When has that happened?

The dystopian future where we are all eating Soylent Green (recycled human flesh wafers) and everything is cyberpunk (but grosser) as predicted as the ultimate end result of late stage capitalism according to current Marxist prophets.
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