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The Reaction

...but he IS a communist who supports terrorism...
But there is! Especially since you think that fetuses are basically 'little children'. How one treats babies is part of this debate, since one side lumps babies into the debate.
So you're conceding that abortions are the killings of babies? If you aren't doing that, then your point is invalid.

On the other side, McCain supports embryonic stem cell research, just like Obama does. Hell, unlike Palin, McCain supports the right to abort in the case of rape: and probably wouldn't charge for the rape kit either.
I'm so tired of this point. Palin didn't make that policy, and as far as I can tell, it was never actually used. Palin is a horrible candidate, but this attack is rather lame.

I think either candidate is pretty good actually. America's coming into a mess, I've been saying it for a bit. I think that both McCain and Obama have some understanding of how to pull out of that mess.
Then you're more optimistic than I. I think McCain will be, at best, a slightly above average president. (And at worst, a truly awful one) And of course, since you know that I'm voting for McCain over Obama, you can probably infer my hopes for an Obama administration. ;)

Back to my original point. How significantly different is your life going to be under either of them, despite their stances on these issues? Really, not all that much.
Me personally? Not much. I'm not sure that's really a good measure of whether you should care, though - I mean to be perfectly honest, another ten million Africans dying of AIDS really doesn't impact my life on a daily level. Should I care, even so? Of course I should, and I should do everything I can to help them, despite the fact that doing so probably won't raise my quality of life at all.
I'm so tired of this point. Palin didn't make that policy, and as far as I can tell, it was never actually used. Palin is a horrible candidate, but this attack is rather lame.

??? It's neither lame nor an attack. McCain supports the woman's right to choose in the event of rape. Palin does not. She may not have created the policy, but she supports it. They also disagree on stem cell research. Even more extreme than Palin would be (say) the Pope, who believes that condoms are a sin.

So you're conceding that abortions are the killings of babies? If you aren't doing that, then your point is invalid.

??? Why play 'gotcha'? Why would I need to think that abortions kill babies to point out that there are people who'd approve of killing actual babies?

My point is that there are actual extreme ends of the way society treats babies/fetuses/embryos. McCain and Obama agree with each other much more than they disagree along this spectrum. 'Abortion' is only a small portion of this moral question.
??? It's neither lame nor an attack. McCain supports the woman's right to choose in the event of rape. Palin does not. She may not have created the policy, but she supports it. They also disagree on stem cell research. Even more extreme than Palin would be (say) the Pope, who believes that condoms are a sin.
I was referring to the rape kit thing.

And once again, you're dragging other issues in unnecessarily. The Pope doesn't think using condoms is wrong because their use kills human beings, the Pope thinks using condoms is wrong because it takes away the primary reason to have sex (in his view), that is, procreation. I disagree with that view pretty strenuously, but that has nothing to do with abortion.

??? Why play 'gotcha'? Why would I need to think that abortions kill babies to point out that there are people who'd approve of killing actual babies?
You need to think that abortions kill babies if you're going to lump the treatment of infants and abortion rights into the same argument. If you don't, then you can't do that, because you're discussing two entirely separate things.

My point is that there are actual extreme ends of the way society treats babies/fetuses/embryos. McCain and Obama agree with each other much more than they disagree along this spectrum. 'Abortion' is only a small portion of this moral question.
No, they don't. If we're looking at this as some sort of spectrum - say, a number like, from -10 to +10, with -10 being the most "liberal" and +10 being the most "conservative" - Obama would be about a -8, and McCain would be about a +5. I really don't care which you support or which view you think is right, but saying they're even close to each other on this issue is ludicrous.
You need to think that abortions kill babies if you're going to lump the treatment of infants and abortion rights into the same argument.

You do think of them the same way!

I agree with your spectrum, though I don't agree with the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' when it comes to abortion and the treatment of infants.
You do think of them the same way!

I agree with your spectrum, though I don't agree with the terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' when it comes to abortion and the treatment of infants.
Kind of, yes. But that doesn't translate to seeing this as a unified issue. You can't say people share similar views on abortion because they're against killing infants; that's like saying they have similar views on flag burning because they support freedom of speech on the internet. They're connected by an underlying issue or underlying right, but they aren't the same, and you can't say they are close to each other on one issue just because they're close on the other.

:crazyeye: So if you think Obama is far left on this issue, and McCain is moderately right wing, how can you say that they're fairly similar? A 13 pt gap on a 20 point scale isn't close.
This is stupid. Obama and McCain basically agree on 99% of the issues. But people hate each other for the 1% differences. Yuck.
This is politics. While I don't agree with these comments, some people like to run off with their mouths when it comes to politics yet often they don't mean anything by it. I know someone at work always chanting how much he hates Republicans yet no one takes him serious. He even admits he just running his mouth.
Remember that there have been leaders which supported and condoned the killing of infants! Compared to that, these guys are nearly twins.

There are people who want aborting women thrown in jail, who want raped women to be forced to bear children, who want frozen embryos preserved and the creation of new ones banned. There are extreme versions out there.

This is all beside the point: on hosts of issues, they're nearly the same. Hosts. My point was that to paint one or the other as 'evil' is just poisonous. Y'all deserve better.
My favourite: "Get a job!!!!!!!!"... because of course, people who hold up placards outside of a political rally must absolutely be unemployed (including of course, the guy with the sign that read "Workers for Obama"), whereas people walking into the rally must definitely be employed because that's a different thing entirely. :lol:
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