The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread

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This is from an earlier version (when I force-Hindued myself as Khmer), but I wanted to point out the "Zoroastrian Male 0" thing at the top. I know that this is problem has been identified, but the only thing is, neither Korea or China are Zoroastrian. Neither of them have a single Zoroastrian city. I haven't experienced it since, but no one else mentioned it.
Seems to come from the time when Confucianism was used as Zoroastrianism, and I forgot to delete one text key.

From my marathon America... an odd south-east Asia. Is that how it normally looks nowadays? Also, notice the beautiful Middle East, South Africa, Argentina and Louisiana. Mmm... so good.
Usually not, Netherlands are not so culture-cramped, and the Thais and Khmer are not intended to exist side by side. I suppose the Thais respawned before they even spawned once, which shouldn't happen in my opinion.

Willem van Derp decides to not found Amsterdam, but instead live in my city of Stuttgart with all of his military. I'm looking foward to see that score remain 495 for the next 300+ years. Don't worry, I'll found it for myself soon enough.
Note the very prosperous China on the scoreboard. I'm very certain that they didn't collapse with that kind of score. Good job Genghis.
No Napoleonic Empire? For shame.

(Just kidding)

But if you took out the Corean vassal, the Mughals would have a higher score than China.
Their stability doesn't look that great anyway and is in my mind a more effective indicator of how a civ is doing than its score.
I suggested a Maintenance reduction and extra Keshiks for a Mongolia buff but I don't know if Leoreth has considered them/implemented them yet.
They already got additional Keshiks and usually do much better on average (don't know if the screenshot is from that version though).

Better maintenance and stability for Mongolia is still due.
No Napoleonic Empire? For shame.

(Just kidding)

Haha well that kind of empire is still in my intentions, right now I'm just raising my armies and wait to see who I'm going to go to war first. I'm on good terms with the Spanish and HRE now but I know that backstabbing is far too common in Europe.

But if you took out the Corean vassal, the Mughals would have a higher score than China.
Their stability doesn't look that great anyway and is in my mind a more effective indicator of how a civ is doing than its score.
I suggested a Maintenance reduction and extra Keshiks for a Mongolia buff but I don't know if Leoreth has considered them/implemented them yet.

It all comes down to the Mongols commiting to the invasion which they often don't, so the extra Keshiks may not be used for their intended target. The maintenance reduction may end up causing Mongolia to stay around more often but do little to increase probablity of an invasion.

They already got additional Keshiks and usually do much better on average (don't know if the screenshot is from that version though).

I'm playing on the version prior to the most recent update (I forgot too).
Here are some definite OMG moments from my latest game as the French:


Yoshiegg737 is playing the Greek AI.


Persia comes to the rescue!


The Mongols do attack Corea after all it seems.

Also, isn't respawned Ming not getting back Beijing technically a form of squatting?
(China is still alive in this screenshot, I'm just asking out of curiosity)
Yes, I already wanted to do something about that but forgot about it.
From my latest America 3000BC test-run.


Live Byzantium and Indian Constantinopolis.
Nothing short of amazing.


Mongolia holding onto everything like usual.
What is odd is that it appears that the Chinese didn't build any
city in Haojing/Guanzhou.


I love you, Inca.
They also settled São Paulo.
I have a game here with me playing as the Vikings on 3000bc start:

When I sailed down to the Mediterranean I found that the Romans were still going strong, Greece was doing amazingly and was master of Phonecia (not sure about spelling) and Egypt. Babylonia were just normal. A few hundred years later I made contact with Greece again and I just had to take a peek into world builder...

Greece has taken over Italy and are still masters of Phonecia and Egypt. Babylon have successfully fended off the Arabs.
Spoiler :

Skip ahead a few more turns and Greece have taken over Moscow.
Spoiler :

Next they have forced a Russian Collapse and taken over a few more cities, along with the Mongols who also take a city.
Spoiler :

This is a picture of the whole Greek Empire:
Spoiler :

I have never seen an AI Greek Empire that big, but I fear that with the spawn of the Turks immanent and the Italian rebirth they are going to collapse fairly soon.

that's one big Greek Empire.... how the hll did they manage that??

that's one big Greek Empire.... how the hll did they manage that??

I really don't know. Unfortunately they collapsed a few turns after the Turks spawned and Russia came back from the dead :( I was hoping to take their cities...
I really don't know. Unfortunately they collapsed a few turns after the Turks spawned and Russia came back from the dead :( I was hoping to take their cities...
The AI built a beautifully large Greek Empire! :drool:
My 3000BC America game:
Look at these vikings!


They control Russia


They control London and are masters of England


And finally, they control Mexico


That's a nice china!
I'll have some more pictures coming up, including arab Greece and southern Italy. Too bad the Vikings collapsed after I conquered Mexico and Germany, who built the Manhattan project in 1850, attacked them. Also for some reason, there is no Amsterdam, so that leads me to think that France or Germany killed the dutch
Also for some reason, there is no Amsterdam, so that leads me to think that France or Germany killed the dutch

but that means the AI razed a city.... the AI doesn't normally do that, do they? I've never seen it in any case...
but that means the AI razed a city.... the AI doesn't normally do that, do they? I've never seen it in any case...

Yeah, it's a mystery.. And also, random Russian city that germans controlled was named Der Haag; so apparently the dutch were there!
My guess is that the Dutch somehow didn't get a chance to found Amsterdam and got kicked out of Europe, founding their capital in Russia, which later got conquered by the Vikings. And talking about OMG moments...


Nice holy city sharing there.

Well, looks like the Vikings are on it again.
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