The Very-Many-Questions-Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread Thread XLIII

My landlord has been saying for years that he wants to replace my old fridge, but it hasn't happened and it's progressively getting uglier and uglier. Really, the entire door should be replaced, but I doubt there are any still laying about for the model, and for the price it would likely cost, I might be able to get an entirely new (used) fridge.

Anyway, the door has a lot of rust on the exterior. It's ugly. I know that it is possible to remove this rust and repaint the door, but the specifics of how to do that escape me. I get the general idea of sanding it down with sandpaper, but which grit? And how do I know if I've gone "too far"? And then when I paint it, what kind of paint? Surely not ordinary paint. Would it be better to just put some vinyl on top of it instead and call it a day? As cheap and as easy as possible are my goals here, as I doubt the fridge will live another couple years and I don't want to invest a lot of energy into this. I'm just tired of how ugly it looks.

There are products which kill rust. Sort of. One is called naval jelly. You could use some of that, and some 100 grit sandpaper to clean up the rust areas. And then just paint it with Rustoleum. Probably won't look great, but that's your low cost solution. Might look better if you did the roll on, not sure. But the spray on might be easier and cheaper.
There are products which kill rust. Sort of. One is called naval jelly. You could use some of that, and some 100 grit sandpaper to clean up the rust areas. And then just paint it with Rustoleum. Probably won't look great, but that's your low cost solution. Might look better if you did the roll on, not sure. But the spray on might be easier and cheaper.
The naval jelly seems exorbitant here, but the rest seems doable for under $60. I might do this sometime in the next couple months. I can't imagine it would look any worse than the current get-up. Thank you!
I'm reading the Wikipedia article on the serial killer John Wayne Gacy:
Investigators conducted a formal interview of Rossi on December 17. He informed them Gacy had sold him Szyc's vehicle, explaining that he had bought the car from Szyc because he needed money to move to California. A further examination of Gacy's Oldsmobile revealed a small cluster of fibers in the trunk, suspected to be human hair. That evening, three trained search dogs were used to determine whether Piest had been present in any of Gacy's vehicles. One laid on the passenger seat of Gacy's Oldsmobile in what the dog's handler informed investigators was a "death reaction", indicating Piest's body had been present.

Is this something search dogs do? I've never heard of it before (though admittedly I don't know much about police work)
What sport earbuds would you recommend? ANC is mandatory. Also nice if the earbuds stay in the ear during exercise without too much fumbling. Experience not Google, I can do that by myself.
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