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The Grand Banquet

Good evening, ladies and germs. (ba dum bum)

Sorry I'm late. I just flew in from Vallhal and boy are my arms tired! (ba dum bum)

<silence, occasionally puncuated by the chirping of a cricket>

Oooh. Tough crowd. Let's cut to the chase here.

<rips apart several pages of prepared speech>


Thank you, thank you. On behalf of the fair city of Vallhal I present Apolytonian bananas for everybody!

<riotous applause>

And kegs of beer and casks of mead as well.

<mad, riotous applause>

Since I've scrapped my speach and I've still got the podium, I'll take this time to start off the karaoke. This little number is called The Requiem of the Generals and is from way back - well before I became Chief Justice.

<points to the band>

Hit it boys!

(to the tune of "Spiderman")

Charis man, Charis man,
First General of our glorious land.
Starting small, thinking big.
Poked the Babs with a stick.
Look out! Here comes the Charis man.

Charis man, Charis man,
Goes to war like no one can.
Marshals troops, in a line.
Took America in no time.
Look out! Here comes the Charis man.

Falcon man, Falcon man,
He took over with a plan.
Over hills and through the pass,
Put a cap in Cleo’s a$$.
Look out! Here comes the Falcon man.

Falcon man, Falcon man,
Walks with swords in his hand.
Mighty armies in the woods,
Finally got us peace for good.
Look out! Here comes the Falcon man.

Charis man and Falcon man,
Did whatever Immortals can.
Are they wise? Look and see,
Vanquished all our enemies.
Look out! Here come the Phoenaticans.
Look out! Here come the Phoenaticaaaaaaaans!

<silence, occasionally puncuated by the chirping of a cricket>

Thank you! Thank you! Enjoy the party, folks!

<steps down from podium>

<massive, mad, riotous applause>
Originally posted by Raven1er
obviously the crowd was happy that he left =) no offense, justa joke
Yup. My wife has compared my singing voice to that of a chimpanzee with its toes being slammed in a car door. I'm not sure what that sounds like, but I bet it's bad. ;)
Your people are so festive, I'm impressed. :lol:
We're not used to celebration in Apolytonia, what with the coming war with the Americans. :shotgun:
And I just noticed how ridiculously superior you are to us concerning smilies. I mean, holy crap, you've got those little buggers doing everything, while we have yet to evolve past basic emotions. ;)
Anyway, in the spirit of the event, I have no choice but to join in the revelry. :beer:
Darn, I still wanted my Egyptian veggie platter :D.

Me and my fellow non-meat-eaters will have to go...

That is, once the beer is gone :D!

As mayor of Memphis and as the head of the UPSV, I extend my warmest hand to all future and friends of Asphinxians!

May the festivities continue! :lol:
OK! now it's gonna get good! :D I just recieved a little package I ordered from my aztec friends down south....10 cases of tequila!!![dance]
(it isn't a party without tequila)
Margaritas anyone??[dance]
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