• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Release Sucks!!!!!!!

Add me to the list of very unhappy civ fans. Why did they have to put these damn cartoon 3d graphics onto the game we all love. I wonder just how many civ fans will be unable to play this game ?

I reckon they must be costing themselves tens of thousands of $ by stopping a large civ population from playing.
Moff Jerjerrod said:
I believe that the debacle that is Civ4 is just confirmation that the computer gaming industry is dead. They can't make a game anymore that works out of the box without any patches.

Consoles are the wave of the future. Most console games that are released are bug free. They have to be because you can't patch a cd,dvd, or cartridge.

I understand your disappointment but I disagree with you :

In the past 5 years (and also in DOS era!) I bought a lot of games without any noticeable bug !!! And all of them were perfect "out of the box" !

Note that there are a lot people unable to install the game (about 40% admit that the game does not run out of the box!)
I support this thread, and any related to it.. the game works for me, after a few minor driver changes... but that doesn't mean that the corporate heads in charge of the game's release date should be given any breaks

hell, civ 3 was one of the greatest games of all time, and civ 4 could be just as great... except many diehard fans are unable to play it, for no reason other than the fact that it was rushed to market, most likely because of Age of Empires III.... whatever the reason, a poor quality release is a poor quality release, regardless
Interesting is that I run the demo of AOE III here and it works, except that when it have too much elements in the screen it slows down, but is playable. I put it to play with minimum graphics, and it's graphics are better than Civ4.
I use a IGP card, and AOE III dont need T&L, I see all the terrain, units, etc. And well...in my country a Nvidia videocard is not that cheap...I'm only gonna to buy it if it is to play a better graphical game, like Total War for example.
I dont liked Civ4 anyways, the interface is very confusing, the leaderheads are cartoonish, the gameplay is incredibly slow, and yet we have the black terrain problem...sucks too much. Sorry for my friend that bought it and needed to test it in my machine, this game is a big, if not the worst, mistake in game industry nowadays.
I'm torn as to whether to return the game at the moment...

I've been hooked on Civ for the best part of a decade, from Civ2 on. When Civ3 came out I upgraded my machine in order to play it and didn't regret it one bit. It had one or two bugs when released but it was still great. When Conquests came out I took the day off work to pick it up and play it: that was £200 straight out of pocket but worth it!

So I've been eagerly anticpating Civ4 for a while now. Didn't take the time off this release as work is too busy for that at the moment but I made sure my g/f was in to sign for the pre-ordered copy from Amazon and cut out of work as early as possible this last Firday (UK relase date). I'd arranged for the g/f to be away for the weekend and was looking forward to being bleary and sleep depreived by now.

Having read various forums with US posters this last week I was anticipating a few problems but hey, I thought (fooling myself I think), there seem to be work arounds and if necessary I can chuck in some extra RAM or upgrade my video card. Then when I got it just won't run. It won't even ****ing load after installing. That's beyond poor, it's a bleeding joke.

I work as a test designer for smartphones and I occasionally surf relevant forums, where you come across posts on the lines of "xxx use us as beta testers, there's no way this phone was readying for the market" which makes me chuckle because I've seen and tested it at beta and if you think its beta you're deluded. Well, IMHO, Civ4 seems to be genuinely at beta quality. A significant number of people need to use work arounds, update drivers and kit ecetera. Some can't use it at all! Minor issues would be OK but these problems are mind boogling far ranging and intractable.

Someone, somewhere, needs a quick kick up the arse for this.

Anyway, rant over. I'm still torn on whether to return the game: it won't be any problem as in the UK we have statutory rights to return goods that do not perform in a satisfactory manner, EULA be damned. I feel I should return the game to make a point. But. But... I'll just end up buying it again in a few weeks when a half decent patch has been released. I'm hooked on Civ! If I wasn't, if any of my friends asked about I'd tell them to run a mile from this pile of, well, insert your own words.

I'm off down to the cellar now to find the install disks for Civ3 and Conquests. Might even pick up Civ2, it's down there and a lot of fun.

Maybe even CtP... nah, perhaps not!
yeah,well,carry on with civIIIconquest...it's a bug free,plays lovely and on this forum you have many beautifull mods that will keep you ocuppied for enough time until these money-grabbing give us the FINISHED game...no more betas,please...
...but I can see it allready,in about five or six months well probably have a
CivIV-Ruler of the World or something like that expan. for ONLY 69.99$ that will going to fix problems...and enhance gameplay...hahaha
anyhow...going to play my conq. now....
Moderator Action: Language - warned.
While the game looks awesome, making it require such an advanced and expensive graphics card was bullcrap, what about us poor people in the middle class? Even with it it doesn't work. If they're not trying to fix this issue, I will be mildly upset.

Maybe they can just make the graphics less advanced, therefore not requiring such a snappy card.
I have to agree with most of what this post has to say.
This version should never have been released this seems to happen when games are rushed out for the christmas market.
I have the UK DVD version and had the same problems as the other uk dvd owners IE:my drive wouldnt detect the disk.
However there is a fix for this that makes the safedisk 4 protection completely laughable.
I wont go into detail but once again the people in this world that pay nothing for there gaming experience get a better deal than the honest people that buy the game.
These copy protections are supposed to prevent software companies losing money to pirated versions but all they do is make life more difficult for the end user that actually bought the product.
That aside my issue with the game remains. The list of bugs is seemingly endless.
I hope now for a patch that at least makes the game playable and wish that these people learn from mistakes and DO NOT RELEASE A GAME CLEARLY UNFINNISHED JUST TO CATCH THE CHRISTMAS MARKET.
My 10 cent's. :nuke:
Pirets have never been stopped by Copy Protections. The only people who are hurt by them are people who want to make backups of their own games or run into errors caused py said protection.

The only copy protection that has slowed down pirates has been Star Force 3.x, but that casues so many problems for legal users that most companies don't dare use it. And even that has been hacked now.
We're forgetting about the gameplay element of Civ IV which is a part of the $50 pricetag. Presently, there are technical issues to be addressed and hopefully they will be resolved. However, I do have to agree with other members who have posted about problems such as minimum requirements, beta testers, lack of technical support, and poor distribution.

Once we get past the troubleshooting and THE PATCH, let's concern ourselves with gameplay.
Consoles are the wave of the future. Most console games that are released are bug free. They have to be because you can't patch a cd,dvd, or cartridge.

You'd be stupid to believe that consoles games will never require patchs now or in the future. The only reason why console games didnt have patchs in the traditional sense until now is there wasn't anyway to release a patch to wide number of people and nothing really with enough space to store patchs BUT patchs have existed in consoles in different forms (bugs found on primary releases of the games are now found fixed on later releases). But now that consoles have both network connections and sizable storage (HDDs, memory cards with large amount of memory) you can sure as hell expect to see patchs for consoles alot more often, heck i've heard of atleast 1 XBox game which had a patch released for it over XBox Live.

The problem with games today isn't that game developers don't care, it's that publishers don't care. Us developers will ask for a year to finish something and the publishers willonly give us half that time or face massive late penaties. They know that they can release a half finished product now and start getting money for it now and fix any problems later (part of this problem is also the consumer who wants everything now, look at what happened with HL-2. It got pushed back god knows how many times and each time it got pushed back gamers were on boards sort of like how all of you are screaming the end of world because the game was pushed back).

(sending error reports and trying to fix bugs is not my job)

yeah i can see it now:

You: I have a problem with my game and want to know how to fix.

CS: Ok, what's your error and what kind of computer are you running?


Honestly, how do you expect them to create a patch and fix the problem if you don't tell them what kind of problem your experiencing in the first place? If you don't tell them what the problem is then the developer will assume there is no problem and not take the time to make a patch. As well, a patch can't be magically created a day or even a week after the problem is first reported (atleast for more advance problems, small problems are usually fixed quite easily). They have to recreate the problem, isolate the part of the code (sometimes right down to an exact word/variable), then find out why that one part of the code is causing the problem it is causing, find a way to fix and then test to make sure the fix didn't break anything and if it did break something you gotta go back and try something else.
Hey, console machines have the same hardware in each and every unit. That's why they don't have problems.
Do these problems really need to be reported to the devs? They seem so extremely obvious that we shouldn't have to report them. It seems like two out of three people have the same problems. I find it EXTREMELY difficult to imagine a dev reading an error report and saying "Wow, we had no idea."

Here's how they should test it:

1. Play it on one machine. Hmm, no problems.
2. Play it on another machine. Hmm, no game.
big mazy said:
yeah,well,carry on with civIIIconquest...it's a bug free,plays lovely and on this forum you have many beautifull mods that will keep you ocuppied for enough time until these money-grabbing f***es give us the FINISHED game...no more betas,please...
...but I can see it allready,in about five or six months well probably have a
CivIV-Ruler of the World or something like that expan. for ONLY 69.99$ that will going to fix problems...and enhance gameplay...hahaha
anyhow...going to play my conq. now....

Yes I'm playing the new mod Anno Domini, very good. Civ3 is better than Civ4, because when Civ3 cames out, was not too much full of bugs like Civ4 now. And the interface of Civ4 is horrible. "Intuitive", they say. Instead of putting the research progress in some corner of the screen, now is on the top of the screen, and that big bar...And the city screen? Bah! Even if they correct the bugs, will not be better than Civ3.

Civ3 is better than Civ4! Dont need T&L to play! No graphical gayness! Easy to load, easy to play!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazyeye:
"OMG worst release evar!1!!1!"... no. It isn't. It was disappointingly sloppy for a high-profile release, I fully agree, but there have definitely been worse. One of the primary differences is that this game is actually worth waiting for them to fix, if you have the patience. There's supposed to be a patch out this week. Let's see what it does.

And for God's sake people, if you're really that put out by it, then make a stink to the store you bought it at or the publisher directly and get it returned. Everybody acts like the developers shot their dog or something - making games is a labor of love, you don't do it to get rich or famous. They worked very hard on a game that ended up being forced to rush to release. That's a damn shame, but they're working to fix it. Stop taking it so personally that they didn't foresee the problems you're having, or couldn't prevent them in time. :mischief:
Ravenlock - I agree. This game is worth the wait. It would have been well worth the wait until it was finished. It will probably be one of the best I've played in my 20+ years of gaming.

I guess I'm just bitter and selfish because I expect much more from a game with the name Sid Meier attached to it. This experience has been utterly shocking.

It's kind of like seeing De Niro's name attached to Analyze That, or Showtime, or Rocky and Bullwinkle, or Great Expectations, or...Wait, nevermind. Bad comparison.
-----That about says it all..... but, half-baked also comes to mind. Any half decently managed software company should at least be able to get a patch in place by the time the software hits the shelves.

WHERE'S MY PATCH!?!-----------------------------------------------------

My Reply: And How!
game sucks, patch won't come out until the expansion so they can soak you for another 50 plus. Sid has lost many many fans. take2=2 releases to get it right. So wait for the second patch after the expansion. Then it may work.
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