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The Ultimate Map Thread

@Crezth: I'll try later, but I'm busy as crap these next two weeks.

Thank you. The notion itself means a lot. I'll pick Matt or Daft's brain in the meanwhile for whatever else they had in mind during the making of the map.

Now, then.

@Matt: Is there anything else you can tell me about your map (w/ sea currents) that isn't explicitly stated?
Looks fine to me in terms of coastlines, except the central southeastern island, which looks like someone took a straight line and wrapped it around a central bay. Maybe shorten the bay and make the overall shape look less like a parallelogram?

Thanks mate. I'll post an updated one sometime in the future.
Thank you. The notion itself means a lot. I'll pick Matt or Daft's brain in the meanwhile for whatever else they had in mind during the making of the map.

Now, then.

@Matt: Is there anything else you can tell me about your map (w/ sea currents) that isn't explicitly stated?

Here's the other maps I have. Not alot really.
Spoiler Blank Game Map :

Spoiler Climate Map :

a hex map.
the natural look
Spoiler :

the hex look
Spoiler :
Spoiler :
yes... well... sort of.
If anyone with a decent knowledge of the time period could look at this map and tell me whether it is an okay representation of the world in 1802, that would be great. My main source was Wiki, so it may not be that accurate in some parts. Be aware that I took some liberties in making it, mainly in the German states, where I either combined small states or made up the borders a bit. And sorry its a bit small and distorted.

That looks correct to me.
Are you sure Poland is right? And it might simply be too small to tell, but shouldn't Russia have settlements in Alaska as well?

I also realize this area was shaky at this time, but I'm not a big fan of simply using modern Kazakhstan as Russia's south-central border.
Superficially, Europe looks rightish, given those caveats you mentioned. But messy as all hell. You probably should've based it on one of the preexisting Europe historical maps, that'd fix the Franco-Spanish border at least. The Russia-Central Asian line of control is a bit off too - did you just use the modern Kazakh border?
What the hell is that in the Caucasus supposed to be? By this point the region should be divided between Turkey, Persia, Russia and possibly some de facto autonomous tribal regions. No native megastate here. A slice of on-map Swedish Karelia was Russian since Peter I and before Alexander I created the Grand Duchy of Finland and put it there. Alaska has already been mentioned, and ofcourse you could always add Mosquito Coast. Morocco looks silly. So do the Three Khanates of Central Asia, especially the one that looks like modern Kyrgyzia.
Does anyone have any good maps of the continental United States?
Nederlands-Indië are well, not particularly good. The enclave on Kalimantan is much to large, it should be smaller centered hard east in its present borders. Eastern Java is much to large, and it shouldn't meet up with the northern part yet, similarly it shouldn't include the far eastern protuberance that sticks out of Java. The northern part is fine. I'm awry about the extent of Western Java, I know Wiki says it was that big, but my maps are saying it wasn't. Probably because my maps are more interested in actual control. Both of the Sumateran enclaves are to big as well on the mainland furthermore the Eastern one should include Bangka island.
If anyone has a accurate map of 1802, or at least parts of the world, that would be great. I realize the map above is inaccurate in some places. As I said, I had to use Wiki a lot, and of course that's not exactly the best source.

It is hard to see on that map, since I need to make it clearer, but Russia does have settlements in Alaska, but their not that big.

What the @#!*% is that in the Caucasus supposed to be? By this point the region should be divided between Turkey, Persia, Russia and possibly some de facto autonomous tribal regions. No native megastate here. A slice of on-map Swedish Karelia was Russian since Peter I and before Alexander I created the Grand Duchy of Finland and put it there. Alaska has already been mentioned, and of course you could always add Mosquito Coast. Morocco looks silly. So do the Three Khanates of Central Asia, especially the one that looks like modern Kyrgyzia.

In Caucasus, it was meant to represent a multitude of smaller khanates, under the direction of Persia. However, they are way off, as I couldn't find any good maps of them. I'll fix the Mosquito Coast, and again in Central Asia, I couldn't find much in terms of exact borders.
Nederlands-Indië are well, not particularly good. The enclave on Kalimantan is much to large, it should be smaller centered hard east in its present borders. Eastern Java is much to large, and it shouldn't meet up with the northern part yet, similarly it shouldn't include the far eastern protuberance that sticks out of Java. The northern part is fine. I'm awry about the extent of Western Java, I know Wiki says it was that big, but my maps are saying it wasn't. Probably because my maps are more interested in actual control. Both of the Sumateran enclaves are to big as well on the mainland furthermore the Eastern one should include Bangka island.

If you could post those maps, or at least a link to somewhere with more accurate ones in the area, that would be great.
did you just use the modern Kazakh border?


Do you have a description or map of a more accurate border?
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