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The Ultimate Map Thread

Your map. You say "it's only Europe" but I don't see anything in Europe.

The map that I have been talking about since the beginning of the page only contains Europe, but I haven't posted it because it's horrible and pixellated and I made it several years ago.

Kraznaya, I don't know where you're getting that from. I never said I was twelve two years ago, did I? Twelve was a rough guess anyway.
But I didn't say I made the map that I posted when I was twelve! I seem to be confusing people.

There are four maps that I have mentioned on this page:
1) The one I haven't posted that I made, actually, probably when thirteen or fourteen not twelve at all and that doesn't use the northern style map, or anything nearly as good, which is why it looks horrible; this map is of Europe in 1618;
2) The guess the PoD map that I made last week that no-one seems to care about :(;
3) The risk map that I turned into a monochrome bitmap;
4) The map showing the Spanish, Portuguese, Ming, and Moghul Empires in 1600, which I made for civver's use earlier today.
Smaller, simpler, earth map is needed (thinking old North map, 35% size)
This map borrowed from update year 1947 in the short-lived but glorious Back to Our Roots. Maybe this might work for you, Abaddon?

if you could shrink it considerably?
if you could shrink it considerably?

It doesn't want to let me. I'm going to *try* to find the original this was used from.

EDIT: I am not having much luck. I have gone back to the very first map thread, and it appears this map was a standby when NESing was young. I will keep hunting, however.
Hmm. Some early NES must have a map.

I want a very basic earth map, about screen size..
Thanks Spryllino the Spanish colonies and China especially were very helpful.

However, I have to ask if there were any major changes between 1600 and 1618 as far as the Americas go?
The map of the colonies was from 1600. The map that I didn't post was from 1618.
How many fantasy NES are there out there that have died prematurely?
Request: The political borders imposed over that generic gray world map from the beginning of each scenario of Victoria.
copy+ paste one of those in the first post of this thread into MSPaint.
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